– Course Tracking Form
The Leader in You
Developing Competencies for the Future (w/ Core & Leadership assessment) / 4
Increasing Your Understanding of Self and Others
(w/ MBTI self-assessment) / 4
Reccommended courses from EWR (Optional)
Addressing Emotions at Work™ / 4
My Role, My Responsibility, My Performance Plan / 7
Managing Your Priorities™ / 4
Five Choices
(Formerly called Focus: Achieving Your Highest Priorities™) / 7
Courses from SU2S
Hallmarks of Supervisory Success ™ / 4
Clarifying Performance Expectations™ / 4
Facilitating Meetings (self-study workbook) / Self Paced
Supervising and Managing Critical Skills
Leadership and Respectful Workplace
Principles and Qualities of Genuine Leadership™ / 4
Managers, Supervisors and Diversity / 7
Building Positive Multi-Generational Workplaces / 4
Effective Relationships
Listening in a Hectic World™ / 4
Speaking to Influence Others™ / 4
Resolving Conflicts with Your Team™ / 4
Managing Conflict – T.K. Conflict Mode / 7
Coaching for Performance
Developing Others™ / 4
Giving Recognition™ / 4
Providing Constructive Feedback™ / 4
Creativity and Change
Taking Charge of Change
(Formerly Navigating Organizational Change) / 4
Creative Solutions to Workplace Challenges / 4
Problem Solving Results – Solutions, Improvements and Innovations™ / 14
Enhancing Team Productivity
Developing Team Agility – Day to Day tools™ / 4
Negotiating Resources for your Team™ / 4
Workload Management
Facilitating for Results™ / 14
Electives (must take 14hrs worth)
Project Management / 14
Discover Your Strengths / 7
Dealing Effectively with Conflict / 7
Communication Toolkit for Conflict Resolution / 7
Dealing with Difficult Conversations – for managers / 7
All courses must be completed (in any order) to receive the S4S certificate.
Once complete – please submit your final reflection paper to .
See below for more details on the paper.
Reflection paper requirements
Upon completion of all the courses pertaining to your certificate, we ask that you submit a reflection paper to summarize the following:
What you learned - reflect on the different courses taken and two or three points that were learned that were helpful or created an insight or gave you a new skill or confirmed that you were on the right track. Also any observations about how the content in the courses complimented each other (course to course)
How did you apply learning - tell about some ways you used the new skills or knowledge (ie. communication and creativity or managing conflict etc) or one particular set of skills. Tell a story of what you did and what happened and what was different/useful about using this learning
Application - conclude with your plans for application of the skills going forward. What is your intention for continued application of learning.
The paper should be 8-10 pages double spaced in 12 font.