Newton Annexe is a single storey wooden building and is situated on the main campus. For the purpose of this fire risk assessment the building will be considered in two halves; the Mosque and the office accommodation. During particular times of the year, persons using the Mosque for overnight prayer sleep in between periods of prayer.
The fire risk assessment was undertaken using the framework outlined in the British Standard PAS 79:2007. The process involved a visual inspection of all accessible areas on a floor by floor basis to determine:
1. Potential sources of ignition.
2. Combustible materials.
3. Means of detection.
4. Means of escape.
5. Emergency lighting
6. Means of fighting fire.
7. Fire safety signage.
8. Procedures and training.
9. Structural features.
10. Hazardous areas.
11. Significant hazards requiring further control.
12. Risk level.
Relevant information was then identified on building plans and these are included as an appendix. A summary assessment is also included as an appendix.
1. Potential sources of ignition
The potential sources of ignition identified in the building are:
· Electrical appliances including kettles, toasters and electric heaters.
· Cooking in the kitchen
· Arson as the building has open access for students/visitors.
There were numerous items of electrical equipment in the female area which were not PAT tested.
2. Combustible materials
These are primarily:
· Waste bin in the kitchen.
· Curtain separating men’s and women’s area.
3. Means of detection
The two halves of the building are fitted with automatic detection to two different standards, i.e. the mosque is fitted with smoke & heat detection to BS5839 Part 1 L2/M standard because of the sleeping risk and the office accommodation is fitted with smoke detection to BS5839 Part 1 L4/M.
Manual call points are fitted adjacent to final exit doors.
4. Means of escape.
Whole Building.
The capacities of the escape doors are as follows:
(The table below shows the final exit capacities in accordance with ‘table 5 in Approved Document B of the Building Regulations 2000’).
Exit / Door Width / CapacityFront entrance / 1600 mm / 340
Right rear / 1500 mm / 320
Right hand side / 1590 mm / 330
Total / 990
The door from the kitchen must be a fire door and as such must be fitted with a self closing device and intumescent seals.
Disabled Persons
There is access / egress for disabled persons through the front entrance.
5. Emergency Lighting.
The provision of emergency lighting appears to be minimal and a check should be made by a competent person as to whether this meets the British standard.
6. Means of fighting fire.
Extinguishers are provided by each call point. These are in pairs comprising of one water and one CO2 extinguisher. These are serviced annually by the Estates appointed contractor.
7. Signage.
The building is fitted with a variety of fire safety signs. These include fire exit, extinguisher and fire-action signs which comply with the Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996.
8. Fire Procedures.
In the event of the alarm sounding it will automatically relay to Maxwell control (security) who in turn will contact the Fire Brigade. There is no evacuation procedure for the building and there is no appointed Building Controller at present.
9. Structural features.
The hatch from the kitchen into the main prayer room is not fire rated and will not prevent smoke / fire spread.
Fire doors are lacking self closers in most areas.
10. Hazardous areas.
There are no areas of the building which pose an increased risk.
11. Significant hazards requiring further control.
General Items Identified / Required action / By WhomEmergency lighting may be inadequate. / Survey building to establish whether lighting is sufficient and fit additional lighting if required. / Estates.
Door into kitchen needs to be a fire door with self closer. / Door to be changed. / Estates.
Out of date PAT on appliances in female area. / PAT to be done on alll out of date items. / Estates
12. Risk level.
The following assessment of risk is based on the building after completion of the additional controls identified above.
Likelihood X Severity = Risk Level
of fire
ê ê ê
2 X 2 = 4
Newton Annexe is quantified as: Low risk.
The following scoring system is used to determine the overall level of fire risk for the building, or floor of a building being assessed.
Score / Likelihood of Fire / Score / Severity / Total Score / Level of Risk / Action Required0 / Almost impossible / 0 / No or very little impact / 0-1 / I=Insignificant / No action required
1 / Very unlikely / 1 / Business interruption / 2-6 / L=Low / Review controls regularly to ensure they remain effective
2 / Unlikely < than 50/50 chance / 2 / Property damage / If greater than 7, identify additional actions to reduce risk further
3 / Likely > than 50/50 chance / 3 / Significant financial loss/ valuable equipment / 8-16 / M=Medium / Identify additional controls to reduce risk
4 / Very likely / 4 / Minimum number of people at risk / 20 / H=High / If building is occupied, urgent action is required
5 / Virtually Certain / 5 / Significant numbers of people at risk/high risk impact e.g. affect on surrounding area / 25 / C=Critical / Stop use of building and take action to reduce risk further