Holy Family Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes – June 13, 2017

Attendees: Father Gaudy, Mike O’Brien, Alex Spear, Bill Shannon, Beverly Manlove, Joe Stefonowich, Mike Jakubec, Dick Dietz, Fr. Eric Ayres, Deacon Bob May

General: The May Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) meeting was called to order; Fr. Gaudy said the opening prayer; our new Pastor, Fr. Eric Ayers (Fr. Eric) was welcomed, and minutes from the May meeting were reviewed and approved via email and are posted on the parish website.

Old Business:

·  Virtus Training for PPC members: Officially complete.

·  Living Our Mission (LOM) Campaign & Bishop’s Diocesan Appeal:

o  LOM- Parish has LOM balance of $360,161.79. To date, we have received $420,994.29 of our total share of $877,000. Capital fund balance $245,097.21.

o  The Bishop’s Diocesan Appeal- Have received pledges totaling $50,335, which puts us at 106.55% of our goal.

·  NET Annual Report: Has been distributed

·  Word and Ecumenical Reports: Received last month

New Business:

·  Music Ministry Report: Distributed for review

·  Worship Report: Given by Alfie, as Steve was unavailable.

o  Lack of volunteers remains a problem; removing some of the positions at each Mass would help alleviate the situation. Despite the ongoing need for more folks in each of the Liturgical ministries, parishioners continue to step in to fill the gaps. Renovations to the worship space could change the number of volunteers needed for each Mass.

o  Starting Junior altar serving program to have one trained altar server and 2 candle bearers per service. This would get younger children involved at an earlier age who, hopefully would transition to altar servers when they came of age to do so.

·  PPC Annual Retreat Update: Scheduled for January 20, 2018 at New Creation Renewal Center. $2,000 budget is expected to be approved by diocese.

·  Parish Community Fair comments: Overall success. Lack of volunteers caused some reduction of revenue for games. Could each ministry commit to cover a couple of hours for games, food staffing next year?

·  Parish Pastoral Plan: Waiting for SLT and ministry leaders for comments/feedback. Next step is to write up actual implementation plan.

·  Next meeting: Fr. Eric not officially here until late July. Next meeting to be working session of PPC July 18, 2017 @ 7:00 PM.

·  Closing prayer by Fr. Ayres

·  Meeting adjourned

Submitted on June 26th, 2017

By Beverly Simons Manlove

PPC Secretary

The next PPC Meeting will be held on, July 18th, 2017.