Happy Valley Kennels
System Specifications
The Happy Valley Kennel (HVK) is a boarding kennel for dogs, or a doggy hotel. When dog owners go on vacation, they make bookings at the HVK to bring their pet in and have the kennel staff look after them. Jim and Sally Read own the kennel. All of their information processing is currently done in manual form, but they have recently purchased a PC for their business (complete with Internet access) and are interested in converting some of their manual procedures to computer-based systems. In particular, they are looking for some automated support for the “Reservation and Care System”
About 500 dogs are boarded each year. Usually reservations are taken by phone. The customer’s information is verified (or added), then the dog(s) information is verified (or added), and then each dog is assigned to a run. The dog runs are a 4 ft by 20 ft indoor/outdoor cage with a metal door on a pulley that can be opened and closed to let the dog in and out. A sheet of paper is tacked to the kennel door that has the names of all the dogs in residence at the time along with their food preferences. This is the Kennel Log.
The assignment of a run is based on many factors, such as the availability of the run for the duration of the stay, whether the dog is a climber or not (climbers need to be put in covered runs), and whether it is a small, medium or large dog (since some of the runs have larger doors which are easier for bigger dogs to go in and out of). It is better to have some dogs facing the back of the kennel property. Dogs facing the front or roadside of the kennel tend to bark more, so really yappy dogs get put facing the back.
A Kennel Card is kept for each dog. It’s just a recipe card for each of the dogs. It has the owners’ names, the address and the phone number, the dog’s name and sex, breed, age, whether it has been spayed or neutered, and what food the dog prefers. Special dietary needs and any special medications that the dog takes are noted, along with the family veterinarian too, just in case the dog gets sick while being boarded.
When a dog arrives the kennel card is pulled out and the owner’s information is transferred to a contract (Exhibit 2). The daily rate is entered onto the contract along with any notes (like if the customer brought a leash). The time of day is also noted. Once all of this is figured out and the contract is complete, the owner signs it and gets a copy. The remaining copies get stored in the office file cabinet until check out time. The owner brings the dog into the kennel, and the dog is put into its assigned run.
If a dog checks-out before noon, there is no charge for that day (the arrival day gets charged no matter what time the dog arrives). Small dogs (e.g., Poodles, Chihuahuas) are charged a daily rate of $12.00. Medium sized dogs (e.g., Shetland Sheepdogs, Siberian Huskies, Golden Retrievers) are charged $14.00 per day and large breeds (e.g., St. Bernards, Rottweilers, Alaskan Malamutes) are charged $15.00 per day. That’s the basic rate.
About 10 of the most common dog food brands are stocked. When a customer makes a booking, the person taking the booking checks to see if the dog’s preferred food (from the Kennel Card) is one that the kennel stocks. If not, customers get the option to bring their own food or to use a substitute. If they do this, then the daily rate is discounted (currently the discount rate is 10%), but only for large dogs.
Some dogs require daily medication for various physical ailments. The policy is that the medications will be administered while caring for a dog for an extra $1.50 per day.
If the same owners bring in more than 2 dogs at a time or if they have two dogs sharing the same run, they get 10% off the daily rate for each dog.
1. HVK personnel and existing customers may login. You may assume that all HVK personnel use the same login.
After successful login:
2. HVK personnel may add/delete/modify/view customers.
3. Existing customers may modify their address and password.
4. HVK personnel may add/modify/delete/view runs.
5. HVK personnel and existing customers may add/delete/modify/view dogs. (A dog must belong to a customer.)
6. HVK personnel and existing customers may make/modify/delete/view a reservation.
7. HVK personnel may check-in a dog (includes calculating billing information, changing a run from reserved to assigned, and printing invoice).
8. HVK personnel may check-out a dog (removes dog from assigned run).
9. HVK personnel may view run status-Kennel Log (shows all runs with reservations and dogs boarded, for a from-to date, can be printed).
10. HVK personnel and existing customers may view customer dog boarding history and current boarding information and amount owed (a customer should only be able to view his/her own).
Exhibit 1 – Kennel Log 03/09/15 – 03/20/15
1 / ‘Spot” Allan OWN FOODOut 3/12 / 40
2 / 39 / Reserved “Rover” Smith 3/15-3/20/15
3 / 38
4 / 37
5 / 36
6 / 35
7 / 34 / ‘Rhabytt’ Compeau OWN FOOD
pills – Extroxin 2xdaily Dr. Smith
out 3/10
8 / 33 / ‘Thumper’ French own food – SHURGAIN - Out 3/11
9 / 32
10 / 31
11 / 30 / Reserved “Big Red” James 03/18-03/21/15
12 / 29
13 / ‘Chelsea’ Willis IAMS (out 3/09) / 28
14 / 27
15 / ‘King’ Davies DOG CHOW (out 3/13) / 26 / ‘Toby’ Mann DOG CHOW home on 3/14 - yappy
16 / 25
17 / 24
18 / 23
19 / 22
20 / 21
1) Shaded runs (27-34) are covered
2) Underlined runs (13-28) have large doors to accommodate larger dogs
3) Runs 21-40 face the back of the kennel property
Exhibit 2 – Sample Contract
Happy Valley Kennels Inc.
Boarding Contract
DateCustomer Name
Address: / Emergency Contact
Pet Name: / Size: S M L
Start Date: / Special Needs:
End Date:
Daily Rate:
Items Left:
I understand and agree to the terms and conditions of this contract (see reverse side) and agree that Happy Valley Kennels is not liable for loss or illness of my pet.
Signature of Owner / DateINVOICE
Daily Rate / X / Days / = / Subtotal / + / Extras/- disc. / = / TOTALHappy Valley Kennels / Date
Web Page Prototype
Mr. Read was basically happy with your interface structure diagram and storyboards, but he has decided that he wants to see a working prototype of all the web pages. Post the pages to your web location at sasp.gcsu.edu where your URL is http://sasp.gcsu.edu/Sp15/4214/TeamXX where XX is your team’s ID.
Be sure to have a disclaimer on each page of your site that says your site is for educational purposes only.
The internal home page must be named default.aspx. Turn in a sheet that lists each of your web page names and a description of what it does (your part only). Each team member will turn in a separate sheet listing his/her pages only.
1. default.aspx – the home page for the System from this page you can click & go to:
2. login.aspx –allows members to login to the site from this page:
a correct login will take you to menu.aspx.
There must be a minimum of 3 records in each table with valid data (referential integrity should be enforced). Each team must turn in a printout of the records in their database.
Initial ASP.Net Functions
Certain functions for each team member must work in ASP.Net.
For the billing functions, the login (#1) and add/modify/delete/view customers (#2) must work.
For the reservation functions, the add/modify/delete/view reservations (#6) and check-in (#7-minus printing) must work.
Each person should turn in a separate sheet that gives URL of the pages with the two working ASP.Net functions and what happens on each.
Your validation on these pages must work correctly too.
The member enters a username and password.
The fields are validated.
The page submits the form.
A database connection is established.
A query is performed for that member name and password.
If the member does not exist, the user is told to try again.
If the member exists, the session is authenticated.
The database connection is closed.
The user is then redirected to adminmenu.aspx.