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Subject: Nominations
Submitted by: Committee on Nominations
Estimated Financial Impact on the Annual Conference: Provided
Staff Resource and Time: Budgeted
Council on Finance and Administrations Comment: Review Not Required by the Standing Rules
Our IGRC Vision: All the physically and spiritually hungry people of our world feasting on God’s abundant grace at God’s table so that they experience God’s unconditional love for them, are formed in that love, and are sent to live and share that love with the individuals and institutions of our world.
Our Mission as the IGRC: The purpose of the annual conference is to form disciples of Jesus Christ by equipping its local churches for ministry and by providing a connection for ministry beyond the local church, all to the glory of God (The Book Discipline, 2012).
Table of Contents
Board/Commission/Committee/Institution/Organization...... Page
Conference Nominated Leaders to be Elected
Board of Church and Society...... 3
Board of Discipleship...... 3
Board of Global Ministries...... 3
Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry...... 3-4
Board of Ordained Ministry...... 4
Board of Pensions and Health Benefits...... 5
Board of Trustees...... 5
Commission on Archives and History...... 5
Commission on Camping and Retreat Ministries...... 5
Site Support Teams...... 6
Commission on Communications...... 6
Commission on Equitable Compensation...... 6
Commission on Religion and Race...... 6
Commission on Status and Role of Women...... 6
Committee on Administrative Review...... 6
Committee on Africa University Partnership...... 7
Committee on Alain Rocourt Endowment Promotion...... 7
Committee on Annual Conference Session...... 7
Committee on Conference Personnel...... 7
Committee on Congregational Development...... 7
Committee on Deaf and Hard of Hearing...... 8
Committee on Disaster Response...... 8
Committee on Disability Concerns...... 8
Committee on Episcopacy...... 8
Committee on Episcopal Residence...... 8
Committee on Ethnic Local Church Concerns...... 8
Committee on Evangelism...... 9
Committee on Health and Welfare...... 9
Committee on Hispanic Ministries...... 9
Committee on Journal Publication...... 9
Committee on Native American Ministries...... 9
Committee on Nominations...... 10
Committee on Pastoral Care and Counseling...... 10
Committee on Specialized Ministries...... 10
Committee on Standing Rules...... 10
Connectional Table ...... 11
Council of Finance and Administration...... 11
Council on Older Adult Ministries...... 11
Council on Young Adult Ministries...... 11
Council on Youth Ministries...... 12
Lay Network Leadership Team (Board of Laity)...... 12
District Lay Leaders...... 12
District Directors of Lay Servant Ministries...... 12
Rural Fellowship Team...... 12
Volunteers in Mission Support Team...... 12
District Leaders to be Elected
District Boards of Church Location and Building...... 13
District Committees on Ordained Ministry...... 14
District Committee on Nominations ...... 15
District Committees on Superintendency...... 15-16
District Youth Coordinators...... 16
Educational and Ecumenical Organizations
ILLCAAP...... 16
Illinois Conference of Churches...... 16
Wesley Foundation, Eastern Illinois University...... 16
Wesley Foundation, Illinois State University...... 17
Wesley Foundation-Student Center, SIU-Carbondale...... 17
Wesley Foundation, University of Illinois-Champaign/Urbana...... 17
Wesley Foundation, Western Illinois University...... 18
Illinois Wesleyan Board of Trustees...... 18
MacMurray College Board of Trustees...... 18
McKendree University Board of Trustees Officers...... 18
Health and Welfare Institutions
The Baby Fold...... 18
Chaddock...... 19
Cunningham Children’s Home...... 19
Evenglow Lodge...... 19
Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House...... 19
Sunset Home...... 20
United Methodist Children’s Home...... 20
United Methodist Village, Inc...... 20
United Methodist Village Retirement Communities, Inc...... 20
Wesley Village...... 21
Other Organizations
College of Christian Life...... 21
Disciple Bible Outreach Ministries of Illinois...... 21
Midwest Mission Distribution Center...... 22
Preachers’ Aid Society and Benefit Fund, Inc...... 22
United Methodist Foundation of the IGRC...... 22
Fellowship of UMs in Music and Worship Arts...... 22
New Streams Team...... 23
IGRC Members of General Agencies...... 23
IGRC Members of Jurisdictional Committees...... 23
IGRC General & Jurisdictional Delegates...... 23
Conference Nominated Leaders to be Elected
Board of Church and Society
Co-Chairpersons...... RobbMcCoy & Jeremiah Thompson
UMW Social Action...... Naomi Davidson (13)
Peace and Justice Coordinator......
General Board of Church & Society Representative:...... Carolyn Yockey
Staff...... Bunny Wolfe
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Marilyn Donahoo ...... 09
Miley Palmer ...... 09
Jeremiah Thompson ....09
Linda Trent ...... 09
Jerry King ...... 11
Jessica Baldyga ...... 12
Robb McCoy ...... 12
Barbara Powers ...... 12
Carrie Carnes...... 13
Sherry Smedshammer ...13
Cindy Dodd...... 14
Tom Johnson...... 14
Don Meeks...... 14
Carol Stufflebeam...... 14
Christine Cunningham....15
Ed Wied ...... 15
Lois Tate...... 16
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Board of Discipleship
Chairperson...... Jim McClarey
Vice-Chairperson...... Barb Horsch
Secretary...... Lori Nimke
Cabinet Representative...... Carol Lakota Eastin
Staff...... Beth Fender
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Adult Discipleship...... Michael Paulson 13
Camping/Children/Youth...... Kim Stuby13
Camping & Retreat Ministries...... Ed Hoke 13
Christian Education ...... Barb Horsch 13
Christian Education, Family/Multigenerational...... Kathi Pritts 13
Disabilities Concerns and Christian Education...... Sue Keasler 13
Evangelism and Spiritual Formation...... Lori Nimke 13
Higher Education...... Paige Roberts 15
Spiritual Formation, Youth, Confirmation...... Deb Pollex 13
Stewardship ......
Worship and Spiritual Formation......
Youth/Young Adults...... Sarah Beth Wanck 13
At-Large...... Jim McClarey 13, Kevin Nourie 14, Debbie Randoll 14; Debbie Rhodes 14; Paul Weir 14
...... Barbara Ginder 15, David Kueker 15,Jill Bunker 16, Jane Heinzmann 16
Board of Global Ministries
Chairperson...... Meg Rauschenberger
Secretary of Global Ministries...... Carolyn Yockey
Staff...... Bunny Wolfe
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Cache...... Cheryl Brookshier 13,Carl Johnston 13
Embarras...... Ken Hutchens 16
Illinois...... Steve Zwicker 15
Iroquois...... Meg Rauschenberger 13
Kaskaskia...... John Raymer 16, Tony Reed 16
LaMoine...... Randy Azbell 15, Amanda Pankrest 16
Mississippi...... Dennis Tushalski 16
Sangamon...... Jeff Bealmear 14; Patrick Riley 15
Spoon...... Danny Lybarger 12
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Chairperson of Volunteers in Mission...... Ken Dees
Chairperson of Disaster Response Team...... Ron Monroe
Chairperson of Health and Welfare Ministries......
Hispanic Ministries Committee......
Native American Ministries Committee...... Danny Lybarger 12
Chairperson of Specialized Ministry...... Becky McGinnis 13
United Methodist Men, President...... Jeff Thornton 12
United Methodist Women, President...... Marjorie Stout 12
Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry
Chairperson...... Connie Steudel & Patricia Hermon
Secretary...... Mallory Moore
Staff...... Thomas Logsdon,Teresa Gilbert
Cabinet...... Leah Pogemiller
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Cache...... David Cole 14
Embarras...... Bob Swickard 14
Illinois...... Robert Herath 14
Iroquois...... Judith Unger 14
Kaskaskia...... Mike Wilson 16
LaMoine...... Steve Granadosin 14
Mississippi...... Kimberly Allen 15
Sangamon...... Ted Hartley 13
Spoon...... Julie Regennitter 13
Vermilion...... Jordan Anderson 14
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Student Rep with Vote:......
Wesley Foundation Rep with Vote:...... Sherry Smedshammer 13
Chaplain Rep with Vote:...... Tim Harrison 13
Local Board Representatives:
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EIU:...... Julie Sterling 15
Illinois Wesleyan:...... Carl Teichman 13
McKendree:...... Erin Totten 14
SIU:...... Dick Frette 14
U of I:...... Dennis Craig 13
WIU:...... Jessica Mueller 14
At-Large:...... Rhoda Warner
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Illinois Wesleyan...... Chaplain Elyse Nelson Winger
MacMurray College......
McKendree University...... Chaplain Tim Harrison
Wesley Foundation, Eastern Illinois University...... Paige Roberts
Wesley Foundation, Illinois State University...... Jennie Edwards Bertrand, Mallory Moore
Wesley Foundation, Southern Illinois University...... Dick Frette
Wesley Foundation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign...... Dan King-Crede; Julie Dowler
Wesley Foundation, Western Illinois University...... Mark Hendrickson 14
Board of Ordained Ministry
Executive Committee:
Chairperson...... Lori Harvey
Vice-Chairperson...... Vince Rohn
Secretary...... Flo Scott
Treasurer/MEF Administrator...... Justin Snider
Co-Chairs of the Order of Elder...... Angie LeeMike Fender
Co-Chairs of the Order of Deacon...... Gifty Smith& Cory Blackwell
Co-Chairs of the Fellowship of Local Pastors and Associate Members...... Paul Dinges & Amy Holman
Lay Representative...... Lavon Wilson
Assessment of Ministerial Needs and Enlistment...... Allen Miller
Conference Relations and Extension Ministries...... Sheryl Palmer
Continuing Formation and Professional Certification...... Carol Rankin
Ministerial Effectiveness Review...... Mike Smith
Mentor Coordination and Training...... Shane Smith
Policies, Procedures, and Training...... Linda Vonck
Residents in Ministry...... Grant Armstrong
Registrar and BoOM Assistant (ex-officio)...... John Salzman
Executive Advisor (ex-officio)...... Keith Anderson
Cabinet Representative (ex-officio)...... Janice Griffith, Roger Grimmett, Sylvester Weatherall
Vocational Discernment Facilitator (ex-officio)...... Kathy Crozier
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Clergy Members:
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Lori Harvey ...... 08
Andy Adams ...... 12
Grant Armstrong ...... 12
Jim Barnett ...... 12
Troy Benton ...... 12
Ken Burgard ...... 12
Paul Dinges ...... 12
Mike Fender ...... 12
Adrian Garcia ...... 12
Larry Gilbert ...... 12
Jeremy Henson ...... 12
Angie Lee ...... 12
Charlie McDonald ...... 12
Beth McLaughlin ...... 12
Julia Melgreen ...... 12
Allen Miller ...... 12
Bob Morwell ...... 12
Anita Munden ...... 12
Sheryl Palmer ...... 12
Shalom Renner ...... 12
Vince Rohn ...... 12
Flo Scott ...... 12
Gifty Smith ...... 12
Mike Smith ...... 12
Shane Smith ...... 12
Justin Snider ...... 12
Jason Woolever ...... 12
Greg Courtright ...... 12
Michael Mayfield ...... 12
Don Meeks ...... 14
Joy Caschetta ...... 16
Cory Blackwell ...... 16
Sandy Bunnell ...... 16
Kim Dancey ...... 16
Gary Fairchild ...... 16
Cecilia Granadosin ...... 16
Casey Taylor ...... 16
Linda Vonck ...... 16
Zachary Waldis ...... 16
Brad Watkins II ...... 16
Amy Holman ...... 16
Lay Members:
Carroll Bross ...... 12
Carol Rankin ...... 12
LaVon Wilson ...... 12
Al Kulczewski ...... 16
Marian McCray ...... 16
Susan Rogers ...... 16
Larry Ruemmler ...... 16
Diane Utterback ...... 16
Rhonda Whitaker ...... 16
Craig Wise ...... 16
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Board of Pensions and Health Benefits
Chairperson...... Paul Dinges
Vice-Chairperson...... Mary Arnold
Secretary...... Bruce Weiman
Treasurer...... Rick VanGiesen
Cabinet Representative...... Leah Pogemiller
Director...... Rick VanGiesen
General Board of Pensions and Health Benefits Representative...... Janice Griffith
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Linda Smith...... 09
Mary Arnold...... 10
Cheryl Hendrix...... 10
Bruce Weiman...... 10
Donna Blythe ...... 11
Paul Dinges...... 12
Mike Chamness...... 15
Lynn Kunkle ...... 15
Andy Millas ...... 15
Melly Momo...... 16
Bruce Rushing...... 16
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Board of Trustees
Chairperson...... Betty Treat
Vice President...... Steve Setzler
Secretary...... Teedra Hudson
Cabinet Representative...... Rose Booker Jones
Director...... Rick VanGiesen
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Teedra Hudson...... 09
Steve Setzler...... 10
David Eadie...... 11
Roger Land...... 11
Bill Mabry...... 11
Lon Nuttleman...... 11
Betty Treat...... 11
Bobbie Eby...... 13
Dan Seibert...... 13
Stan Irvin...... 14
Percy Macon...... 15
Bill Stephens...... 15
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Commission on Archives and History
Chairperson...... Paul Stroble
Staff...... Paul Black
Ex-Officio...... Lauretta Scheller
Expertise...... Doug DeLong, Dianne DeLong, Catherine Knight
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Rondel Boyd...... 09
Jon Sims...... 10
Tim Harrison...... 12
Linda Isbell...... 12
Deanne Powless...... 12
Carol Stufflebeam...... 12
Walter Wilkins...... 13
Lynn Dixon...... 15
Melba Funk...... 15
Elaine Knight...... 15
Linda Reining...... 15
Paul Stroble...... 15
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Commission on Camping and Retreat Ministries
Chairperson...... Larry Gilbert
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Cache...... Larry Gilbert 11, Jarrett Wells 13, David Cole 15
Embarras...... Kathryn Lewis 09
Illinois...... Trusten Goodlow 13, Robert Bevill 15
Iroquois...... John Hauck 12
Kaskaskia...... Gary Pearce 09, Karla Moore 13
LaMoine...... Tim Preston 15
Mississippi...... Andrew Anthony 15, Evaristo Rodriguez 16
Sangamon...... Nicole Cox 10, DebbieCooley 13
Spoon...... Jared Kunkle 15, Bradley Watkins II 15
Vermilion...... Donna Pangle 11, Mark Amenda 16
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Trip/Travel Representative......
CCYAM...... Erin Totten 15
CCYM...... Kim Woods 15
East Bay......
Little Grassy...... Jim Barnett 15
Cabinet...... Roger Russell
Conference Staff...... Alice Shirley,Ed Hoke
Camp Site Support Teams
Beulah (Board - not elected by the IGRC): Max Borah (president), Jim Slone (vice president),Rose Streater (secretary),
David Cole (treasurer), Ruby Bronke(business manager), William Heitkamp (building and grounds),Nancy Ambuehl, Eugene Black, Marilyn Blackburn,Jim Corbitt,Christy Cross, Matt Cross, Wilma Glenn, Stan Irvin, Diana Kozar,
Doug Lippman, Kaleb Phillips, Bob Phillips, Julia Simms,Doug Stewart, Richard Sullins,
Charles Smith (member emeritus),Beulah Trustees, Beulah Staff (ex-officio)
East Bay: John Plattner (chair), Wally Carlson (camp dean-11), Mark Eckhoff (11),Shelly Hanover (10), Walter Miller (11),
Scott Riddle (10), Rob Roy (11), Dale Helle (12), Mike Fender (12), Jessica Baldyga (13),Jim Swearingen (13),
Don Stogsdill (13), Larry Verezia (13), Steve Anderson (13),
East Bay Staff(ex-officio), Leah Pogemiller (DS) (ex-officio)
Little Grassy: Larry Gilbert (11), Carl Holland, Steve Williams (11), Jim Barnett (13), Troy Brown (13), Jame Hahs (13),
Loran Norris (13), Doug Baue (14), Dena Hopkins (14), Necia Jannings (14), Loran Morris (14),
Little Grassy Staff (ex-officio), Roger Russell (DS)
Commission on Communications
Chairperson...... John Hackmann II
Staff...... Paul Black
Cabinet Representative...... Sylvester Weatherall
General Commission on Communications Representative...... Paul Black
Ex-Officio...... Leroy Allison
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David Estep...... 10
Sid Davis...... 12
John Hackman II...... 12
Thaddaeus Lolling...... 12
Lavern Backstrom...... 13
Jeff Williams...... 13
John Sitler...... 13
John Cross...... 14
Nicole Cox...... 15
Susan Hayes...... 15
Nathan Tobin...... 15
Tom Compton (L)...... 16
Tim Drury...... 16
John Steckel...... 16
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Commission on Equitable Compensation
Chairperson...... Mike Krost
Cabinet...... Roger Grimmett
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Casey Taylor...... 09
Megan Thompson...... 09
Joyce Coffey...... 10
Ellen Stare...... 10
Paul Bauer...... 13
Barry Beck...... 13
Mike Krost...... 13
Reta Jones...... 15
Ray Long...... 15
Amy Brooks...... 16
Cecilia Granadosin...... 16
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Commission on Religion and Race
Chairperson...... Gifty Smith
Staff...... Thomas Logsdon
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Linda Harris-Cosby...... 11
Leola Johnson...... 11
Angie Lee...... 11
Yarvo Roberts...... 11
Joanne Johnson...... 12
Gifty Smith...... 14
Donna Blythe ...... 16
Curt Keller...... 16
Russ Smith...... 16
Aletha Weatherall...... 16
Nancy Wilson...... 16
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Commission on Status and Role of Women
Chairpersons...... Anita Munden
UMW Rep...... Naomi Davidson 13
Staff...... Bunny Wolfe
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Cache...... Bob Morwell 11
Embarras...... Judy Williams 09
Illinois...... Ken Dees 16
Iroquois...... Anita Munden 11, Kim Schultze 13
Kaskaskia...... Cheryl Cain 13
LaMoine...... Martha Scaff 11
Mississippi...... Martha Bevineau 15, Karen Oplt 15
Sangamon...... Nicole Cox 15
Spoon...... Lisa Nordstrom 16
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Committee on Administrative Review
Members...... Jim Bortell, Janet Eggleston,Brad Watkins II
Alternate...... Mark Myers, Gary Wilson
Committee on Africa University Partnership
Chair...... Beverly Wilkes Null
Vice-Chair...... Joyce Helm Francis
Secretary...... Deb Honegger
Cabinet Representative...... Rose Booker Jones
Staff...... Bunny Wolfe
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Deb Honegger...... 09
Joyce Helm Francis...... 11
Beverly Wilkes Null...... 11
Paul Kasambira...... 12
Joe Sheets...... 12
Linda Unger...... 13
Judy Redemer...... 14
Darla Holden...... 15
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Committee on Alain Rocourt Endowment Promotion
Chairperson...... Jame Hahs
Staff...... Ted Frost, Bunny Wolfe
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Tom Corum...... 11
John Hamilton...... 12
Pete Paulson...... 12
Jame Hahs...... 13
Brian Berry...... 14
Matthew Downen...... 15
Matt Henson...... 16
Kathy Lewis...... 16
Camilla Pietreniak...... 16
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Committee on Annual Conference Session
Chairperson...... Thomas Logsdon
Secretary...... AC Secretary
Staff...... Thomas Logsdon, Nancy Patton, Alice Shirley,Rick VanGiesen, Bruce Weiman
Cabinet...... Janice Griffith
Cache...... Marilyn Appel 13,David Reynolds 15
Embarras...... Jay Regennitter 10, Judy Williams 14
Illinois...... Johnnie Locker 12, Kim Dancey 16
Iroquois...... John McIntosh 14
Kaskaskia...... Kyle Dishong 10, Mike Ebersohl 16
LaMoine...... Grant Armstrong 09, Pat Pennell 14
Mississippi...... Beverly Wilkes-Null 14,Michele Ball 15
Sangamon...... Dayle Badman 09, Anthony Stauder 09
Spoon...... Peggy Kulczewski 09, David Schultz 16
Vermilion...... Eric Swanson 12
At Large...... Carrie Grieme 12
Audio/Video...... John Hackmann II,Bruce Weiman
Child Care...... Nancy Henson
Conference Lay Leader...... Ken Miller 12
President United Methodist Men...... Jeff Thornton 13
President United Methodist Women...... Marjorie Stout 13
Stage Manager...... Paul Black
Committee on Conference Personnel
Chair...... Gary Livesay
Representative, CCFA...... Mike Potts
Representative, Congregational Development...... Tim Ozment
Chair, Communications...... John Hackmann II
Directors...... Paul Black, Thomas Logsdon, Rick VanGiesen
Cabinet...... Janice Griffith, Mary Kathryn Pearce, Doug Rorex
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Richard S. Bothe...... 10
R.C. Merten...... 10
Victoria Joyner...... 11
Greg Holcomb...... 12
Allan Woodson...... 12
Lynn Bevill...... 13
Gary Livesay...... 14
Curtis Flake...... 16
David Sarandis...... 16
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Committee on Congregational Development
Chairperson...... Tim Ozment
Secretary...... Becky Williams
Path One Rep (Voice-no vote)...... Adrian Garcia 12
Staff...... Thomas Logsdon, Mike Crawford, Peggy Hisey
Cabinet...... Janice Griffith, Roger Russell
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Deeta Gaither...... 10
Tim Ozment...... 11
Linda Vonck...... 12
Rhonda Whitaker...... 12
Dale Wooldridge...... 12
Willie Deuel...... 13
Joye Perry...... 13
Chris Ritter...... 13
Susan Schultz...... 13
Rebecca Williams...... 13
Russ Williams...... 13
Alex Uribe...... 14
Nick Jordan...... 15
Randy Nash...... 15
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Committee on Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Co-Chairpersons...... Carrie Grime & Jean Hembrough
Staff...... Bunny Wolfe
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Carrie Grieme...... 13
Jean Hembrough...... 14
Jean Paul...... 14
Judy Doyle...... 15
Bill Latham...... 15
Kelly Latham...... 15
Bruce Weiman...... 15
Walter Wilkins...... 15
Vickie Yakey...... 15
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Committee on Disaster Response
Chair...... Ron Monroe
Staff Representative...... Bunny Wolfe
Spiritual & Emotional Care Team Co-Chairs...... Beth Tickner 14, Bill Pyatt 15
VIM Committee Chair...... Ken Dees
MWMDC representative...... Pat Wright
Long Term Recovery Committee Advisors...... Ed Hoke, Tom Goodell, Lisa Wiedman
ERT Trainers...... Sara Brown, Nancy & Mike Craig, Sharon Monroe
At- Large:...... Angie Kemp 11, Gordon Milne 11, Larry Giertz 12, Tony Reed 13
District Coordinators:
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Cache...... Pete Ryan 09, Bob Morwell 10
Iroquois...... Ron Monroe 16, Sharon Monroe 16
LaMoine...... Sara Brown 16
Mississippi...... Jeremy Volkmar 13,Gina Benesh 15
Sangamon...... Ken Miner 16
Spoon...... John Seder 15
Vermilion...... Mel Nielsen 12
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Committee on Disability Concerns
Chairperson...... Anthony Stauder
Staff...... Beth Fender
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Jan Corsaro...... 10
Sue Keasler...... 10
Mark Smith...... 10
Darla Stewart...... 10
Anthony Stauder...... 10
Walter Wilkins...... 10
Dorothy Heuman...... 14
Deborah Flexter...... 16
Cheryl Hendrix...... 16
Frank Ogden...... 16
Tim Pearce...... 16
Gretchen Sidell ...... 16
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Committee on Episcopacy
Chairperson...... Joyce Francis
Vice Chairperson......
Secretary...... Linda Harrod
Laymen...... Ken Miller - Conference Lay Leader 12,Paul Jacob 13
Laywomen...... Ellen Liehr 12, Bertha Love 12, Patricia Davis 14
Clergy...... Bill Frazier 12,Linda Harrod 09, Jungil Rhee 12, Victor Long 14
Young Adult......
Selected by Bishop*...... Evaristo Rodriguez 12, Joyce Helm Francis 13,Stan Irvin 16
Ex-officio...... Sara Isbell, Larry Weber (Jurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy)
*indicates the 1/5 of membership selected by the Bishop
Committee on Episcopal Residence
Chairperson (Representative from Committee on Episcopacy)...... Joyce Francis
Representative, Council on Finance and Administration...... Linda Harris-Cosby
Representative, Board of Trustees...... Stan Irvin
Committee on Ethnic Local Church Concerns
Chairperson...... Pablo Marty
Secretary...... Pam Hammond-McDavid
Staff:...... Thomas Logsdon
Cabinet...... Rose Booker Jones
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Lee Ola Johnson...... 09
Pablo Marty...... 09
Liz Reis...... 09
Zoila Marty...... 11
Ju Hyuk Kim...... 12
Tracy Munoz...... 14