#Team Nigeria
Kindly answer the following questions. Kindly give more details when necessary to explain the details. Add additional lines where necessary.
Country team
Name / Organisation / Position / Email/telephone / SexBayo Moh’d Onimode / NAYD Nigeria / Country Coord. / / M
Dr. Obadina A.Olusegun / NAYD Nigeria / Representative / / M
Adejoro Oluwashola / NAYD Nigeria / Representative / / M
Ilevbaoje Uadamen I. / NAYD Nigeria / Representative / / M
Atayi Babs / NAYD Nigeria / Representative / / M
Ochala Sunshine / NAYD Nigeria / Representative / / M
Nkiru Nnaemego / NAYD Nigeria / Representative / / F
Semiye Micheal / NAYD Nigeria / Representative / / M
Thaddeus Ugoh / NAYD Nigeria / Representative / / M
- Give a report on the progress and challenges of the country teams since its formation
The SDGs as being largely accepted more than the MDGs but not without few hitches notable among which is the integration of the young people into the implementation plan by the National government. After the first year of the adoption of the SDGs, Nigerian Government is yet to display her plan in clear terms but the collective efforts of few Youth-Led NGOs and CSOs has pushed a lot of giant actions from State Governments Appointing good hands who are mostly young people to lead the campaign and implementation of the SDGs in their states. This has resulted in a national progress which has also made the 2016 progress report of the SDGs.Only one state(Kebbi) in Nigeria has provision for SDG in the 2016 budget.
- Has the country drafted a country plan? If yes, have you been able to implement any activities? Please give details. Also include pictures.
The Nigerian Team through the country representatives has a draft a work plan which it has consistently implement.
1. We are taking the inclusion campaign to the rural communities in Nigeria
2. We are empowering young people with leadership competent require making SDGs work through our advocacy in rural areas.
3. We are opening more state Networks for deep SDGs grassroots touch and participation.
4. We are tracking the implementations of clean Water supply, school enrolment for rural kids, healthcare for rural women and livelihood support for rural farmers.
- What communication tool are you using to communicate with team members? What communication challenges are you facing? (Especially with team members as well as other youth led organisations). How can it be resolved?
Facebook, WhatsApp’s chat and telephone calls.The challenge is lack of effective communication is poor internet services and limited resources to upgrade the networks communication infrastructure for effective and efficient communications.
- Has the country involved any stakeholders such as UN Agencies, other CSOs/NGOs, other youth led organisations e.t.c in the implementation of activities or for any other reasons
The Nigeria office of the SDGs in the Presidency is yet to open up her operational agenda. They are still selective in information sharing and currently not responding to an invitation for outdoor activities where they will be able to shed light on their activities and work plan. But they are actively engaged with the UN agencies, this is must confess is not healthy.
5. Any other issue/comments/documents/progress
So far we have been able to sensitise rural communities in Rural area while citizen should participate on the ongoing SDGs advocacy of the sustainable development goals campaign so that this will increase citizen aware in demanding for service from those who they have choose to represent them in the State and federal legislatives. And progress has been made in Kebbi state for the provision of clean water project and Ferry boat.1 | Page #NAYDSDGs