February Monthly Meeting of Kells Town Council held on Monday, 18th February 2008, at Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place, Kells, Co Meath.

Presiding: Cllr. C. Ferguson

Present: Cllrs. P. Caffrey, B. Collins, B. Curran, S. Drew, T. Grimes,

B. Reilly, O. Sweeney.

Also Present: Mr. B. McGrath, Town Manager, Ms. C. Benson, Town Clerk,

Mr. S. Carroll. A/Town Engineer, Ms. C. O’Reilly. A/Asst Staff Officer.

There were apologies from Cllr. A.O. Farrelly who was unable to attend.


The minutes of:

-Preliminary budget meeting held on 10th December 2007 were approved on the proposal of Cllr. P. Caffrey, seconded by Cllr. B. Reilly.

-December monthly meeting held on 17th December 2007 were approved on the proposal of Cllr. B. Collins, seconded by Cllr. B. Reilly.

-Statutory budget meeting held on 17th December 2007 were approved on the proposal of Cllr. B. Collins, seconded by Cllr. B. Reilly.

-January monthly meeting held on 21st January 2008 were approved on the proposal of Cllr. B. Collins, seconded by Cllr. B. Reilly.

Mr. Trevor Foster, Architect gave an update on the regeneration and modernisation programme for the Council’s older housing stock. Members were informed that a survey had been carried out on various house types. Tender documentation should be ready by first week of April and the Contractor will be on site by mid June. The Manager confirmed that the monies had been provided for in the 2008 budget and sourced from internal capital receipts.

The works will consist of structural and internal works and would take approximately 10/14 weeks per house. The unit cost would be €20-30K.Vacant possession will be needed to accommodate works on grounds of health and safetyand the Council will facilitate these moves and endeavour to accommodate the needs of each tenant. Eight houses will be vacant at any one time. A Tenant Liaison Officer, Ms Mary Carey has been appointed who will meet with each tenant.

It was agreed that an assessment would be carried out on the three derelict/ vacant houses and the most cost effective option would dictate their usage. A report on various options i.e. to sell/ refurbish would be brought back to the Council.

Members were informed that Meath County Council had no such proposals for Ard na Greine at present. It was agreed that Cllr. Reilly would raise the matter at Meath County Council.


  • Letter from Kells St. Patrick’s Day Committee requesting use of the Fair Green from 13 – 17 March 2008 for funfair.

The Town Engineer stated that no formal proposals had been received. He had met with Organisers. Fairground does not require licence. Promoter was requested to consult with local residents. Following a general discussion, the Manager informed members that the onus was on the event organiser to provide event management plan. If consultation is required it was a matter for Committee. Safety records for machines plus a bond would be required. It was agreed that consultation would need to take place with residents of the area and that the bond would be sufficient to repair any damage caused.

  • Letter from Kells St. Patrick’s Day Committee requesting funding.

On the proposal of Cllr. P. Caffrey, seconded by Cllr. B. Collins, it was agreed to make a contribution of €2,000 from local development fund.

  • Letter from Cherryhill Residents Association asking for support to complete estate.

It was agreed that the letter would be circulated to Councillors.

  • An acknowledgement letter was received from DoEHLG in relation to Cllr. Curran’s motion for a ban on pit-bull terriers and similar breeds of dog.

Cllr. Curran welcomed the letter but stated and action needs to be taken.

  • Letter from Save Cross Committee in relation to the treatment of the Market Cross for outdoor exposure.

The Manager informed members that he only received the letter on 13th February. Members were informed that consultation would have to take place with National Monuments and MsLoreto Guinan, Heritage Officer. It was hoped to bring a report back to the April monthly meeting.

  • Letter from Infrastructure Committee, Kells Chamber of Commerce, requesting an update on number of issues.

It was agreed that the Council would extend the March meeting by an hour to meet with a delegation from the Chamber.

It was agreed that the cut-off time for receipt of correspondence would be Friday evening prior to meeting.

Members were reminded that annual declarations had to be submitted by end of month.

Members were informed that the LAMA Spring Seminar would be held on 27/28 March.

Monthly Reports

The following issued were raised by members.

Cllr. Drew complimented staff on fence erected at Headfort Park/Blackthorn Close.

Cllr. Caffrey queried the depth of ramps installed in comparison to the ones at Rockfield. The Town Engineer stated that the ramps at Rockfield were raised tables.

Cllr. Collins raised the issue of sign on Cavan Road for Fr. McCullen Park and asked if it could be moved further down as it was causing some confusion, or if a sign for all estates in the area could be provided. TheTown Engineer stated that he would have the matter investigated.

Cllr. Collins also raised the issue of litter on the Dublin Road.

The Town Engineer informed Cllr Curran that planning enforcement notices had issued in relation to illegal signage on approach roads.

Cllr. Curran also raised the issue of potholes on Head fort Place and Church car park.

The Town Engineer informed members that the preliminary estimated cost to plain out potholes on the short term on Cavan Road was €30K.

Managers Orders

The Managers Orders as circulated were noted.

Notice of Motion

Cllr. T. Grimes

“That the members of Kells Town Council send a detailed submission to the Minister for the Environment & Local Government in relation to the proposed revision of electoral area boundaries for the 2009 Local Elections.”

Proposed by Cllr. T. Grimes

Seconded by Cllr. B. Collins

Cllr. Grimes stated that the Kells area had lost a County Council seat in 1999 and it now looked likely that another seat would be lost, despite the fact that Kells is the largest electoral district of the five and also had a third of the road mileage of the county in its charge. Cllr. Collins criticised the fact that the town of Kells was being switched from Meath West to Meath East in the Dail constituency.

It was unanimously agreed that the Council would submit a submission to the Body conducting the review of electoral boundaries requesting that the Kells area would hold onto its six seats.

Questions to Town Manager

Cllr. B. Collins

Can the Manager outline what plans, if any, Meath County Council has for the following footpaths; the footpath on the Rockfield Road from the Tennis Club to Tiermurin Lane, the footpath on the Moynalty Road from Blackwater Heights to the bridge. These footpaths are in a very poor state of repair and are now very dangerous.

The Town Engineer stated that the footpath from the Tennis Club to Tiermurin Lane was 470 linear metres and would cost in the region of €60-70K; the footpath from BlackwaterHeights to the Bridge was 800 linear metres and would cost in the region of €100-150K. The only funds available were €33K community grant levies. Some works would be carried out in the next few months. The Engineer stated that the footpaths in question were outside the urban boundary.

Cllr. B. Collins

Will the Manager provide an update on any discussions with the NRA or any further Council plans in relation to the junction of the Dublin and Headfort Roads and the junction of the Moynalty and Cavan Roads?

Cllr. S. Drew

Can the Manager please outline the position in regard to application made to the NRA for funding in 2008 by Meath County Council, seeking road surface improvement works at Maudlin Street and junction improvements on the N3 in Kells at the Headfort Road, Maudlin Street and Moynalty Road junctions?

Cllr. Drew stated that he had received correspondence from the NRA in which they stated that no application had been made for funding. He was also informed that Maudlin Road works were not recommended for funding this year.

The Manager stated that he had checked with Road Design and applications had been made for minor improvements in 2007/08. A separate submission was made for Headfort Road, Moynalty Road and Fair Green. Submissions under low cost schemes were made for pedestrian crossing at Super Valu, Carlanstown and Staholmog. He stated that it was important the old application was traced post M3 funding. The NRA had been invited to meet with the Council.

Cllr. S. Drew

Can the Manager please provide an update in regard to theacquisition of an Automated External Defibrillator by the Council (AED)?

The Town Clerk stated that the Council had purchased a defibrillator and it would be located in the Swimming Pool. Four members of the Pool staff had been trained on the use of the defibrillator. It was hoped to acquire a further machine in the future and it would be based in the Town Hall.

Any Other Business

Cllr. Drew requested that the register of electors be checked, as part of KellsTown was now on the rural register.

The Manager stated that a meeting would be set up with the Motor Cycle Club with regard to the proposed campsite at Lloyd for this years motor races and a report would be brought to the next monthly meeting.

Cllr Curran also raised the following issues:

  • Derelict sites update

The Manager stated that monthly updates had not been agreed.

  • Meeting with owners of fast food outlets

Cllr. Curran was informed that this item was on a list of items to be done.

  • Road safety at Super Valu

The Manager stated that a pedestrian crossing was provided and it was not feasible in the short term to open another.

The Town Engineer stated that the pedestrian crossing was still serviceable and in optimum location.

Cllr. Caffrey asked if a yellow box could be provided at entrance to primary school in order to facilitate wheelchair access. The Town Engineer stated that order had been given for the works.

Members were informed that Larry Whelan, SEO Housing Section, would be giving a full housing update at the March meeting.

The Manager stated that proposals for this years’ Block Grant would be brought to the Council in either March or April.

It was unanimously agreed to make a contribution of €250 to Kells Union Festival of Flowers Committee from local development fund.

The Manager informed members that he had held a meeting with Resource Centre regarding the Community House. The Resource Centre was anxious to secure additional premises and he suggested that they make application to Trustees Community House and let Trustees make decision. Members stated that at the last meeting it was agreed that the Council would take over the House and that all community groups in the town would have the use of same and that exclusive use would not be given to any one Group. Members requested that the Council proceed with the legal agreement.

The Manager stated that the AGM of Kells Enterprise Co had taken place recently and that Cllrs. Ferguson and Sweeney were members of the Board. The overall situation was very positive.

The Town Engineer stated that he had proposals for signage for the BusinessPark. A preliminary survey had taken place and the cost would be in the region of €6-10K. It was hoped to have the signage erected by summer.

Members were informed that a joint meeting would take place on 31st March at 5pm to receive proposals on town centre expansion.

A briefing on traffic aspects at Bective Street would take place at the March monthly meeting in committee.

A vote of congratulations was passed with:

  • Trim Town Council on the success of the recent AMAI Spring Seminar held in Trim.
  • Motor Cycle Club on road safety seminar.
  • Ms Wendy Moffett, A/ Senior Executive Planner on her recent marriage to Mr A Bagnall.
  • Local band Ham Sandwich on receipt of Meteor Award.
  • Pylon Action Group.
  • Bus Eireann on their new 109A service from Navan.

A vote of sympathy was passed with the families of the late:

Molly McGovern

Larry O’Brien

Kathleen Reilly

Monica Power.

This concluded the business of the meeting.

Signed: ______


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KellsTown Council, Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place,, Kells, County Meath

Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, web: Email: