ALIVE-O5 Term 3
Lesson Title / What am I trying to do? / Why? / Song/Sound / Read/ Poem / Prayertime / DVD / To be learned
We are an Easter People / To offer the children an opportunity
  • to celebrate, ritually, the Easter story of the empty tomb;
  • to reflect on and articulate their faith.
/ So that they will develop a sense of the Church community's liturgical season of Easter and have a deeper sense of belonging to the Church. /
  • The Apostles' Creed
  • Come Christians All Rejoice
/ The Empty Tomb / Response:
Lord Jesus, help us.
Easter Ritual / Powerpoint / What happened on Easter Sunday?
On Easter Sunday God the Father raised Jesus from death to new life in a glorious body.
Celebrating the Risen Jesus at Mass (1)
Poster / In the context of the liturgical season of Easter, to provide opportunities for the children to
  • revise what they have already learned about the Mass;
  • come to a deeper understanding of the significance of what they do at Mass;
  • prepare for the celebration of a class Mass.
/ So that they will come to a deeper understanding of the Mass as the action of the community. /
  • Do this in Memory of Jesus
  • Happy in the Presence
/ Responses:
Glory to God in the highest.
Bible Ritual / / What do we listen to at Mass?
At Mass we listen to the words of Jesus.
What do we remember at Mass?
At Mass we remember Jesus' love for us.
Who comes to us in Holy Communion?
The Risen Jesus comes to us in Holy Communion, under the appearance of bread and wine.
Celebrating the Risen Jesus at Mass (2) / To provide opportunities for the children in the context of the liturgical season of Easter
  • to continue to prepare for their class Mass;
  • to explore their experience of presence;
  • to learn the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.
/ So that they will come to a deeper appreciation
  • of the presence of Risen Jesus at Mass, especially his presence under the appearances of bread and wine.
  • of how they might respond to that love.
  • Blessed be God
  • Go in Peace
  • The Apostles' Creed
  • Excuses, Excuses, Excuses
  • On the Road to Emmaus
/ Bible Ritual
Class Mass / Why does the Risen Jesus come to us in Holy Communion?
The Risen Jesus comes to us in Holy Communion to help us to love God our Father and to help us to love one another.
Is the Risen Jesus present at Mass?
Yes, the Risen Jesus is present at Mass. He is present in a special way after the Consecration, when the bread and wine are changed into his body and blood.
Follow Me / To offer the children an opportunity to explore the significance of Jesus' words to Peter -'Follow Me' – which are also addressed to them. / So that they may become more aware of their membership of the Church. / Peter remembers /
  • Follow Me
(John 21: 1-13, 19)
  • Called
/ Responses:
You call us, Lord. We answer.
Lord Jesus, we are sorry.
Easter Ritual /
Love and Serve the Lord
Poster / To offer the children an opportunity
  • to celebrate – liturgically and ritually – the life of love and service to which the Risen Jesus calls the Church community;
  • to explore the ways in which they and others can use their talents to respond to the call to 'love and serve the Lord'.
/ So as to
  • nourish their own faith in the Risen Jesus;
  • lead them to an awareness of their own talents;
  • encourage them to use their talents in the mission given to the Church by the Risen Jesus.
/ Use what You're Given /
  • The Ascension
(Luke 24: 44-53), (Acts 1: 3-11)
  • The Mother's Gift
  • The Parable of the Talents
(Matthew 25: 14-28, 31-37)
  • The Present
/ Response:
Blessed be God. / Powerpoint / Does God want us to develop our gifts and talents?
Yes. God wants us to develop our gifts and talents and to use them as God would want.
Gifted with the Spirit
Poster / To offer the children an opportunity to explore – through story, mime, ritual and prayer – the Church's celebration of Pentecost. / So that they may begin to recognise and follow through on the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. /
  • Pentecost
  • Peter
  • The Day of Pentecost
/ Easter Ritual
Holy Spirit, helpus. / Powerpoint / What happened on Pentecost Sunday?
On Pentecost Sunday God our Father sent his Holy Spirit to the apostles.
Have we received the Holy Spirit?
Yes, we received the Holy Spirit when we were baptised.
How does the Holy Spirit help us?
The Holy Spirit helps us to live like Jesus and to remember the words of Jesus.
Why does God our Father send us the Holy Spirit?
God our Father sends us the Holy Spirit to help us to be like Jesus and to make us his witnesses in the world.
The Early Christian Community /
  • To explore the children's experience of making community within the classroom.
  • To help the children to be aware of what the scriptures tell of the early Christian community and to understand that experience by analogy with classroom-based experiences of forming and sustaining community.
  • So that they might have an increased appreciation of the Christian community into which they have received and in which they live.
  • To offer children the opportunity to create community within the classroom.
  • To facilitate dialogue between their experience and the stories of the early Christian community.
  • So that they may deepen their understanding of what it means to be a member of the Christian community today.
/ Community Song /
  • Paula and Mark
  • The Early Christian Community
(Acts 2 and 11:26) / Responses:
Thank you, Lord, for bringing us together.
Thank you, Lord, for keeping us together.
We pray for them, O Lord.
Lord, bless us and bless our community. / Who gives us the joy of living with others?
God our Father gives us the joy of living with others.
What do we call the friends of the Lord Jesus?
We call the friends of the Lord Jesus the Church.
What do we mean by the Church?
By the Church we mean the community of people wo have been baptised and who folllow Jesus.
Brendan the Navigator
Poster / To introduce the children to St. Brendan the Navigator. / So that the children may be enriched by Brendan's life and by his faith and trust in God. / Brendan's Banana Boat / Brendan and the Whale Parts I and II / Response:
St. Brendan, pray for us. / Why do we honour the saints?
We honour the saints because they loved God and are united with him for ever in heaven. They help us by their prayers.