Grange Community Primary School

Creative curriculum Overview 2015/16

Year 1 and 2 / Autumn / Spring / Summer
Theme title / “Into the woods ...”
Shakespeare - Midsummer Night’s Dream / “A tale of two countries” (England & South Africa)
Text “Meerkat Mail” by Emily Gravett / “Delving into castle life?”
Text “The Kiss that missed” by David Melling
Science / Seasonal changes – Observations of woodland area
Everyday Materials – what are the properties of materials? Why are particular materials used? / Animals and habitats (including food chain) Year 2
Animals including humans / Plants – Identify plants e.g common and wild. Observe how seeds and bulbs grow into plants. Find out what plants need to grow and stay healthy.
History / When was Shakespeare alive? Who ruled the country? Compare Queen Elizabeth 1 and 2nd / Why did people send postcards?
Major historical events in England and Africa. / History focus of castles – knights and princesses.
Geography / Into the woods … in our locality
Fieldwork: observe, measure and record. / Oceans and Continents
Where do meerkats originate from? Similarities and differences between England and South Africa. / Where is Chirk Castle? Similarities between Wales and England. Where are castles in the United Kingdom?
Art / Hans Holbein (artist) and his portraits of Elizabeth 1 and William Shakespeare – Drawings and Paintings.
Printing using polystyrene tiles (yr2) / African inspired drawings and paintings. / 3D artwork – use of modroc to link to Science and plants.
DT / Design and make dream catchers. / Cookery – Foods inspired by Africa
Design and make meerkats. / Design and make a structure inspired by the castle we visited.
Computing / ICT safety – where to go for help and support re concerns
Use of our website – accessing for different purposes inc algorithms, research, homework Algorithms – Instructions/Solving problems / Use the internet for research – create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content.
Algorithms – instructions / Continue to use ICT for research.
Create and debug simple programs
Music / Singing for performance – Harvest and Christmas; Guy Fawkes – speaking chants and rhymes with beat and rhythm. / Play tuned and untuned instruments rhythmically. Perform and listen to traditional African music. / Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high quality recorded music across a range of historical periods.
P.E / Yr 1 Dance and Gymnastics
Yr 2 Games and Gymnastics / Yr 1 Games and Apparatus
Yr 2 Dance and Apparatus / Yr 1 Team Games and Athletics
Yr 2 Team Games and Athletics
R.E/PHSE / Yr 1 Jesus and his friends; Christmas & Christingle
Yr 2 The bible; Christmas & Christingle
PHSE – Dreams Friendships / Yr 1 Stories of love and forgiveness
Yr 2 Jesus the storyteller
PHSE – Emotions and Feelings / Yr 1 The church as a place of worship
Yr 2 Judaism – Jewish concept of God and stories
PHSE – Relationships and Changes
WOW factor / Shakespeare Drama Experience
Pettypool (outdoor) – Year 2 only / Reaseheath College - Meerkats / Chirk Castle