ICFRM-14 Satellite meeting in cooperation with the IAEA on
Cross-cutting issues of structural materials for fusion and fission applications
14th International Conference on
Fusion Reactor Materials
10 - 11 September 2009
Sapporo, Japan
On-line registration available:
Program committee:
Mr T. MurogaNational Institute for Fusion Science (Japan)
Mr A.RyazanovRRC-KI (Russia)
Mr M.Fluss LLNL (USA)
Mr V.Voyevodin KIPT (Ukraine)
Mr S.Zinkle ORNL (USA)
Mr A.Zeman IAEA (Austria)
The new sources of energy based on nuclear technologies are under development at the moment. Several studies have confirmed that the development of new energy sources, which do not emit greenhouse gases (GEG), is a promising way to solve the problem of energy production and decrease the GEG emission. Nowadays, the different innovative nuclear reactor concepts are studied in the international forums called, ‘Generation IV’ and ‘INPRO’. Most of the proposed concepts will face significant challenges linked to the R&D of structural materials for critical components, especially the issue concerning their lifetime integrity is on-going, and plays an increasingly dominant role due to the presence of various degradation mechanisms, as hardening, thermal fatigue, creep, swelling, phase instability and radiation embrittlement. It is important to emphasise that all these issues have to be understood in order to estimate the component lifetime.
Today, several candidate materials for innovative nuclear reactors are developed, however, in the past, they were not tested for new conditions and therefore, a concerted effort must be made for their characterization and validation in the R&D phase. Due to similarities between structural materials pre-selected for applications in fusion and innovative fission reactors, it is internationally recognized that the status of materials science and materials development should be discussed at an open platform such as the ICFRM-14 Satellite meeting. It is hoped that a satellite meeting of this kind will help to bridge both communities and stimulate active discussions as well as essential sharing of experience and best practice.
The format of the meeting will be invited and contributed oral presentations in sessions devoted to special topics, with subsequent discussions. An electronic projector with a computer capable of reading CDs and memory sticks will be available (Power Point or Acrobat recommended). The official language of the meeting is English. No interpretation will be provided. The meeting will start at 9 a.m.on 10 September 2009 and will be concluded by 11 September 2009 at 12:00.
- Registration
Aregistration fee will not be charged to participants attending thesatellitemeeting unless they plan to present a paper at the ICFRM-14. A conference banquet will take place on 10September 2009 to which the meeting participants are invited at a fee of 12,000 yen (approximately US $ 122).
All participants of the ICFRM Conference and satellite meeting can attend the events bidirectionally.
The tentative conference schedule and social programs will appear in the ICFRM-14 website within a few weeks. Experts from all MemberStatesand/or invited international organizations are eligible to attend, however, he/she should be actively involved in the subject matter of the meeting.
For online registration please follow this link:ONLINE REGISTRATIONor the appropriate FormsParticipation Form (Form A): PDF, Wordand Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B): PDF, Word should be completed and sent electronically toAndrej Zeman, Physics Section, Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences: at the latest by 17 July 2009.
- Abstract Submission
Persons wishing to participate should submit an abstract, which is maximum one page in total length, in electronic format directly to Andrej Zeman, Physics Section, Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences: . The abstract must be in text format only and must contain the author’s name, affiliation and e-mail address. Acceptable file formats are Microsoft Word, HTML, or plain text. The one page abstract must be received by 20 July 2009. The abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee, and authors informed of the acceptance of their contributions by e-mail, by 30 July 2009. The program agenda and a book of abstracts will be prepared and e-mailed to all participants as PDF file attachments.
Contributors of material to be included in the proceedings are required to assign all copyrights or rights to publish. The authors should make sure that the files do not include copyrighted fonts or other impediments for reproduction.
The abstract shall be prepared according to the following instructions:
(1) Page size: A4 (21 cm by 29.7 mm) – vertical orientation
(2) Margins 25mm all around
(3) Layout:
- Title: single-spaced, 14-point size, Times New Roman Font (TNR), bold
- Authors: single-spaced, 12-point size, TNR Font
- Affiliation: single-spaced, 12-point size, TNR Font, italic
- Text: 1.5 spaced, 12-point size, TNR Font
- Length: one page
Important: In case of sending Microsoft Word files, authors should use True Type Embedded Fonts (when saving the file, click Tools, then Options, and tick Embed True Type fonts. This will help to prevent change of fonts when the file is read in a different system).
The presentations should be submitted either as a PowerPoint, or Adobe PDF file during the registration on the first day of the meeting. All presentations will be converted as received, to an Adobe PDF file and placed on a CD-ROM for distribution to all participants.
A manuscript will be prepared to be included in the meeting proceedings compiled in CD-ROM format. Upon acceptance of the abstracts the participants should prepare full size version of the paper which has to be submitted on the first day of the meeting. The guidelines(Author Instructions) for the preparation of the full-size paper will be communicated to the participants with the acceptance of the abstract.
Organizers of the satellite meeting do not provide any financial support to participants (grants).
Designated participants who require a visa to enter Japan should submit the necessary application to the nearest diplomatic or consular representative of Japan as soon as possible. A letter of invitation, if needed, can to be requested from organisers:
Professor T. Muroga (National Institute of for Fusion Science) <General Secretariat>
Professor S. Ohnuki (HokkaidoUniversity) <Local Organizing>
Visa support: