Week 16-17

English III

November 30-December 11

(*****Please purchase Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer by Friday, December 11th*****)

M:Write the literary time periods Realism, Modernism, Post-modern

  • Create the Pie Chart

Question: What were the gender expectations in each time period? How might this translate into writing?

  • Read the following selections from the literature book and indicate how the women’s issues are addressed. Please take note of the time period of each piece.
  • Alice Walker’s fromIn Search of Our Mothers’ Gardenspg. 1101 (read in class)
  • Sylvia Plath’s “Mirror” pg. 1149 (read in class)

Exit Slip: What were the gender expectations in each time period? How might this translate into writing?

Hmwk: What is your claim for Rogerian Essay? Write it down

T:Read the following selection from the literature book and indicate how the

women’s issues are addressed. Please take note of the time period of each piece.

  • William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” pg. 716 (HMWK)

Hmwk: What is your claim for Rogerian Essay? Write it down—what sources will you use? Look below at list.

W: Prepare all your notes and your claim to begin drafting the next essay.

You will need your TE from every source we referenced after Perkins, Chopin, and Parker.

This includes: (you will have to refer to at least 6 different sources below) 17 listed below

Barbie Doll (Margie
Beach Body (Brave New Voices)
I’m Not a Hero for Taking Care of My Kids—I’m also not baby-sitting them. I’m their dad.
(Time Magazine)
Why PepsiCo CEO Indra K. Nooyi Can’t Have it All (The Atlantic)
Why Women Can’t have it all (The Atlantic)
I want a Wife (Judy Brady)1972--1990
How Sexism Shaped Corporate Culture (Huffingonton Post)
Why I put my Wife’s career first (The Atlantic)
Adele (Rolling Stone)
Sheryl Sandberg (Ted Talk COO of Facebook)
Beauty & the Beast (Dave Barry)
The Waltz (Dorothy Parker)
Desiree’s Baby (Kate Chopin)
Yellow Wallpaper
Alice Walker’s fromIn Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens
Sylvia Plath’s “Mirror”
William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”

TH:Lab 260 (Rogerian Style)---Guided Practice

F:Lab 260 (Essay and works cited due on Friday, December 11th)


M:Lab 217 (print 2 copies for workshop tomorrow)

T:Workshop essay in classroom

W:Lab 217

TH:Lab 217

F:Essay is due---start Into the Wild