Middlefield Board of Selectmen
Regular Meeting
August 16, 2016
1. Call to Order
Ed Bailey called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Present was Ed Bailey, Taryn Ruffino and Jon Brayshaw.
2. Public Comment
No comment
3. Approval of Agenda
A motion was made by Ed Bailey to approve the agenda as written with the addition of the acknowledgement of the passing of Stan Atwell and the Preposed Reorganization of Metropolitan Planning Organizations and Planning Areas. This motion was seconded by Jon Brayshaw and approved by all voting members.
4. Approval of Minutes of the July 19th and August 2nd Meetings
Ed Bailey tabled the approval of the minutes to the next meeting
5. Old Business
· Salary Study – Update
Ed Bailey explained that he met with the Board of Finance last week to discuss the salary study. Mr. Bailey stated that he will be meeting with Chairman of the Board of Finance, Bob Yamartino this week to go over the numbers. Ed Bailey explained that any party affected by the salary study will be made aware before they go forward with the Board of Finance.
· Rainbow Springs Water System – Update
Ed Bailey explained that the last communication the Board of Selectmen received from PURA was back in May and they have not heard anything new. Mr. Bailey gave a brief description on the matter to the public members at the meeting.
· Community Center Use Policy – Update
Ed Bailey explained that the Community Center Use Policy is still under construction and they will discuss the matter during the next meeting.
· I.C.E Grant Award
Ed Bailey stated that the towns did receive the I.C.E Grant Award in the amount of $375,000.00 dollars. Mr. Bailey explained that, unfortunately, they are unsure of wether or not this grant will go forward in future years. Mr. Bailey stated that, from his understanding, the I.C.E Grant Program has not been funded for the upcoming fiscal year.
6. New Business
· Plan of Conservation and Development
Ed Bailey explained that once every ten years the town needs to update the Plan of Conservation and Development and the work is done by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The town is ahead of this by two years and the update is not due until 2018. Mr. Bailey went through the Plan of Conservation and Development draft with the members. Mr. Bailey explained that the Planning and Zoning Commission has a process that they must go through to adopt the draft. As a part of the process, the draft is given over to the Board of Selectmen and the Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments to make comments or recommendations. Mr. Bailey explained that he had the privilege of working on the draft and he wrote “Public Water Supplies” under Section 3, “Public Utilities” under Section 7 and Section 9. Planning and Zoning would like to act on this matter within a 65 day period. Members agreed to ask Middlefield Town Planner Geoff Colegrove to attend an upcoming Board of Selectmen meeting to discuss the Plan of Conservation and Development draft.
· Park and Recreation Director Appointment – Hannah Malcolm
Ed Bailey stated that he was pleased to announce that Hannah Malcolm has been appointed Park and Recreation Director. Mr. Bailey explained that he involved the Park and Recreation Commission in the process of interviewing the three final candidates.
Mr. Bailey stated that the lifeguard program has finished up at the beach and he would like to try to put more resources in the budget next year to have lifeguards at the beach possibly seven days a week or at least throughout the end of June and the end of Labor Day.
· Paper Shredding Event – Saturday, August 27th 9-12
Ed Bailey explained that there will be a paper shredding event held on Saturday, August 27th from 9-12 at the Middlefield Community Center sponsored by the Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments.
· Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day – Saturday, September 17th from 9-1 at the Middlesex Community College – 100 Training Hill Road, Middletown.
· Prescription Drug Program Report
Ed Bailey explained that the town has been doing a Prescription Drug Program Report since November of 2013. The reports come in every month and there was some usage in 2014 but it seems to have tapered off. Ed Bailey explained that the prescription discount card can also be for Veterinarian use for pets requiring prescriptions.
· Tax Refunds
Ed Bailey read the tax refunds into the record (as attached).
A motion was made by Ed Bailey to approve the tax refunds as submitted by the Tax Collector. This motion was seconded by Taryn Ruffino and approved by all voting members.
· Acknowledgement of the passing of Stan Atwell
Ed Bailey explained that Stan Atwell passed away after 61 years of service on the Middlefield Volunteer Fire Department. Mr. Bailey described Stan Atwell as the “pillar” of the town as he was always there for emergencies, fires, etc. and his numerous duties as Fire Marshall. Mr. Bailey stated that the Board of Selectmen would like to show acknowledgement to his family with a proclamation which he will prepare for the next meeting.
· Preposed Reorganization of Metropolitan Planning Organizations and Planning Areas
Ed Bailey explained that several years ago the town belonged to the Midstate Regional Planning Agency in Middletown. The agency provides traffic planning and regional planning services to all the towns. Mr. Bailey explained that approximately four years ago the State of Connecticut wanted to reduce the number of regional planning authorities. Mr. Bailey explained that, thanks to Jon Brayshaw's guidance, he was able to involve Middlefield in a regional planning authority which is now called the Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments and includes 17 different towns. Mr. Bailey explained that they typically meet once a month at the office in Essex. The planning authority is a resource and a benefit for the town for transportation projects, etc. Mr. Bailey explained that the Department of Transportation on a federal level is looking into changing
the planning organizations to large metropolitan census areas and Middlefield would become part of New Haven. Mr. Bailey explained that letters have been sent out to federal administrators and they are trying to get the Department of Transportation on a federal level to back off on these regulations. Mr. Bailey explained that the other option is to have the Governor override the Federal Government with the approval of the Metropolitan Planning Organizations. Mr. Bailey stated that the town of Middlefield will be working to not let these changes take place. Mr. Bailey explained that the Town of Middlefield has invested a lot of money into the Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments and the incentives from the State are declining.
· First Selectman's Report
Ed Bailey explained that he is happy to report that there are two new businesses in town at 48 Meriden Road, a drycleaner and Jim's Guns and Collectibles on Route 66.
Mr. Bailey explained that he asked the Board of Selectmen last year to include funds for a phone system in the budget. Mr. Bailey stated that there is Fiber Optics on Jackson Hill Road and they are proposing to bring Fiber Optics in the Town Hall. From there they will distribute telecommunications from the Community Center to the Firehouse. The phones will include battery backup so the Town Hall will still have telephone service incase of any power outages. Mr. Bailey also plans on having a pull down projection screen installed in the meeting room at the Community Center.
Mr. Bailey explained that both Middlefield Police Officers have received D.A.R.E training and the new Police Secretary is doing well in her position.
Mr. Bailey explained that the Board of Selectmen would like to discuss plans on organizing the Town buildings and possibly having as many employees as possible in the same building in the future.
Mr. Bailey stated that the next Board of Selectmen meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 6th.
7. Adjournment
A motion was made by Jon Brayshaw to adjourn at 8:06 p.m. This motion was seconded by Taryn Ruffino and approved by all voting members.
Board of Selectmen, Regular Meeting, August 16, 2016 Prepared by Leanne M. Henry