Wakefield High School SGA

2015-2016 Executive Council Application/Information Sheet

Applications Due: Friday, April 24, 2015

Last Name: ______First Name: ______

Home phone: ______Cell phone: ______

School Email: ______Personal Email: ______

Twitter Name: ______Instagram Name:______

Current Grade: (circle one)9101112Current weighted GPA: ______

Have you ever served on a council(s) at WHS? (Circle One) YESNO

If yes, which council(s)? ______

Are you applying for a class council as well? (Circle one)YESNO

Required: FIVE signatures of WHS Faculty who believe you will make a good member of the SGA. Faculty members maintain the right to refuse to sign.

Faculty Name: ______Signature: ______

Faculty Name: ______Signature: ______

Faculty Name: ______Signature: ______

Faculty Name: ______Signature: ______

Faculty Name: ______Signature: ______

Please list all activities in which you have participated (both school related and not school related) while in high school. State which years you participated in each activity.


Please list all clubs, activities, sports, etc.…that you PLAN on participating in during the 2015-2016 school year. Please understand that being a Student Government member is a large commitment and we want to ensure that the leaders working on the councils make Student Government a priority.


Position on Council:

List your top 3 position preferences to serve as on Executive Council below. All members will fulfill one position with no general membership. Student is responsible for fulfilling their duties throughout the entire school year. (See end of application for positions available and description of duties)

1. ______(Top choice)

2. ______

3. ______

Please indicate why you would be a valuable member to the Executive Student Council and what ideas, special skills, and personal qualities that would make you a better choice for council member. Discuss specifically why you should be appointed to your desired position.


Executive Council Attendance Requirements:

Any council member who misses more than 2 meetings or required functions during the school year with an unexcused absence will be removed from the council. Members removed will jeopardize their participation in future councils and elected positions. Attendance will be taken at all meetings and required functions. Seniors that are dismissed from council will not receive a pin to wear at graduation.

Executive Council Duties:

  1. To organize and facilitate a school-wide fundraisers
  1. To organize and facilitate homecoming activities, including theme, king & queen, and dance
  2. To organize and facilitate school-wide service activities
  3. To organize and facilitate a Direction and Welcoming Committee for Upperclassmen & Freshman Early Start Day and Meet the Teacher Night
  4. To organize and facilitate a winter event
  5. To organize and facilitate school-wide spirit activities
  6. To determine, to initiate, and develop activities and procedures which are in the best interest of the student body of Wakefield High School

Wakefield High SchoolStudent Government

Code of Conduct

  1. Members representWakefield High School, Wake County Public Schools, and WHS Student Government at all times.Members are expected to act with courtesy and respect in all situations. This includes on Social Media as well.
  2. Members are expected to show loyalty toWakefield High Schooland Wakefield High School Student Government. This includes on Social Media as well.
  3. Members are expected to fulfill the obligations of their role on the council. If a student is unwilling to satisfy their role, they are subject to dismissal from the council by Student Government Advisors.
  4. Bullying, harassment, online bullying, fighting, and/or hazing will result in immediate dismissal from Student Council. This includes on Social Media as well.
  5. Student Council members are expected to be role models to the entire school, and ambassadors ofWakefield High Schoolto the community.Therefore, any of the following will not be tolerated.

Use, possession, concealment, distribution, sale, or being under the influence of:

  • Tobacco or tobacco products in any form.
  • Alcohol or alcoholic beverages in any form.
  • Illegal drugs, including, but not limited to substances defined as controlled substances.
  • Prescription drugs, or patent drugs in violation of state and/or federal laws.
  • “Look-alike drugs”
  • Referencing any of these on social media of any kind
  1. Vandalism, theft or destruction of school property will not be tolerated.
  2. It is expected that Student Council members will treat WHS administration, teachers, staff, and other students with utmost respect.
  3. Any suspensions are considered grounds for immediate dismissal from the Council.
  4. Wakefield High School Administrations or the Student Council advisor can remove any student for disciplinary actions at any time.

I clearly understand the commitment that is required of serving on executive council. I have read and understand the above requirements regarding attendance, participation and the code of conduct on executive council and the duties expected of me as a member of executive council. I understand and agree to the above terms.I understand that violations of the WHS Student Government Code of Conduct can result in an immediate dismissal from Student Council. I understand that failure to meet the requirements will result in removal from the council and could jeopardize my participation in future Student Government positions.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

My child may participate in Executive Council. I am aware of the level of commitment that may be asked of my child as a member of the executive council and I am aware of the requirements, duties regarding participation, and code of conduct of a member of the Student Government: Executive council.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Position Options for Executive Council:

  • Sergeant of Arms (1 position available):
  • Responsible for maintaining order at all meetings, works with the Secretary to coordinates and organizes all elections for the entire SGA.
  • Special Events Coordinator (2 positions available):
  • Organizes and coordinates student body events, spirit activities, and other events for the Executive Council. Runs Special Events and Spirit Committee.
  • Spirit Coordinator (2 positions available):
  • Organizes and coordinates student body spirit activities through out the year for the Executive Council. Runs Special Events and Spirit Committee.
  • Historian (3 positions available):
  • Works with the Secretary to records and documents all SGA events for the Executive Council, updates and maintains council bulletin board, and takes pictures of all events and meetings of the council and publishes to the public.
  • Publicity Coordinator (3 positions available):
  • Works with the Communications Director to create and post publicity for all council events.
  • Digital Publicity Coordinator(2 positions available):
  • Works with the Communications Director and Publicity Coordinators to create flyers and posters for publicity for all council events. Should have creative and computer skills.
  • Fundraising/Spirit Gear Coordinator(2 positions available):
  • Works will officers and advisors to plan and coordinate fundraising eventsfor all the councils and to manage the production, advertisement, and sales of spirit gear for the school.
  • Class Presidents (positions already filled):
  • Sits as class representative and establishes a connection between Executive Council and Class Councils.

**All members of council will participate in all Publicity activities of the council.