2018-2020 U.S. ActionGrants
UMC churches and other UMC entitiesin the United States are invited to apply for funding to disrupt racismand xenophobiaby working with a community partner or alliance to:
- Identify and change at least one racist and/or xenophobic system, policy, or practice in the wider community.
- Engage UMC people with diversecommunity partners in frequent vital conversations(about racism and xenophobia.
- Build understanding and trusting relationships among diverse people in the wider community.
Grants will be for up to $35,000 for up to 24 months beginning February 2018.
By October 4, 2017 completeapplications withrequired documents uploaded must be submitted online.(An email confirming receipt will be sent by October 11, 2017. Call 202/547-2271, if this email is not received.)
GCORR is eager to provide grants to engage UMCteamswith strong, diverse community partners or alliances who together will change racist and xenophobic systems, policies or practices in their communities. The community partnership must be established in advance of completing this grant application, and the community partner(s) must be involved in the planning for this grant.
Ideally initiatives will:
-engagea significant number of people, younger people(?), and diverse people, and
-have strong volunteer leadership, and
-result in long-term change
Applicants must be entities within the UMC that can provide a recent financial audit. (Those without an audit may apply through a UMC fiscal agent.) A 2016 Audit must be provided with the application. Priorto thereleaseoffunds, GCORR may request that the fiscal agent/entity be bonded by a fidelity orintegrity bond for at least the amount of the grant. Granted funds must be used during the grant period for the specific purpose of the grant, and funds not used must be returned to the General Commission on Religion and Race.
The application must be read and endorsed by the appropriate person in a letter. If the application is from a church, fellowship, or missional ministry, the support of the District Superintendent is required. For a district or annual conference entity (Cabinet, Board of Ordained Ministry, Conference Commission on Religion and Race, etc.), the endorsement of the Director of Connectional Ministries or the Resident Bishop is required. For a national racial-ethnic caucus or for a seminary, a letter of support from the Chair of the board of directors and/or the dean of the seminary is required.
Funds will not be granted for:
-training, dialogue or other endeavors that do not result in action and causechange
-existing wages of staff or usual operating costs
-costs forstaff and consultants/trainers/community organizers that exceed 15 percent of the totalgrantbudget (excluding funds paid to partner organizations for these purposes)
-one-time events
-purchase of land or real property
-construction or improvement of facilities, or other large capital expenditures
Grant recipients are expected to provide progress and financial reports every six months and to share materials created with GCORR. Initiatives must be designed so that progress toward goals, results, and changes in the initiative can be reported to GCORR.
Please respond to the following questions to determine if you are ready to apply for a U.S. Action Grant from the CORR Action Fund:
1.)Applicants forthese grants to change racist/xenophobic systems, policies, or practices must be UMC entities. If you wish to apply for funding, what type of UMC entity is your organization?
___local church
___annual conference
2.) When did your organization begin a new working relationship with at least one community organization to assess, identify, and plan to change racist/xenophobic systems, policies, or practices in the community?
____ less than 60 days ago
____ more than 60 days ago
____ relationship not started yet
3.)Your (or your UMC fiscal agent’s) 2016 financial audit will be provided (up loaded) to GCORR by August 31, 2017.
4.)Your plan for use of grant funds requested includes no more than 15 percent of the amount requested for your staff and consultants/trainers/community organizers and others.
Application for 2018-2020 U.S. Action Grants
All information below must be submitted by October 4, 2017, to be considered for a GCORR grant of up to $35,000 over two years to engage teams of UMC members with strong, diverse community partners or alliances to change racist and xenophobic systems, policies or practices in the wider community.
Requested:$______for Name of Initiative: ______
Initiative beginning date______ending date______
Initiative must begin afterFebruary 1, 2018, and end by January 31, 2020.
1. UMC Applicant(s):
Name of the UMC Entity or Church:
Pastor/staff name:
Phone:Cell phone:
Name of initiative leader/coordinator:
Phone:Cell phone:
2. Qualified UMC Fiscal Agent:
Key Contact:
Phone: Cell phone:
Relationship of Fiscal Entity to Applicant:
3. Appropriate Endorsing Contact who has read this application:
4. Partner Organization(s) or Alliance Primary Contact:
Phone:Cell phone:
Organization’s website:
5. Applicant UMC Church or Organization:
A. Briefly describe your church/organization and its programs.
If a church, the average number of people attending worship services is _____
Please list your staff, their titles, and number of hours worked per week.
Please list the members of your church council or governing council or board
What is the current annual operating budget of your church/organization? $______
B. What strengths and special skills does your church/organization bring to this particular initiative?
C. What have been your organization’s prior efforts related to racism/xenophobia?
Please describe when, numbers involved, and participants beyond your church/organization.
D. How many people from your church/organization have participated in conversations about this new initiative to date? ______
E. What percent of the council/board and staff of your church/organization are people of color or ethnically diverse? ______% of council/board members ______% of staff
6. Community Partner(s):
A. Briefly describe your partner organization/alliance and its programs.
Please list the partner’s staff, their titles, and number of hours worked per week.
Please list the members of the partner/alliance board of directors/governing council.
What is the current annual operating budget of the partner organization/alliance? $______
B. What made you select this/these particular organization(s) as your partner in this work? What strengths and experience come with them?
C. What has been the role(s) of the partner(s) in this initiative to date?
What will be their future role(s)?
What will eachcommunity partner provide financially and/or in-kind to the initiative?
D. Have you worked with the organization(s) in the past? ____ yes ____no
If yes, please describe when, where, and how.
E. How many people from the partnering organization(s) have participated in conversations about this initiative to date? ______
F. Through the community partner(s) how many people of other faiths and of no faith do you hope to engage in the work of this initiative? ______
G. What percent of the board and staff of the partner organization(s) arepeople of color or ethnically diverse? ______% of board/council ______% of staff
7. The Initiative:
A. Please share the scripture that is the foundation for your proposed initiative.
B. What general racist or xenophobic issue has your team identified that is crucial and relevant to your community and provides a likely “window of opportunity” to make change?
C. What makes this issue important in your community at this time?
D. Has your organization worked on this particular issue in the past? ___yes ___no
If yes, describe how, when and results.
E. If identified, what specific system, policy or practice(s) in the community does your team plan to change?
If not yet identified, by when will it be defined? ____
F. How will you bring about the change? What steps will you take? Who must be engaged?
OR, if change not yet defined:
How will you define what to change and the work to be done to change it?
G. Please describe how your organization will engage with your partner(s) and other community members in vital conversations about racist/xenophobic issues in your community?
How many conversations? ______How often?
H. Please describe the experience your organization and/or your community partner has in community organizing, advocacy and/or activism?
I. What challenges do you anticipate?
J. Who are the key leaders of your team for this initiative at this time?
Key Leaders of Initiative TeamName / Organization / Race/ethnicity / 35 or under?
(You may add additional lines)
K. Prior to filling out this application, how many times has your team of initiative leaders met to discuss this initiative? _____
L. If your request is funded, how many UMC members and UMC leaders do you expect to engage in the initiative on a regular basis? Total number_____ Number age 35 or under_____
How will all be involved?
M. If consultants/trainers/community organizers will be used to assure success of your initiative what will they do?
If you now knowwho consultants/trainers/community organizerswill be please provide information about them.(Recommendation: Consider resources within the UMC connectional structure.)
Consultant/trainer/community organizer name:
Area of expertise:
Consultant/trainer/community organizer name:
Area of expertise:
N. Whatis thetimelineforthis initiative? Use chart to indicate steps to be takebetweenFebruary 1, 2018, and January 31, 2020.Please include meetings of the Key Leaders of your initiative team in the Timeline
U.S. Action Grant Tentative / TimelineMonth & Year / Activity or Task / Person Responsible / Person’s Organization
(You may add additional lines)
8. FinancialInformation:
A. What is thetotal two-year Expense Budgetfor your proposed initiative? $______
Use the following budget formatshowingexpensesand sourcesofrevenuefor your proposed initiative.
- How much, if any, of initiative grant dollars will partner organization(s) receive? $______What will these funds pay for?
Signature of authorized UMC applicant ______Date______
Name of signer ______Title______
Required Documents to be Uploaded:
___Letter of Endorsement on letterhead indicating appropriate official has read the application and supports it.
___ Letters from partnering and/or supporting organizations. Indicate commitment, role in the initiative to date, future role,the strengths and assets brought that will help the initiative succeed, andthe financial and in-kind resources that will be provided.
___Fiscal agent’s Financial Audit of 2016
Use this budget format for costs and revenues. Please provide a budget narrative explaining your numbers. (The columns for expenses and income should include all expenses and all revenues for this initiative only.)
8. A. Initiative 2-Year BUDGET
UMC Fiscal Agent:
Applicant Organization:
Name of Initiative:
Initiative Beginning Date:
Initiative Ending Date:
Amount Requested: $
Initiative EXPENSES(February 1, 2018 – January 31, 2020)Initiative Amount Requested
ITEM Total Expenses from GCORR
Salaries/wages (for added hours or added staff by individual)
$ $
$ $
Additional insurance, benefits and related taxes $ $
Consultant/trainer/community organizer fees $ $
SUBTOTAL of Staffing Costs(up to 15% of GCORR request)$ $
Partner organization(s) costs (up to $3,000 for each) $ $
Travel & hotel $ $
Food $ $
Equipment, including rental $ $
Supplies for initiative $ $
Printing and copying $ $
Added telephone costs for this initiative $ $
Postage and delivery $ $
Value of donated services and things $ $
Other costs (specify) $ $
$ $
SUBTOTAL of Costs Other than Staff$ $
Total Expenses $ GCORR Total $
Initiative INCOME(February 1, 2018 – January 31, 2020)
SOURCETotal of Other GCORR Request
UMC sources (list below)
$ $
Partner organization(s) financial support$
Fees and income from initiative$
Individual contributions$
Fundraising events and products$
Value sources of in-kind gifts$
Other (specify)$
Total Other Income $ GCORR Total $
8. A. Budget Narrative: Please explain the thinking behind your budget numbers and elaborate on expenses and income listed.