Policy Statement
The policy of Age UK Coventry (AUKC) is to encourage feedback from clients, staff, volunteers and professional partners regarding the services that it provides.
All complaints received about the organisation or its services will be acknowledged and thoroughly and impartially investigated. Remedial actions to justified complaints will be implemented, and reported back to the complainant.
AUKC recognises that complaints, comments and compliments are a learning opportunity for AUKC and will retain a regularly reviewed record of all complaints,written feedback and compliments.
Policy Agreed:April 2007
Last Reviewed:January 2017
1.1AUKC welcomes comments and feedback on the services we provide. We endeavour to put in place different feedback mechanisms for our services.
1.2Staff and volunteers are encouraged to share and record comments received verbally with their line manager.
1.3Any negative feedback or comments that are not formal complaints will be dealt with by the relevant service and where possible and appropriate changes made to improve the services.
2.1Any positive feedback received due to the provision of good service by either a team or an individual will be passed on to the person(s) concerned.
2.2Where appropriate we will share compliments, via team meetings and with others as appropriate, including Trustees.
3.1The following types of communication to AUKC will be treated as complaints:
- A claim that there is a failure in a service
- The absence of, or unsatisfactory level of service
- Dissatisfaction with the conduct of a staff member or volunteer, or of a person providing services through the agency of AUKC.
- Dissatisfaction with the implementation of the organisations policies.
- The failure of members of staff or volunteers to follow agreed policies and procedures.
- The absence of proper procedures
4.Making a complaint
4.1Complainants will be encouraged to put their complaints in writing.
4.2 Verbal complaints will be documented by a member of AUKC staff and read back to the complainant to ensure accuracy.
4.3AUKC staff will assist clients and members of the public to complain where necessary.
5.1Complaints will be received in the first instance by the General Manager or by a member of their team in his/her absence, who will log and acknowledge the complaint.
5.2Complaints will be acknowledged in writing within 7 days of receipt. A copy of the AUKC Complaints Policy will be included with this letter. The acknowledgement will include the named person investigating the complaint.
5.3Complaints regarding the Chief Executive Officer will be investigated by the Chair of Trustees or by the Deputy Chair in his/her absence.
5.4A full written response to the complaint will be sent to the complainant within 28 days of receipt.
5.5Exceptionally if it is not possible to complete investigations within 28 days, the complainant will be told the reason for the delay and kept fully informed of progress.
5.6 Refer to process flow chart (Appendix A)
6.1In the event of dissatisfaction with the written response, any further complaint from the complainant will be dealt with by a panel including the Chief Executive Officer and a Trustee.
6.2The appeal hearing will take place within one calendar month of receipt of the further complaint with the complainant in attendance, accompanied by a representative if they wish.
6.3The decision of the panel is final.
7.Data Protection
7.1To process a complaint we will hold personal data about the complainant, which the individual provides and which other people give in response to investigating the complaint. We will hold this data securely in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and only use it to help address the complaint. The identity of the person making the complaint will only be made known to those who need to consider the complaint and will not be revealed to other people or made public. However it may not be possible to preserve confidentiality in some circumstances, for example where relevant legislation applies or allegations are made which involve the conduct of third parties.
7.2Under the Data Protection Act 1998, individuals have a right to obtain a copy of their personal data. However there are exceptions to this right. We will normally destroy complaint files in a secure manner six years after the complaint has been closed.
8.1An annual review will take place of all complaints received by AUKC and the resultant actions.
8.2A report will be produced from the results detailing all learning and practice improvements that have been implemented by AUKC as a result of complaints, compliments and comments received within the 12 month.
8.3The report will be provided to the Trustees annually.
Appendix A
Complaints Process Flowchart
Policy last reviewed Jan 2017