Work Experience Book 2015 – 2016 Marketing Employee School for Commercial Economics, Cohort 2013
2015 – 2016 ME Work Experience Book
Level: 4
Cohort: 2013
Leeghwaterplein 72
2521 DB The Hague
This work experience book shows how exams can be taken at the workplace.
It consists of two parts:
- The information part. This part explains how the work experience is organised and provides some background information.
- The form overview. This provides an overview of the formalities required for the exams.
We are working on the assumption the students will be working digitally as much as possible where the use of the forms folder is concerned. The forms therefore serve as an example.
It works like this, the student:
-downloads an example of a form from the web address below
-digitally fills in the required information
-places a printed out copy in the forms folder (the student needs to create this folder him/herself)
-subsequently collects the required signatures
Once the work experience placement has been completed the student will provide the school assessor with the following:
- the completely filled in and signed forms folder
- the approach plan
- all reports and/or completed exam assignments
The student will be issued with the work experience book once. It can be downloaded from:
- The work experience agreement
- Independence declaration
- Exam assignments
- The registration of exam assignments
- Weekly logbook
- Qualifying circumstances
- Company visits by the school assessor
- Self-evaluations
- Performance appraisals
- The evidence
- The final interview
- Practical tips
- Exam file
- Establishing the Career & Citizenship developmentPage9
Front page: Work Experience Forms
The 7 types of forms
- Company assessor independence declaration
- The registration of exam assignments
- Weekly logbook
- Self-evaluation
- Performance appraisal
- Initial meeting report
- Final assessment
The third academic year includes a 19 week work experience period. Exam assignments for the Marketing & Communication Employee course, with a Marketing Employee direction, will need to be completed in a qualifying environment during this work experience period. Plus the agreed activities will also need to be carried out for the work experience company. This work experience book describes how the student can complete the appropriate exams during the work experience period.
The work experience period in this academic year is from 1st February 2016 to
10th June 2016.
Before the work experience period commences
The student will:
- apply to a company which is S-BB-recognised. )*
- ask the school’s work experience coordinator for approval for the choice of company by email, using the registration form.
- provide the company assessor with the school’s information for a subsequent application.
- ask the company assessor to sign the independence declaration.
- ask the company assessor to sign the exam assignments registration.
- ensure the exam secretary is in possession of the exam assignments registration before the work experience commences.
- ask the company assessor to sign a work experience agreement.
- hand this agreement in with the school’s administration department.
- instantly start with preparing the required approach plans.
During the work experience period
The student will:
- complete the approach plan within the first three weeks.
- update the weekly logbook on a daily basis.
- send a digital copy of the logbooks to the school assessor on a weekly basis.
- complete the exam assignments in accordance with the approach plan.
- write self-evaluations.
- collect all forms and evidence.
)* see:
The student will be guided by a company supervisor, a company assessor and a school assessor during the work experience period. The last two are jointly responsible for assessing the exams completed by the student during the work experience period.
- The company supervisor
The company supervisor assists the student on a daily basis.
- The company assessor
The company assessor is the person responsible for the exams on behalf of the company for the student’s work experience.
Before the work experience period commences
The company assessor will sign the following forms:
-Registration form
-Independence declaration
-Registration of the exam assignments
During the work experience period:
The company assessor will
-sign the weekly logbooks on a weekly basis (form 3)
-conduct a performance appraisal every four weeks (form 5)
-complete a final assessment at the end of the period (form 7)
-continuously assess the student based on the work processes which form part of the exam assignment(s).
- The schoolassessor
The schoolassessor is the examiner appointed by the school.
Before the work experience period commences.
The student will enter into agreements with the school assessor before the first work experience week regarding each other’s availability (telephone/email). The student will immediately call or email the school assessor in case of any possible problems during this period.
During the work experience period.
The school assessor will visit the student at least twice during the work experience period. The school assessor will check whether the exam assessments have been carried out correctly and under the correct conditions and at the right level.
- The work experience agreement
A work experience agreement will need to be signed if a student wants to work at a company. The agreement won’t be approved until the education manager at school has subsequently also signed these agreements. A copy of the agreement will be kept by the student.
- Independence declaration
The company assessor will need to sign a form beforehand to confirm that he/she can and will act as an independent company assessor.
- Exam assignments
The student has entered into agreements with the company assessor as to which exam assignments will be completed during this period before the work experience commences. The student will have looked at core tasks 1 and 2 at school before the work experience period. Core task 3 will be examined in practice during the work experience period.
- Registration of the exam assignments
The “registration of exam assignments” form must be signed before the work experience commences. The SCC will need to be contacted immediately if the student can’t examine all the required work processes at the work experience company.
- Weekly logbook
The student will maintain a weekly logbook from day 1. The logbook will provide information regarding how and when the assignments have been worked on. The work processes must be meticulously specified. Appendix 1 provides information regarding what a work process is made up of. The company assessor needs to sign the logbook every week. He will subsequently know which work processes the student has worked on that week. These can then be discussed during the performance appraisals after every four weeks. The student will be assessed on these at the end of the work experience period.
- Qualifying circumstances.
The student can start on his/her exam assignments as soon as the approach plan has been approved. He/she will then be seen as a starting out professional and will be treated as such. These are referred to as qualifying circumstances.
- Company visits by the school assessor
The school assessor will visit at least twice during the work experience period. The first visit will be during the first three weeks and the second visit will take place at the end of the work experience period.
The company assessor will also always be present during these meetings.
Before the first visit:
- the student has prepared an approach plan per core task.
During the first visit:
- the qualifying assignments are discussed between the student and the company assessor.
- the assignments are clarified and, if so required, implemented.
- the approach plan will be discussed and, if possible, approved by the school assessor.
- agreements will be entered into as to when the student will start working on the assignments under qualifying conditions.
During the last visit:
- the final assessment of the exam assignments will take place.
- Self-Evaluations
Self-evaluations are a compulsory part of the work experience placement. The student will always work on a self-evaluation before the performance appraisal with the company assessor and before the final interview. The latter will encompass the entire work experience period. The self-evaluations must demonstrate development throughout the work experience period.
- Performance appraisals
A performance appraisal will be conducted between the company assessor and the student at least once every four weeks. The most important aim of these appraisals is for interim adjustments and improvements to take place, allowing the student to realise the expected results. A form will always be filled in during these appraisals. The meeting will focus on two different areas.
Part A will be about the exam assignments which have been completed during the work experience period. The student will bring along the following for this purpose:
-the four applicable weekly logbooks.
-the self-evaluation(s) for the four week period to be discussed.
-any possible (meeting) reports associated with executed activities.
-the work process pieces which are being worked on.
Part B will be about the activities carried out as an employee. The eventual assessment of this part will be done using form 7.
- The evidence
The student must collect all the required pieces of evidence. These include:
- All the forms in the work experience book
- The approach plan
- All reports and/or completed exam assignments.
- The final interview
A final interview with the company assessor, the school assessor and the student will take place at the end of the work experience period. The student will make sure all pieces of evidence are available for this meeting.
The meeting will assess whether:
- all pieces are available.
- the assignments have been completed to a satisfactory level.
- the pieces have been completely filled in and signed.
- the executed work processes have been completed and demonstrated.
The student will receive an explanation in relation to the assessment of his/her exam assignment(s) and the execution of the work experience period as a whole. We can’t refer to a successfully completed work experience placement until all the paperwork is in order.
Practical tips
The student:
- must take the work experience company’s written and unwritten rules into account.
- devotes attention to his/her appearance and good manners.
- makes sure there is good communication with the company assessor and the school assessor.
- shows an interest, listens and watches attentively, is critical, but formulates any criticism tactfully.
- shows initiative where his/her activities are concerned.
- Exam File
The student will provide the school assessor will all the original pieces of evidence after the work experience period. The exam agency will subsequently store these in the school archives.
Appendix 1 Establishing the student’s development in relation to the economic dimension 2 part 1 of C&C
We don’t just look at the competencies required for the profession during the course, but we also look at competencies which form part of ‘Career and Citizenship’ (C&C). These are the competencies which all Dutch citizens should possess. It’s all about the students preparing to participate with the modern knowledge economy, whereby it’s becoming increasingly more important for people to can and want to develop their talents. This is why students learn to think and make decisions about the following during the course: What am I good at? What do I want from my job? What do I need to learn in order to reach my objective?
The students need to show commitment to their development in relation to the Career and Citizenship competencies throughout their course. This is a requirement for achieving the diploma.
The following table shows which Career and Citizenship dimensions are addressed in the course.
Dimensions / Title: / Assessed by:1 / Career / Study career coach
2 / Citizenship / Citizenship teacher
2.1 / The political legal dimension / Citizenship teacher
2.2 / The economic dimension part 1:
the willingness and ability to contribute to the employment process and the employment community which the students form part of; / Company and school supervisor / WE*
The economic dimension part 2:
the willingness and ability to adequately and responsibly participate with society as a consumer. / Citizenship teacher
2.3 / The socio-cultural dimension / Citizenship teacher
2.4 / The vital citizenship dimension / Citizenship teacher
*WE = Work employment
C&C The economic dimension 2.2
The economic dimension is split into two areas and covers
-the willingness and ability to provide a contribution to the employment process and the employment community to which he/she belongs;
-the willingness and ability to adequately and responsibly participate with society as a consumer
This concerns the adequate functioning within the employment market and within a company and acting responsibility within the consumer market. In order to adequately function within the employment market and within a company, the participant will need to familiarise him/herself with and abide by the generally accepted rules and standard (company) procedures. The participant is aware of a professional’s rights and obligations and adopts a collegial attitude. The participant knows how to collect information regarding products and services, in order to make a well informed decision and function as a critical consumer. He/she has a good insight into his/her own wishes where his/her financial leeway is concerned. Plus he/she needs to be able to make considerations in relation to social interests like sustainability and health aspects when purchasing products and services.
The participant has knowledge of, and an insight into, the following subjects, which are addressed within the economic dimension: the social functions and valuation of employment, the factors which influence the corporate culture, the employment relations in the Netherlands, the role and influence exercised by industry or trade organisations, the government’s role.
The student’s performance as an employee within a work organisation
-The employee abides by the generally accepted rules and the rules which are commonplace in the industry. He/she thereby provides evidence of self-knowledge.
-The employee has a cooperative and flexible attitude, but will also indicate his/her limits if he/she can’t take responsibility for the activities which need to be carried out. The employee also acts in an ethical and honest manner from his/her own standards and values as a citizen.
-The employee uses his/her employment rights and protection, as recorded in the CLA’s and other statutory provisions. He/she also makes use of his/her participation rights.
-The employee enjoys a good working relationship with other colleagues during the work. He/she contributes to a positive work atmosphere during the more informal contacts in the work organisation. He/she thereby takes the corporate culture into account, with consideration for his/her own responsibilities.
To be submitted after the work experience period
FROM THE WORK EXPERIENCE BOOK / SIGNATURESSchoolassessor / Company assessor / Student
- Company assessor independency declaration
- Registration of the exam products
- Weekly logbook
- Self-evaluation
- Performance appraisal
- Initial meeting report
- Final work experience assessment
- Work experience company registration
- Assignment description
- Checklist examlocation
- Approach plan
- KT3 assessment per work process
1 Company assessor independence declaration
Date: ______
Name of the student to be assessed : ______
Course: Marketing and Communication Employee
Direction: ______
The undersigned hereby declares:
-Not to have been involved with the education and/or guidance of the student to be assessed.
-Not to have any kind of relationship with the student to be assessed.
This declaration has been signed by
Company assessor name: ______
Company assessor position: ______
Work experience company name: ______
Company assessor signature:Company stamp:
This declaration is requested in order to guarantee the company assessor’s independence with respect to the student. By signing this declaration, the company assessor also confirms he/she has sufficient training and experience at his/her disposal to objectively and efficiently assess the student during the exams.