Kenneth T. Wang
Kenneth T. Wang
The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity, University Park, PA
Ph.D. Candidate in Counseling Psychology (APA accredited)Fall2007 (expected)
Minor: Educational Psychology (Focus Area: Measurement/Statistics)
Dissertation Title: Perfectionism, Depression, and Self-Esteem: A Comparison of Asian and Caucasian Americans from a Collectivistic Perspective
Chair: Robert B. Slaney, Ph.D.
Committee: Kathleen J. Bieschke, Ph.D., Aaron L. Pincus, Ph.D., & Hoi Suen, Ph.D.
WheatonCollege, Wheaton, IL
M.A. in Clinical PsychologyMay 2001
NationalChiao-TungUniversity, Hsinchu, Taiwan
B.S.M. in Management ScienceJune 1995
Refereed Journal Articles
Wang, K. T., Yuen, M., & Slaney, R. B. (in press). Perfectionism, Depression, Loneliness, and Life Satisfaction: A Study of High School Students in Hong Kong. The Counseling Psychologist.
Wang, K. T., Slaney, R. B., & Rice, K. G. (2007). Perfectionism in Chinese university students from Taiwan: A study of psychological well-being and achievement motivation. Personality and Individual Differences, 42, 1279-1290.
Slaney, R. B., Pincus, A. L., Uliaszek, A. A., & Wang, K. T. (2006). Conceptions of perfectionism and interpersonal problems: Evaluating groups using the structural summary method for circumplex data. Assessment, 13, 138-153.
ResearchIn Progress
Methikalam, B., Wang, K. T., & Slaney, R. B. (under review). Perfectionism and Gender Roles: A Comparison of AsianIndianUniversity Students in the US and India.
Wang, K. T., & Slaney, R. B. (in preparation). Perfectionism in Taiwan: An examination of the collectivistic aspect.
Wang, K. T. (dissertation). Perfectionism, Depression, and Self-Esteem: A Comparison of Asian and Caucasian Americans from a Collectivistic Perspective.
(WithMethikalam, B. & Slaney, R. B.). Perfectionism among Asian Indians at Indian Institute of Technology (data analysis).
(With Yuen, M., & Slaney, R. B.). The Relationships of Perfectionism, Self-Esteem, and Leadership Talent among Chinese Adolescents in Hong Kong: A Structural Equation Analysis (data analysis).
(WithMethikalam, B. & Slaney, R. B.). The Almost Perfect Scale – Family Version (data analysis).
(With Yang, L. & Slaney, R. B.). Validating the Chinese Almost Perfect Scale – Family Version among university students from China (data collection).
Professional Presentations
Methikalam, B., Wang, K. T., & Slaney, R. B. (2007, January). The Influence of Perfectionism on Asian Indian Mental Health: What Educators Need to Know.Poster presented at the 11th Annual Holmes Partnership Conference: San Antonio, TX.
Wang, K. T., Yeh, Y. & Slaney, R. B. (2006, August). Collectivistic Aspects of Perfectionism, Self-Esteem, and Depression in Taiwan. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention: New Orleans, LA.
Methikalam, B., Wang, K. T., & Slaney, R. B. (2006, August). The Impact of Perfectionism on the Mental Health of AsianIndianUniversity Students. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention: New Orleans, LA.
Wang, K. T., Slaney, R. B., &Yuen, M. (2006, July). Perfectionism among Chinese students in Taiwan: Psychological well-being in a collectivistic culture. Paperpresented at the 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology: Athens, Greece.
Wang, K. T., Yuen, M. & Slaney, R. B. (2005, August). Perfectionism in ChineseHigh School Students from Hong Kong. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention: Washington, DC.
Methikalam, B., Wang, K. T., & Slaney, R. B. (2005, August). Comparing Perfectionism and Gender Roles in AsianIndianUniversity Students. Poster presented at the Asian American Psychological Association Annual Convention: Washington, DC.
Wang, K. T. & Slaney, R. B. (2004, July). Measuring perfectionism in Taiwan with the Almost Perfect Scale-Revised. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention: Honolulu, Hawaii.
Ad Hoc Reviewer
- Personality and Individual Differences
- Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Journal of Health Psychology
- Social Behavior and Personality
- Australian Journal of Psychology
- APA 2006 Annual Convention – Div. 17 SERD student posters
- Asian American Psychological Association 2005 Convention
Research Related Experience
Research Assistant
Robert B. Slaney, Ph.D., The PennsylvaniaStateUniversityAug 2003 – April 2005
- Analyzed statistical data with the SPSS software.
- Conducted a literature search on the topic of perfectionism.
- Designed research studies and wrote proposals for research ethics approval.
- Collected survey data online through psychdata.com.
- Developed manuscripts of empirical research studies for publication.
- Setup and administered the MMPI-2 (computer version) to students in Assessment class.
Research Assistant
Elizabeth Skowron, Ph.D., The PennsylvaniaStateUniversityJan 2004 – April 2004
- Analyzed data on family research using SASB software.
- Entered data codes into excel files.
- Assisted with uploading course material onto ANGEL (online course management system).
Research Assistant
Kuo-Shu Yang, Ph.D., National Taiwan University, TaiwanAug 2002 – June 2003
- Analyzed statistical data with SPSS software.
- Designed a questionnaire and collected data.
- Administered computerized psychological experiments to undergraduate participants.
Research Assistant
Charles Trappey, Ph.D., NationalChiao-TungUniversityJune 1994 – Sep 1994
- Assisted in a marketing research project sponsored by AIT (American Institute in Taiwan).
- Collected data by surveying businesses and researching corporation annual reports.
Co-facilitatorFall 2005 & Spring 2006
Dialogues on Race (CNED 479A & CNED 498C), The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity
- Co-facilitated 3-hour weekly classes – discussion group format.
- Graded assignments and completed course evaluations.
Small Group FacilitatorSpring 2004
Effective Career Decision-Making (CNED 100), The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity
- Co-facilitated 6 Small Group Workshops on career exploration and planning.
InstructorSpring 2002
Career Development, NationalDong-HwaUniversity
- Taught Career Development to a class of 60 undergraduate students.
- Supervised a graduate teaching assistant.
Workshop & Outreach Presentations
- MBA Appreciating Multiculturalism Workshop at UIUC, Aug 17, 2007
- Parents Orientation for of 1st-year USC College Students, June 22, 2007
- Successful Transition into College – Workshop for Chinese American parents, Mar 25, 2007
- Working with International Students – Seminar for USC health center staff, Jan 26, 2007
- Introduction to Counseling Services in USC at LanguageAcademy Orientation, Jan 17, 2007
- Unwind Your Mind – Distressing event for USC students during finals week, Dec 8, 2006
- Counseling Asian Americans – Seminar for USC practicum counselors, Oct 20, 2006
- Crisis debriefing for an invaded residential facility, Oct 10, 2006
- USC APASS Peer Mentoring Training Workshop, Sep 30 – Oct 1, 2006
- Cultural Shock, Outreach presentation for PennState students, Feb 8, 2006
- Coping with Exam Stress, Outreach for PennState students, Dec 7, 2005
- Career Development: Eastern TaiwanCollege Students Workshop, March 28-29, 2002
- Career Development: Panasonic Electronics Taiwan Employee Training, May 19, 2002
Professional Employment
Clinical CounselorAug 2007 – present
CounselingCenter, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Provide individual psychotherapy to students.
- Conduct intake sessions, crisis interventions, and triage service to diverse undergraduate and graduate student body.
- Co-facilitate therapy groups.
- Co-chair the Asian-American students outreach program.
- Co-teach the intern diversity seminar.
- Supervise a practicum student.
Counselor Aug 2001 – June 2002
National Dong-Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan
- Provided individual counseling for college students with issues including career/major decision-making, depression, academic concerns, anxiety, bipolar personality disorder, eating disorder, family stress, and interpersonal problems.
- Led a group on relational issues for college students.
- Directed 25 part-time students in administrative work at the disability resource center.
- Administrated the 2001 project of improving campus handicap accessibility utilizing a fund of NT$2,500,000 (US $80,000).
Doctoral Program Training
Pre-doctoral Psychology InternAug 2006 – July 2007
Student Counseling Services, University of Southern California(APA accredited)
- Provide individual psychotherapy to students with depression, anxiety, cultural adjustment, sexual assault, eating disorder, sexual identity, perfectionism, academic achievement, marital problems, social phobia, and interpersonal issues. Employed psychotherapy in a short-term model (12 sessions) with weekly caseload of 10-12 multiculurally diverse clients.
- Provided couples therapy to clients dealing with marital and pre-marital issues.
- Conduct intake sessions, crisis interventions, and triage service to diverse undergraduate and graduate student body.
- Co-facilitate 4 groups, including an Interpersonal Process Group with live supervision, two Social Confidence CBT Groups, and an International Students Dialogue & Support Group.
- Provide outreach and consultation to student organizations on topics such as Counseling International Students and Asian-Americans.
- Supervise one doctoral practicum student throughout the year.
- Participate in the 2007-08 pre-doctoral intern selection committee.
- Supervise peer mentors from the Asian Pacific American Student Services.
Graduate AssistantAug 2005 – May 2006
CounselingCenter, The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity
- Provided individual psychotherapy to students with depression, suicidality, anxiety, grief and loss, and interpersonal difficulties. Employed psychotherapy in a short-term model (10 sessions) with weekly caseload of 6-8 multiculurally diverse clients.
- Conducted intake sessions with students seeking counseling services.
- Provided crisis interventions and triage service to students during walk-in hours
- Co-facilitated 2 general undergraduate therapy groups.
- Provide outreach workshops on topics including academic skills and cultural shock.
Advanced Practicum CounselorFeb 2006 - April 2006
Adult Inpatient Unit, The Meadows Psychiatric Center, Centre Hall, PA
- Provided individual therapy sessions for treatment concerns that included: bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, sexual abuse, substance abuse & dependence, bereavement, sexual identity, and suicidal & homicidal ideation/behaviors
- Participated in treatment team meetings with psychiatrists, social workers, nurses, and case managers.
- Facilitated daily psychotherapy support group.
Practicum CounselorJuly 2004 – April 2005
CounselingCenter, The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity
- Provided individual psychotherapy to students with anxiety, grief and loss, depression, hypochondriasis, and relationship issues.
- Conducted intake sessions with students seeking counseling services.
Practicum CounselorJan 2004 – April 2004
MBNACareerCenter, The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity
- Provided individual career counseling to undergraduate students for career exploration, career decision-making, and graduate school search strategies.
- Provided career-related assessments (e.g., Discover, Self Directed Search).
- Co-facilitated a career decision making group for undergraduates as part of a class.
- Provided walk-in/intake service for undergraduate and graduate students as well as alumni with resume writing, job search, career indecision, and interviewing concerns.
Practicum CounselorSept 2003 – April 2004
Cedar Clinic, The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity
- Provided individual psychotherapy to undergraduate students with generalized anxiety, depression, academic stress, and interpersonal difficulties.
- Employed psychotherapy in a short-term model (10 sessions) with weekly caseload of 5 multiculurally diverse clients
Master’s Program Internship
Clinical InternAug 2000 – April 2001
Wayne/Winfield Area Youth/Family Services, West Chicago, IL
- Provided individual and family counseling.
- Led 8 support groups for elementary school children from single parent families.
- Co-led an adult parenting group.
- Provided educational outreach to recent immigrants on the immigration process.
Practicum SupervisorAug 2007 – present
Counseling Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Supervise 1 doctoral level practicum student.
Practicum SupervisorSep 2006 – July 2007
Student Counseling Services, University of Southern California
- Supervised 1 doctoral level practicum student with a caseload of 6-8 clients.
Peer Mentoring SupervisorOct 2006 – July 2007
Asian Pacific American Student Services, University of Southern California
- Supervised 7 undergraduate and graduate student Asian American peer mentors.
Practicum SupervisorJan 2004 – April 2005
Cedar Clinic, The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity
- Supervised 2 master’s level practicum students each with a caseload of five clients.
- Previewed session video tapes, met an hour weekly with each supervisee for supervision, reviewed clinical notes and documentation, and evaluated supervisees’ clinical work.
Pre-Practicum SupervisorSept 2004 – Dec 2004
Cedar Clinic, The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity
- Provided supervision for 3 master’s level students in pre-practicum setting on separate Intake and Basic Skills role play sessions.
- Supervision included preview of each supervisee’s taped sessions, provided two 1-hour supervision sessions for each supervisee, and documentation of evaluation and feedback for the supervisee.
Training Group FacilitatorOct 2004 – Dec 2004
Group Psychotherapy, The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity
- Co-facilitated a theme-centered interaction group on issues of diversity, power, and privilege for Master's level counseling trainees.
Project Engineer Sep 1997 – Sep 1998
Philips Electronics Industries, Taiwan
- Monitored the CRT factory line expansion project in Nanking, China.
- Prepared quotations and documents for selling and purchasing mechanical equipments.
SergeantOct 1995 – Aug 1997
Military Service, Taiwan Army
- Supervised bomb inventory for three bomb warehouses.
Language Skills
- Fluent in Chinese (Mandarin and Taiwanese)
Computer Skills
- Statistical – LISREL 8.7, SPSS 11.0, Statlets 1.0E
- Web Design & Multimedia - FrontPage 2002, VideoStudio 6
- Microsoft Office 2002 – Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access
- Data Management - EndNote 7, ANGEL
Academic Honors
- Nominated for the 2007 CCPTP (Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs)Outstanding Graduate Student Award by the PennState Counseling Psychology Program.
- Conrad Frank, Jr. Graduate Fellowship, 2005
- Miriam E. Gray Scholarship, 2004
- Graham Endowed Fellowship Award, 2003
Research Awards and Grants
- AAPA Dissertation Research Grant –AsianAmerican Psychological Association 2007
Study: Perfectionism, depression, and self-esteem: A comparison of Asian and Caucasian Americans from a collectivistic perspective. - Alumni Society Research Initiation Grant – College of Education, Penn State Univ. 2006.
Study: Perfectionism, depression, and self-esteem: A comparison of Asian and Caucasian Americans from a collectivistic perspective. - International Conference Travel Award – APA 2006.
Study: Perfectionism among Chinese Students in Taiwan and Hong Kong: Psychological Well-being in a Collectivistic Culture. - Student Research Excellence Award – APA Div. 17 SERD 2005.
Study: Perfectionism in ChineseHigh School Students from Hong Kong. - Student Travel Award – Asian American Psychological Association 2005 Convention.
Study: Comparing Perfectionism and Gender Roles in AsianIndianUniversity Students. - Award of Excellence – APA Div. 52 Student International Research 2004.
Study: Perfectionism in ChineseUniversity Students from Taiwan. - Honorable Mention – 1995 NCTU Undergraduate Research and Development Competition.
Study: Optimal Gas Station Layout for Efficient Service Time.
American Psychological Association
- Division 17 – Counseling Psychology (Student Affiliate)
- Section of Ethnic & Racial Diversity (Student Representative)
- Special Task Group for Mentoring International Students (Member)
- Division 52 – International Psychology (Student Affiliate)
International Association of Applied Psychology
- Division of Counseling Psychology (Student Member)
- Psychology Students Division (Student Member)
Asian American Psychological Association (Student Member)
- SoCal AAPA (Mentoring Committee)
Taiwan Psychology Network (Member & Mentor)
- Intern Selection Committee at USCCounselingCenter, Nov 2006 – Feb 2007
- Mentor of TPN online internship application mentoring series, Sep 2006 – Dec 2006
- Student representative inSERDof APA Division 17, Aug 2005 - present
- Volunteer at Pennsylvania Special Olympics, June 11, 2005
- Student representative of 3rd year Ph.D. class for departmental meetings at PSU, Fall 2005
- Student representative for APA site visit preparation committee at PSU, 2005
- Listserv owner of Taiwanese Student Association at PSU, 2004-2005
- Volunteer in training at Public Counseling Organization in Taiwan, Oct 1998 – May 1999
150 monterey Rd #1 • south pasadena, ca• 91030
323.344.3788(home) • 626.399.6629(cell) •