Olympia de Pinto
West Orange School District
TOA Title:Porta Portese…A Day at the Flea Market
Theme:To Bargain or Not To Bargain
TOA Overview:
You are visiting with your host family in Rome. The family members have told you all about “bargaining” at the different open markets in Rome. You decide to visit Porta Portese, the largest market for new and used goods. Before you go, you listen to the song PortaPortese by Claudio Baglioni and you smile as you remember the time you listened to the song in your Italian class. Before going to the market, you will check for understanding by answering questions about the song and role- playing a bargaining scene. After your shopping spree, you write a letter to your Italian teacher telling him/her all about your experience at Porta Portese.
Olympia de Pinto
West Orange School District
Task Title:Porta Portese… A Day at the Flea Market
Theme:To Bargain or Not to Bargain
Level:Pre-advancedFocus Age Group: 15-18
National Standards Goals:Communications Cultures Connections Comparisons Communities
Communicative Mode:Interpretive
Time Frame: 40 minutes
Description of Task:
You are visiting with your host family in Rome. The family members have told you all about “bargaining” at the different open markets in Rome. You will visit Porta Portese, the largest market for new and used goods. Before you go, you listen to the song Porta Portese by Claudio Baglioni and you smile as you remember the time you listened to the song in your Italian class.
Materials Needed: CD player, lyrics to Porta Portese
Olympia de Pinto
West Orange School District
Name ______Date ______
I. Using information from the lyrics of the song, provide the main idea(s) of the song in English. ______
II. Circle the letter of each statement that accurately supports the main idea.
A. The market opens at noon.
B. The singer is at the market to buy himself a pair of pants.
C. The old lady has been working at Porta Portese for many years.
D. It is very crowded at the market.
E. The singer buys his girlfriend a surprise.
F. At the market they sell ripped jeans and fake paintings.
G. The singer sees his girlfriend at Porta Portese.
H. His girlfriend was at the market to buy a chicken.
III. Based on the lyrics of this song write what the following five words and/or expressions probably mean in English.
1. in licenza ______
2. capelloni ______
3. affolla ______
4. a gomitate ______
5. ci son cascato ______
IV. “Read between the lines” in order to answer, in English, the following questions:
1. Why did the singer go to the market? ______
2. What did he find at the market that he expected to find? ______
3. What did he find at the market that he didn’t expect to find? ______
V. Answer the following question in English (comparing cultural perspectives):
What did you learn about the Italian culture from this song? (Discuss 3 concepts)
Olympia de Pinto
West Orange School District
Pre-Advanced Interpretive Rubric
Porta Portese… A Day at the Flea Market
EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS / MEETS EXPECTATIONS / DOES NOT MEET EXPECTATIONSLiteral Comprehension / Identifies the main idea of the text and supporting details. / Identifies the main idea of the text and some supporting details. / Identifies the main idea of the text and a few supporting details.
Interpretive Comprehension / Infers meaning of unfamiliar words in new contexts.
Interprets the author’s intent, perspective and expresses his/her own perspective. / Infers meaning of some unfamiliar words in new contexts.
Interprets some of author’s intent, perspective and expresses some of his/her own perspectives. / Infers meaning of cognates and word families and a few unfamiliar words in new contexts.
Does not interpret author’s intent, perspective or express his/her own perspective.
Cultural Awareness / Is able to infer cultural perspectives. / Is able to infer some cultural perspectives. / Is able to infer few or no cultural perspectives.
Olympia de Pinto
West Orange School District
Task Title:Porta Portese… A Day at the Flea Market.
Theme:To Bargain or not to Bargain
Level:Pre-advancedFocus Age Group: 15-18
National Standards Goals:Communications Cultures Connections Comparisons Communities
Communicative Mode:Interpersonal
Time Frame: Five minutes per role play.
Description of Task:
Before you go shopping to show off your bargaining skills, role-play with your host family what you might hear or say at the market. Your teacher will take the role of a host family member.
Materials Needed: Information about the Porta Portese market and lyrics to Porta Portese.
Teacher Notes:
1. Students may work in pairs or small groups.
2. Allow students 5-10 minutes to re-read the lyrics to the song and the cultural information about the Porta Portese market.
Olympia de Pinto
West Orange School District
Pre-Advanced Interpersonal Rubric
Porta Portese…A Day at the Flea Market
EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS / MEETS EXPECTATIONS / DOES NOT MEET EXPECTATIONSLanguage Function / Describes in past, present and future with detail most of the time.
Is very accurate in present, past and future. / Narrates and describes some of the time in past, present and future.
Is most accurate in present tense and is less accurate when speaking in past and future. / Is most accurate in the present tense. Accuracy decreases significantly when speaking in past and future.
Communication Strategies / Starts, continues and/or redirects conversation and is able to clarify in many different ways.
Is able to circumlocute. / Starts and maintains conversation and sometimes is able to clarify.
Is able to circumlocute at times. / Can keep the conversation going and can ask and answer questions.
Is not able to circumlocute successfully.
Comprehensibility / Is easily understood by native speakers, even those unaccustomed to interacting with language learners. / There may be some confusion about the message but generally understood by those unaccustomed to working with language learners. / Generally understood by those used to interacting with language learners.
Text Type / Speaks in paragraphs and connected sentences. / Speaks in paragraphs sometimes, but mostly connected sentences. / Speaks in strings of sentences, some complex sentences
Vocabulary / Consistently uses an extensive vocabulary to complete the task / Uses an adequate vocabulary to complete the task / Uses vocabulary insufficient to complete the task.
Comprehension / Responses demonstrate understanding. / Responses demonstrate understanding most of the time. / Responses demonstrate occasional understanding.
Cultural Awareness / Consistently provides evidence of culturally appropriate language and gestures.
Demonstrates an understanding of culture through comments and questions. / Provides some evidence of culturally appropriate language and gestures.
Demonstrates some understanding of culture through comments and questions. / Provides little evidence of culturally appropriate language and gestures.
Demonstrates little understanding of culture
Olympia de Pinto
West Orange School District
Task Title:Porta Portese…A Day at the Flea Market
Theme:To Bargain or not to Bargain
Level:Pre-advancedFocus Age Group: 15-18
National Standards Goals:Communications Cultures Connections Comparisons Communities
Communicative Mode:Presentational
Time Frame: 40 minutes
Description of Task:
You are visiting with your host family in Rome. They have told you all about “bargaining” at the different open markets in Rome. You decide to visit Porta Portese, the largest market for new and used goods. Before you go, you listen to the song PortaPortese by Claudio Baglioni and you smile as you remember the time you listened to the song in your Italian class. After your shopping spree, you write a letter to your Italian teacher telling him/her all about your experience at Porta Portese. How was your experience the same or different from the song?
Materials Needed: Paper, pen or pencil, lyrics to Porta Portese.
Instead of a letter you may choose a rehearsed role play.
Student task: While you were out shopping, your host family video-taped you bargaining at Porta Portese. You make the tape a music video by adding the song Porta Portese. You will bring it back to your school to show your Italian class and the school at “Italian Night”.
Olympia de Pinto
West Orange School District
Pre-Advanced Presentational Rubric
Porta Portese…A Day at the Flea Market
Exceeds Expectations / Meets Expectations / Does Not Meet ExpectationsLanguage Function / Describes in past, present and future with detail most of the time.
Is very accurate in present, past and future. / Narrates and describes some of the time in past, present and future.
Is most accurate in present tense and is less accurate when speaking in past and future. / Is most accurate in the present tense. Accuracy decreases significantly when speaking in past and future.
Communication Strategies / Organizes presentation in a logical manner with some cohesive devices. Speaks/writes with fluency. Includes anecdotes and detailed examples. / Organizes presentation in a logical manner with few cohesive devices. Pauses a few times, disrupting the flow. / Focuses mostly on task completion; paying little attention to organization and flow of presentation.
Comprehensibility / Is easily understood by native speakers, even those unaccustomed to interacting with language learners. / There may be some confusion about the message but generally understood by those unaccustomed to working with language learners. / Generally understood by those used to interacting with language learners.
Text Type / Speaks/Writes in paragraphs and connected sentences. / Speaks/Writes in paragraphs sometimes, but mostly connected sentences. / Speaks/Writes in strings of sentences, some complex sentences.
Vocabulary / Consistently uses an extensive vocabulary to complete the task / Uses an adequate vocabulary to complete the task. / Uses vocabulary insufficient to complete the task.
Cultural Awareness / Consistently provides evidence of culturally appropriate language and gestures. / Provides some evidence of culturally appropriate language and gestures. / Provides little evidence of culturally appropriate language and gestures.