
Listen to each question. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1 a to show how big data can be useful for travelers
b to warn about the dangers of big data
c to explain how big data is collected and used
d to analyze the effects of big data on the economy
2 a banks
b insurance companies
c police
d Internet providers
3 a creating images and sound
b converting information into byte streams
c collecting data from many sources
d storing large amounts of data
4 a that the amount of data collection is increasing very quickly
b that we will soon need more computers to store the data
c that there is too much data being collected
d that we need better ways to analyze the data
5 a by analyzing the reading habits of thousands of people
b by collecting data stored on the speaker’s tablet
c by asking the speaker which news stories he wants to see
d by showing the most recent news stories first / 6 a by providing him with a list of interesting
places to visit
b by finding a cheap flight and hotel
c by analyzing airports and flight delays
d by giving a weather forecast for his trip
7 a to illustrate how big data is part of our everyday lives
b to show that our personal data is not protected
c to give an example of problems caused by data collection
d to explain how big data can help people find inexpensive flights and hotels
8 a Everything we do leaves a trail of data.
b Most people are not able to organize
their data.
c Credit card companies sell data about their customers.
d People don’t understand how their data
is used.
9 a They make up false data.
b They protect our personal information.
c They use big data to commit crimes.
d They collect data about our personal lives.
10 a The use of big data has benefits as well as dangers.
b The dangers of big data are greater than the benefits.
c Collecting data on people does not cause any problems.
d Big data collection will become safer in
the future.

Unit Test | 1