Michigan Senior Women’s Hockey League
Meeting Minutes ~ October16, 2006
Meeting Overview
President Joanne Lukasik called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m.
Treasurer’s Report
Joanne reported that all teams have paid the $150 league fee for this season. Our balance is: $9629.18 as of 10/15/06. Our major expenditures have been the development clinics ice bills but the majority of that will be offset by the participant fees.
Old Business
- All divisions except Intermediate II have their schedules posted to the website.
- All teams must send Joanne a copy of their official USA hockey roster and she will get copies to the division statisticians to track games played.
Website updates:
- Each team needs to send their list of players/coaches and jersey numbers to Ann at
- The team credential from for Ruicci Cup has been updated and posted to the website. Please use this form.
New Business
March 15-18 will be the 2007 Ruicci Cup at Eddie Edgar. A host team is still needed.Reminder that to be eligible to play in Ruicci Cup each player must have 10 games played by February 1st.
MAHA/USA Hockey Report
Carrie Sirola reported that this year, Senior B will be able to send 2 teams to Nationals and Senior C, 1 team to Nationals. Each team should have received an email from Patty Madden regarding information on Nationals.
- MSWHL Development Clinics:
We have had two clinics to date and all have gone very well. We have a few more scheduled; please check the website for information.
- USA Hockey Rules:
Discussion on how games are being called with the new USA Hockey rules being enforced. Most divisions are seeing an increase in penalty minutes. Please contact Adrianna Sable at or (248) 506-0957 cell / (248) 352-8093 work, if you experience any issues with referees. There is a form on the website that you can use to document the issue and forward to Adrianna for investigation.
Next league meeting is Monday, November 13th at 7PM, Eddie Edgar Community Room. All Division Directors are expected to attend or send a representative for the division.
Meeting adjourned: 8:02pm
Lisa Mello
MSWHL Secretary