Open Arts

Referral form Creative groups for people with mental health needs and carers in south Essex

Please complete all information below in order to process this application. If fields are incomplete the form will be returned.

Name of referrer (if self-referring put ‘self’):………………………..…………

Referrers email (if not ‘self’): …………………………….…………………….

Date of referral:………………………………

What courses are you interested in? (Please mark box)

Fine Art (drawing, painting, sculpture) □ Photography □ Film□ Drama□

Dance & Movement □ Creative Writing & Poetry□ Music/Percussion □ Digital art □

Open Arts run courses across south Essex. What area/s can you travel to? (Please mark box)

Brentwood□ Basildon□ Southend□ Thurrock□ Rochford□ Rayleigh□ Hadleigh□

Name …………………………………………………………………………………………………………


……………………………………………………… Postcode ………………………………………...

Telephone number……………………………………………………………………………………..


Emergency contact details……………………………………………………………………….


SEPT Care Co-ordinator name and contact details




Is there any other relevant information you feel would be useful to us? e.g. access/learning/health needs




How did you find out about Open Arts?



Please answer the following questions so that we can monitor that our service is meeting the needs of the whole community. The answers you give are entirely confidential.

My age group is:(Please mark box) 16-24□ 25-64□ 65+ □

How would you describe your ethnicity?

□English / Scottish / Welsh / Northern Irish / UK □Irish □Gypsy or Irish traveller □Any other white background □Mixed ethnic background □Indian

□Pakistani □Bangladeshi □Chinese □Any other Asian background

□African □Caribbean □Any other black / African / Caribbean

□Arab □Other

Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes □ No □

Do you consider yourself a carer? Yes □ No□

What is your religion or belief?

□No religion □Christian □Buddhist □Hindu

□Jewish □Muslim □Sikh □other religion

How would you describe your sexuality?

□Heterosexual □Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual □Prefer not to say

Thank you for filling in this form.

Please return it either by email or by post to Open Arts, The Art house, next to Hadleigh Old Fire Station, High Street, Hadleigh, Essex SS7 2PA

If you have any questions please call 07903 188 673. Thank you

Registered Charity number 1053793