For Assessing the Effectiveness of ITQ Professional Development Activities

As participants in an Ohio Department of Higher Education sponsored Improving Teacher Quality Program project you are being asked to complete two surveys to help us document the effectiveness and value of your experience. One survey is given to you at the beginning of your participation (preliminary) and the other at the end (follow-up). These surveys are extremely important and they are required as part of your participation.

Teachers should complete all of the questions. Non-teachers should complete as many questions as are appropriate.



What is your current position? / Select One
a) Teacher
b) Special Education, Resource or Inclusion Teacher
c) Teacher aide or assistant
d) Administrator/Supervisor
e) Other (Paraprofessional, etc. Please Specify)


What is your gender? / Select One
a) Female
b) Male


Which of the following categories best describes the way you define your racial/ethnic background? / Select One
a) White, non-Hispanic
b) Black, non-Hispanic
c) Hispanic
d) Asian/Pacific Islander
e) American Indian/Alaskan Native
f) Other, not indicated above


What level best describes the grade level you are currently teaching or preparing to teach? / Select One
a) PreKindergarten
b) Primary (K-3)
c) Intermediate (4-6)
d) Middle (7-8)
e) High School (9-12)
f) Administrator – Elementary School
g) Administrator – Middle School
h) Administrator – High School
i) Administrator/Supervisor (District-wide)
j) Other (Paraprofessional, etc. – Please Specify)


What type of school best describes where you are currently teaching or preparing to teach? / Select One
a) Public School District
b) Community School, Charter School or Nonpublic School
c) Other Institution


Select the response that best describes the main subject area you are currently teaching or preparing to teach. / Select One
a) Self-contained class (teach all or most subjects)
b) Math only
c) Science only
d) Math and Science
e) Other or Multi-Subject combinations (Specify)
f) Not Applicable; Administrator/Supervisor


Which of the following influenced you to become involved in this professional development program? / Select all that Apply
a) Applied on my own initiative
b) Participation was required by the school district
c) School district provided incentives to participate
d) Encouraged to participate by the project director
e) School staff agreed that the program was needed
f) Encouraged to attend by a former participant
g) Other reason (Specify)


Which of the following types of credit will you receive for participating in this program? / Select all that Apply
a) Graduate credit
b) Undergraduate credit
c) Credit toward salary increase
d) Credit toward continuing education
e) Credit toward certification/licensure
f) No credit given
g) Other (Specify)



Approximate the number of students in your class(es) who are defined as high-need as determined by being from families below the poverty line based on census data or by eligibility for free and reduced price lunches. / Approximate
Number of Students
Number of high-need students in your class(es) based on poverty
Total number of students in your class(es)


Approximate number of students in your class(es) who are: / Approximate Number of Students
a) White, non-Hispanic
b) Black, non-Hispanic
c) Hispanic
d) Asian/Pacific Islander
e) American Indian/Alaskan Native
f) Other, not indicated above
g) Total number of students for Race/Ethnicity category (should equal the total number of students in your class(es) [in question P9])
h) Urban
i) Suburban
j) Rural
k) Total number of students for Location category (should equal the total number of students in your class(es) [in question P9])
Special Needs
l) Limited English proficient
m) Disabled/Handicapped
n) Migrant
o) Economically Disadvantaged
p) Appalachian
q) Gifted and Talented


Please provide the following information about the school where you are currently teaching or preparing to teach. / For Public School District Participants
Public School District
County where you teach
School District Local Report Card
Achievement Performance Index Letter Grade
School where you teach
School Local Report Card
Achievement Performance Index Letter Grade

P11., continued

Please provide the following information about the school where you are currently teaching or preparing to teach. / For Community School, Charter School, Nonpublic School or Other Institution Participants
Community School, Charter School, Nonpublic School or Other Institution
County where you teach
Diocese (if applicable)



To what extent do you agree with each of the following statements, as reflected by your current ideas and degree of confidence about your teaching?(Check one on each line) / Strongly Agree
1 / 2 / Neither agree or disagree
3 / 4 / Strongly Disagree
a) I have a good understanding of fundamental core content in my discipline…
b) I have a good understanding of Ohio’s New Learning Standards in Mathematics and/or in Science…
c) I have a good understanding of how to assess student learning in multiple ways…
d) I have a good understanding of effective questioning techniques and its use in the classroom…
e) I have a good understanding of how to use
technology effectively in the classroom…
f) I have a good understanding of how to differentiate instruction in the classroom…
g) I have a good understanding of the methods necessary to teach math and/or science concepts effectively…
h) I believe I am an effective teacher…
i) I am excited about teaching in my subject area…
j) I am interested in networking with teachers and other professionals…

P13. Below are seven pairs of statements labeled A through H. Each pair represents

opposite ends of a continuum in approaches to teacher classroom practices. After reading a pair of statements, please record the number that best describes your position on the continuum as it directly relates to your classroom today.

Pair A

Number that describes your position / Classroom interaction consists of Classroom interaction involves a
teacher-led lecture with limited dialogue among teacher and
response from students. students.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Pair B

Number that describes your position / Students generally work in Students generally work
groups cooperatively. independently.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Pair C

Number that describes your position / Instruction focuses on the central Instruction emphasizes broad
ideas of a discipline, covering coverage of information with
fewer topics in depth. little depth.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Pair D

Number that describes your position / Students’ role is to receive/recite Students’ role is to apply inquiry
factual information and/or to answer and problem solving skills to
questions using repetitive routines. discover solutions to problems.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Pair E

Number that describes your position / Students generally learn concepts Students generally learn concepts
and processes using hands-on and processes through readings,
approaches. lectures and demonstrations.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Pair F

Number that describes your position / I am generally successful in I find it difficult to encourage the
encouraging effort and efforts and contributions of certain
participation among all students. students or groups of students
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Pair G

Number that describes your position / I generally assess students’ I generally assess students’
progress using conventional progress using alternative
methods (e.g., paper and pencil methods (e.g., open-response
tests such as multiple choice, questions, hands-on performance,
fill-in-the-blank, true/false) portfolios, observation)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Pair H

Number that describes your position / I generally use the same instructional I differentiate my instructional
techniques for all students in my class techniques based on student
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

ITQ FY 2016 PD Preliminary Participant SurveyPage 1