Scholarship Application Instructions

Scholarship Available:

Scholarships sponsored by the Gulf Coast Chapter of NOBCChE will be awarded on the basis of merit to qualified African American graduating seniors form high schools in the Greater Houston area.


To be eligible, applicants must meet the following qualifications.

1.  Expects to be accepted for enrollment in an accredited Science and/or Engineering school, or in a school which has a Science and/or Engineering curriculum leading to a bachelors degree in Science and/or Engineering that been accredited by a regional accrediting association.

2.  Is in a position by November 1, 2004, to provide a statement or documentation constituting proof of enrollment in an accredited college, school or university in an undergraduate science or engineering program.


To be accepted for consideration, an applicant must submit all of the following documents. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

1.  Completed Application Form, including all signatures. Typed preferred.

2.  Transcript – Official copy of applicant’s high school transcript(s) showing grades for the entire enrollment in all high schools attended.

3.  Applicant’s Statement – A statement or essay written by the applicant. NO MORE THAN ONE-SINGLE SIDED, DOUBLE-SPACED TYPEWRITTEN PAGE. The statement should tell why the applicant would like to be an engineer or scientist and/or how the applicant believes they will make a difference as an engineer or scientist.

4.  Letters of Reference – Preferably typewritten on 8.5 x 11 inch sheet of paper, covering items listed on the attached reference form. Applicants must submit TWO letters of reference. One letter must come from a high school mathematics or science teacher. The other letter may come from a person who has known the applicant for two or more years who is not a relative or member of the applicant’s family. Suggested references would be teachers, administrators, and counselors. Applicant may submit a third letter from a minister, neighbor, business or community leader.

5.  Other Information about You – Please include any special achievements not already mentions, unusual family circumstances, or any information, which might be useful to the selection committee in considering your application. NO MORE THAN ONE-SINGLE SIDED, DOUBLE-SPACED TYPEWRITTEN PAGE.

All of the above materials must be mailed in ONE ENVELOPE or PACKAGE and must be postmarked by May 15, 2004. Please place materials in the order as stated above and bind with a staple. Winner(s) of a NOBCChE scholarship will be notified by May 22nd and will be expected to attend our annual Awards Banquet on Friday, June 10, 2005 as our guest.


I certify that all of the information furnished on and with this application is true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that such information is confidential and subject to verification by the NOBCChE Gulf Coast Chapter Scholarship Committee.

Signature Date

Mailing Instructions:

All materials should be addressed to:

NOBCChE Gulf Coast Chapter

Scholarship Chairperson

P.O. Box 540922

Houston, TX 77254

NOBCChE Gulf Coast Chapter

Scholarship Application

Deadline, May 15, 2005

Note: All information on this page MUST be completed.

Personal Data

Name: / US Citizen? / Permanent US Resident? / Citizen, if not US
Social Security Number / High School
Home Address / School Address
City/State/Zip / City/State/Zip
Home Phone / School Phone
Home E-mail Address / Cell Phone Number


GPA (must include basis)
(e.g. 3.5 our of 4.0) / College/University attending freshman year (Name and location)
Rank in Class (must include basis)
(e.g. 43 out of 200) / Major Subject:
Minor Subject:
Degree to be Obtained:
National Test Scores
SAT: Verbal Math
Other: / Scholarship(s) Received (include provider, kind and amount for each scholarship)
Are you available for a summer internship? / Do you have transportation?


Application / Postmark / Transcript / Reference 1 / Reference 2 / Essay



/ School Year / Position Held / Hours/Week &
National Honor Society / 11, 12 / Vice President / 2 hr/wk; 10 wk./yr.
I. School related Activities
Awards and Competitions
Volunteer Work
Special Programs
Projects (Research, Design, Design Teams


/ School Year / Position Held / Hours/Week &
National Honor Society / 11, 12 / Vice President / 2 hr/wk; 10 wk./yr.
II. Non-School related Activities
Awards and Competitions
Service Learning/Volunteer Work