AmeriCorps® member coordinating project:
Name of Project: / Project Date/ Time:
Project Location:

Need – What community need does this address ?

What is the service that will be done ?

What are the outcomes (what do we expect to happen as the result of our work)?

Who will benefit from the service?

GroupEstimated #


Site Supervisor SignatureDate

Who will work on organizing and performing the service ?

Students(which students/ youth)Estimated #Role

OtherEstimated #Role

List community partners who will help make the event possible: (parents, civic groups, faith based groups, social service groups, businesses, Department of Human Services & anticipated role):


Will this be a service project? – What is the learning component, is it apparent? How will the service enhance what they’re learning? What classes does this tie into? Have you collaborated with that/those teachers? (answer should be yes)

Who will deliver the learning component and when will they do that ?

List a draft of your Agenda for the Project:

Include welcome (why you are here), training for volunteers, reflection, distribution and collecting volunteer surveys.

How will you train/prepare your volunteers? Who will do it and when? What training will you provide to the volunteers?

(include how to maintain a safe working environment)

Create your To Do List from planning through implementation:

What is to be accomplished / Name of person who will accomplish / Date to be accomplished
Pick date / AmeriCorps member (with Site & youth approval)
Before pictures
(representative of the hosting site should talk about why the volunteers are there & thank them)
Training for volunteers
(include how to maintain a safe working environment)
Training for team leaders
(team leaders can be youth, teachers, staff, etc.)
Maps or directions to project site
Written job description for all jobs
(welcome table, speakers, team leaders, set up crew, clean up crew)
Who will welcome the press
(provide training to these people)
After pictures

Materials needed:

Remember In Kind forms – get them signed when you pick up donations

Name of person who will pick up materials / Name of person who will get them to location / By: (date)
Pre Event
(list materials)
In Kind forms
(list materials)
Post Event
(list materials)

Transportation (bus, Family Center van, car):


Do you want DHS to do press releases or requests for coverage for major TV, radio, and newspaper coverage ?

_____ yes_____ no

Other Coverage:


Which Reflection will you use (choose from list)?

Questions to be asked:


How will you evaluate your project ?

Who should receive Thank Yous ?

Problem Solving

Possible Concerns/ Problems which might arise & how you will address these:

ConcernsPossible Solution

Additional Checklist

Pre event memos:

Host Site Super Memo discussing your plans & requesting approval to proceed

Project Site (where CS Project will take place)

Transportation Provider


Permission forms (for youth)


In Kind forms

Instructions for Leaders

Timeline for the day

Maps or directions



pamphlets for your program

KEYS pamphlet


 Bag lunch

 Site provides food

 Donated Food

 No Meal


 poster/ flyers

 local newspapers

 KEYS newsletter

 Other

 News release or Request for Coverage (submit info for DHS to do)

Thank Yous

 Speaker

 Project Site

 Transportation Provider

 Volunteers

 KEYS members

 Other

Member’s Name ______Site: ______


(Turn this in with Plan)

What is the service? (The service activity must be very clear.)
Did the member get approval for the project from his / her site supervisor? (The answer must be “yes.”) /
  • Yes
  • No

Does the member have a planned date for the service project? If yes, what is the date? (By December, the member must have at least a rough idea of the date of his / her project. By February, the member must have a solid date for his / her project.) /
  • Yes
  • No

Will youth be engaged in service through the member’s service project? (The answer must be “yes.”) /
  • Yes
  • No

Is the member’s service project something that is wanted and needed in the community / at the site where the member is serving? (The answer must be “yes.”) /
  • Yes
  • No

Is the member taking the leading role with the project or assisting another KEYS member? (If the member is assisting, the project must be large enough that he / she can take the lead on certain aspects of the project.) /
  • Taking a leading role
  • Assisting another member
Name of member(s) on the team:
How many volunteers will assist with this project? (The goal for volunteers generated by a member is a minimum of 5, although all volunteers generated do not have to come from this service project.)
How many total hours will these volunteers serve? (The goal for volunteer hours generated by a member is a minimum of 40, although all volunteer hours generated do not have to come from this service project.)
Does the member’s service project have a learning component? (The answer does not have to be “yes,” but service learning projects are strongly encouraged.) /
  • Yes
  • No

Is the member’s service project a legacy project? (The answer does not have to be “yes,” but legacy projects are awesome.) /
  • Yes
  • No

Is the project self-serving? Are the only people who benefit from the project the volunteers? (the answer must be “no”) /
  • Yes
  • No

The KEYS Service Corps is sponsored by

PennSERVE: the Governor’s Office of Citizen Service,

the Department of Human Services, Office of Community Services, and local schools and community based organizations.