SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL: Area Facilities Team



Rooms Required ()

Sports HallSquare Room

Half Hall

Date(s) of proposed use...... …

(At least 2 weeks notice please)

Times rooms required - From ...... To ...... Estimated

Attendance .....……

Times should include arrival, setting up and clearing up.

Purpose for which rooms are required ......

Please specify general age of group Children Teenagers Adults

Name of Organisation ......

Name and Address of ......

Applicant (age 21 or over)



Telephone Number (s) Home ...... Work ......


Name and Address of person ......

to whom invoice should be

sent if different from above......


Before signing the form, please read the conditions of hire printed overleaf.

Signed ...... Date ......

Please return to:Youth Club Bookings

North Entrance

Shropshire Council


Abbey Foregate


SY2 6NDTel: 01743 252895

Youth Centres

Letting Charges with effect from 1st April 2016

Charges below are for a session of up to 4 hours morning, afternoon or evening

9.00am up to 10.00pm

Sundorne Youth Centre:

Sports Hall:

Games Hall£25.42

Half hall space£15.60

Games Hall – Day Rate£140.00

Square Room:

Square Room£11.65


Please Note: Washing up liquid is not provided – please bring your own if you wish


Any use extending after 10pm will be charged at an additional 50% of the full appropriate rate for each hour or part hour

CANCELLATION: 24 hours’ notice must be given for all cancellations. Any cancellation received on the day of the room booking may incur an administration fee of 50% charge of the room booking cost


  • Three days notice of cancellation must be given in writing or the full charge will be payable.
  • The Council reserves the right to cancel any letting on one week’s notice subject to repayment of monies already paid, but no other liability shall be attached to the Council by virtue of the cancellation.
  • Hire periods include time for preparation and clearing away afterwards. It is essential that the times of entry and departure are strictly observed.
  • Charges are reviewed annually. The rates confirmed on receipt of application are correct at today’s date. Should they be amended then organisations will be charged the rate in force on the date they use the premises. Prior notice of any changes will be given.
  • Commercial groups shall be charged at a higher rate (details available on request). Playgroups shall be charged the standard rate unless shown to be commercial ventures.
  • Subletting is prohibited.
  • All hirers must provide proof that they have public liability insurance cover to indemnify the Council against loss or injury arising from the booking. Insurance is available through the Council’s insurers for short duration or single bookings at a cost of 12% of the overall booking charge.
  • The hirer shall be held responsible for the security of the premises for the full period of the letting if using the building without staff.
  • Hirers will be held responsible for making good any damage done to the premises furniture or equipment.
  • As there is no access to a landline at the centre a mobile phone should be provided by the hirer in case of emergencies.
  • A safety certificate confirming that portable electrical appliances have been tested must be provided for any electrical equipment brought onto the premises.
  • Hirers are responsible for undertaking risk assessments for their activity.
  • Hirers are responsible for providing a first aid trained leader and first aid equipment.
  • Smoking is not permitted on the premises or within 15 metres of the premise
  • Gambling and alcoholic drinks are not allowed on the premises
  • The Council retains the right to seek information concerning businesses and individuals from a credit reference agency.
  • Data Protection Notice: Shropshire Council will use the information that you provide on this booking form for tracing, the prevention of fraud and the recovery of debt. The information will only be disclosed to third parties where necessary for this purpose.
  • A full list of hiring conditions is available upon request.


Please read the below pints carefully and share this information with your group as appropriate

  • Fire Evacuation – In the event of a building evacuation you are responsible for ensuring that all members of your group safely exit the building and gather at the assembly point. Instructions and directions are within the building
  • First Aid - All groups are responsible for their own 1st aid arrangements
  • Risk Assessment – As a statutory legal requirement all groups should have completed risk assessments for all activities they undertake. Copies of these assessment may be required for Council records
  • Insurance – All hirers must have public liability insurance with a minimum cover of £5m. For small groups and one off bookings it is possible to buy into the Council’s insurance. The cost is an additional 12% on the booking fee.Further details can be supplied on request
  • Electrical equipment – Any electrical equipment brought in must have a current PAT test. Please inform us if you intend to bring any equipment in and we will forward the required form to confirm all PAT tests are in place.

Finally, thank you for your co-operation. We realise that health and safety is time consuming but a necessity. If the proper procedures are put in place, then each group has a strong backup in the event of any incident or accident at Sundorne Youth Centre.

Please do not hesitate to contact Simon Maceachen, Area Facilities Officer 01743 252896or North Entrance Booking Team on 01743 252895 if you need any advice or help with the health and safety of your group.