November 2011

Dear Youth Leader,

Coming this January 7, 2012, we have an exciting opportunity for your high school youth! The Western District/South Central Conference Youth Ministry Committee is organizing an event called, "Out of the Pew". It will be a day for youth to connect with one another, serve together, and hear about many, inspiring Mennonite service opportunities available to youth. Participating agencies include Mennonite Mission Network, Mennonite Central Committee, and Mennonite Disaster Service. You and your youth will go on site and serve with various Mennonite Voluntary Service workers in Hutchinson at their places of work. We will have a time of worship with a Christian rock band from Bethel College, and hear from guest youth speaker Hallie Cable. There will be a fun and informative talk show where service agency reps get interviewed. And we will have round robin break out sessions where you can interact face to face with service agency folks.

The day will run from 9:30 am to 5 pm and includes a simple lunch. The cost for this event is ONLY $10 per participant. All high school youth and sponsors are encouraged to attend.

More info about on-site Saturday service choices will be posted later.

This event is being held at the amazing Journey @ Yoder campus (3605 East Long View Road, Haven, KS).

Please send registration form with payment of $10 per participant (youth & sponsors) and medical release form (for each youth) to:

Western District Conference

2517 N. Main, PO Box 306

North Newton, KS 67117 Email:

This must be received by December 12. Make checks payable to: Western District Conference. Memo: Out of the Pew.

If you have any questions, contact Doug Krehbiel: (316) 283-6300;

Make sure to check out the "Out of the Pew" event page on Facebook for details and to invite your students!

We are excited about seeing students serving together and discovering more service opportunities. Please be in prayer for this event!

Grace and Peace,

WD/SC Youth Ministry Committee:

Doug Krehbiel (Conference Youth Minister), Jesse Blasdel (event host),

Hallie Cable (chair), Elena Nussbaum, Isaac Landis

P.S. see next page for schedule and what to bring….

January 7, 2012


(Schedule may be updated)

9:30 am Registration (Journey @Yoder Activity Center – JAC)

10:00 Organize service departure

10:15 Depart for service

12:30 pm Break for lunch

2:00 Return to Journey @ Yoder

2:15 Worship Prelude

2:30-3:45 Worship—Input--Talk Show

3:45 Snack

4:00-4:45 Breakout Sessions (3 x 15 Minute Breakout Sessions)

4:45 Sending and blessing



-Water bottle

-Winter work clothing—gloves, sturdy shoes, cap, coat

-A positive attitude and a willingness to serve and learn