The Schwa Was HereStudy Guide for Chapters 7 – 12 Name: ______

Chapter Seven

An allusion is a reference to something outside the text in history, culture, or literature. Neil Shusterman is constantly peppering the book with allusions to pop culture.

  1. Antsy makes an allusion to Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory when he says, “…now I was moved from walking dogs to babysitting for some spoiled Veruca Salt-ish little girl.” What does this reveal to the reader?
  1. Antsy also makes an allusion when considering Mr. Crawley. “I finally realized who he reminded me of: the Emperor in Star Wars.” What does this reveal to the reader?
  1. Who is Lexie?
  1. Mr. Crawley has a special punishment for Ansty; he needs to
  1. To gain attention from Ira and Howie, the Schwa breaks ______.
  1. Do you think the Schwa should have done this? Explain your thoughts.

Chapter Eight

  1. Not knowing what to expect when he shows up at Crawley’s on Saturday morning, Antsy’s mom notices that Antsy looks different. How?
  1. In order to “see” Antsy, Lexie must do what?
  1. The Schwa shows up. He is excited because Lexie does what?
  1. Antsy is jealous of the Schwa, and to send him away from his time with Lexie, he makes Calvin do what?
  1. Do you think Antsy should have done this? Explain your thoughts.

Chapter Nine

12. What does the Schwa collect?

13. What could the items in his collection symbolize?

14. Lexie wants Antsy to ask her out on a date. Antsy asks her to dinner, but where does she wants to go?


15. How does Ansty feel like the family paperclip?

16. Anthony tells his parents, during their fight, that his ______makes better food.

17. Why is it so important for the Schwa to feel that someone likes him?

Chapter Eleven

18. What happens to Mr. Crawley?

19. Who goes with Mr. Crawley in the ambulance?

20. Mr. Crawley doesn’t want his son to put him in a nursing home. What does this statement reveal about Mr. Crawley?

21. “don’t let them leave me alone” (118) – Crawley. What does Crawley mean? How does this develop his character (what does it show about him)?

Chapter Twelve

22. Who is Moxie?

23. How does Lexie want Antsy to help her at the movies?

24. How would you feel about helping her? Would you be good at it?

25. “‘I mean, it’s like we all get our raw materials from our families—but it’s up to us whether we build bridges or bombs’” (129). – Explain what Antsy means here. Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?

26. “…Lexie had a bit of her grandfather in her….She could wrap the world around her finger like a yo-yo string and play with it to her heart’s content” (131). Does the simile help the reader understand Lexie more? Why or why not?

Considering character motivation can help the reader understand why a character does what they do, especially if the character seems to be making surprising choices. Explain what motivates each character to do or say what they do.

Surprising Action / Motivation
27. Lexie- wants to give her grandfather trauma therapy-
28. Antsy- wishes the Schwa would disappear-

29-30. What character do you most identify with so far? Explain why.