Ickford News
It is not often one gets the chance to spend an afternoon with the King and Queen of the fairies, a weaver called Bottom and the Duke of Athens, such auspicious company I imagine is usually reserved for the summer fancy dress ball at Elton John’s house. Nonetheless, this week the year 5 and 6 children had the opportunity to see Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream performed at Waterperry Gardens in the open air, a treat for any theatre lovers and a great opportunity to see the work of the ‘The Bard’ brought to life.
We were fortunate with the weather and, although showers did threaten throughout the performance, the rain held off until the very end. I think the children enjoyed themselves although I think the novelty of being able to wrap themselves in blankets with their friends and the interval ice lolly may have captured their attention the most!
Personally, although I enjoyed the performance, I got most pleasure from the comments of several members of the Waterperry staff and public who took the trouble to congratulate me on the behaviour of the children. They really were a pleasure to accompany and a credit to the school.
I have, I confess, been somewhat remiss and forgot to mention in that in April, two of our Year 5 pupils, Katie Barnes and Josh Pearman, participated in a Bronze Ambassador course at The Royal Latin School in Buckinghamshire. As ambassadors, their role is to encourage the school to be more involved in sports and to support in improving the health and fitness of the pupils and staff. As you can imagine, they have quite a difficult job, not in motivating us but because the school is already very involved in sports and competition. However, I have had a meeting with Katie and Josh and we have agreed that next year, when they are in Year 6, they will liaise with Miss Newell (a PE specialist), in implementing some ideas they have for raising awareness of sports and healthy living in school and fund raising for PE equipment.
On a final note (excuse weak pun) thank you to the choir, the violinists and to Matthew Shackleton our pianist who performed so beautifully at our assembly this morning. Elton beware!
Mr Ronane
We are still finding items of lost property, particularly after PE and sports activities, that are not labelled with names. We are also receiving requests from parents to look for clothes that have been lost. If you ensure that everything is clearly labelled we can return property to individual children more easily.
We will again be collecting second hand clothing to recycle and raise some money for our school.
Tex Recycle Care Limited (TRCL) is a business that specialises in the collection and export of good quality second-hand clothing to emerging countries in Eastern Europe and Russia.
We need good quality mens, ladies and children’s clothing as well as shoes, handbags, towels and bedding.
Please fill any bag and return it to the school before Friday 8th July. The bags will be collected and weighed and the school will earn 37p per kg.
We look forward to your support for this collection.
Please note that children should not arrive at school before 8.45am unless they are booked into the breakfast club. We do not have any staff on duty to be responsible for children until this time.
A reminder that I am offering an evening session to anyone who feels that their own literacy or English skills may not be strong enough to help their children with their progress in school through supporting them at home.
The session will begin at 7:30 and should last about an hour and a half depending on the level of interest and need. I will try and make it as interesting and fun as possible.
PARENT READERS 21st June, 10am-11.30am
A reminder that I am looking to form a group of parents who come in to school on a regular basis to hear children read. Although we have some very kind people who already give up time to do this, I would like to invite and train several more parents to begin in September.
In order to become a ‘Parent Reader’ you must be able to commit to a regular time slot each week and you must have had initial training (I will be asking those already in place to attend the training session). Another consideration is that parents will not be allocated to a class that contains their own children.
Other Dates......
22nd June – Class 5 Play, 7pm
30th June – Class 4 Play, 7pm
18th July – Class 3 Play, 7pm
20th July – Leavers Assembly and BBQ/Camping
21st July – Sports Day