Feedback / 2013
Induction Feedback and Review /
Name: / Date:
Nominated Supervisor’s Name:
Handbook Summary /
Element 7.2.2
Educator Name: / Date:
Educator’s Signature:

New educators are expected to read a summary of the educator handbook or equivalent within 3 days of starting work. The induction process for new educators includes regular feedback meetings during their probationary period.

This is important becausenew educators:

  • must have a general understanding and appreciation of the service’s basic operations and policies
    and procedures soon after commencing to ensure we continue to deliver high quality education and care. The summary will reduce the time youneed to be effective in your new joband
  • need to understand and comply with the education and care law and regulations.

Summary of Handbook Read / Date / Sign
Supervisor / Date / Date
Questions raised by new educator
Questions addressed by supervisors
Handbook Feedback /
Element 7.2.2
Educator Name: / Date:
Educator’s Signature:

New educators are expected to read all sections of the Educator/StaffHandbook during their probation period.

This is important becausenew educators:

  • need to fully understand all aspects of their role to ensure we continue to deliver high quality education and care and
  • to ensure they comply with their legislative obligations and our policies and procedures.

Handbook Read / Date / Sign
Supervisor / Date / Date
Questions raised by new educator.
Questions addressed by supervisors

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Induction process feedback /
Educator’s Name: / Date:
Educator’s Signature:

Feedback from new employees on our induction process:

  • supports continuous improvement
  • provides us with different perspectives of the process
  • helps the new employee to feel valued and part of our team.

Overall how would you rate the induction you received?

Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied

-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

How effectively has the service communicated with you about the induction process? (Please circle one)

Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied

-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

What is the service currently doing well in relation to the induction process?
What areas of the induction process could be improved?
ProbationaryPerformance Review and Professional Development Plan /
Educator’s Name: / Date:
Educator’s Signature:

A performance review is important because it provides an opportunity for the Service/Nominated Supervisor to determine whether the probationaryeducator/staff member satisfies the criteria necessary to successfully fulfil their role.

A professional development plan is important because it identifies strengths and weaknesses, enables employees to reflect on where there are now and where they wish to be, and identifies strategies or training that will enable them to achieve these goals.

Probationary Performance Review

SECTION 1: Educatorto Complete (Before Performance Discussion)


List your key achievements for the period under review. Focus on your achievements rather than your goals so we can quantify your contribution to Service activities and operations.

TIP: Focus on how you achieved results. For example, you might include how you resolved issues, contributed to the success of the service, applied skills, implemented the EYLF, ensured children achieved the EYLF learning outcomes, complied with the Regulations and the NQS.

Provide examples of the skills, tools or techniques you used to accomplish these achievements.How do these skills complement the NQS, the EYLF and our Service’s philosophy?

What are your key strengths? How do they meet our service’s philosophy? Please provide examples.

Tip: Think about strengths that are aligned with your achievements, career goals, Service philosophy, the NQS and EYLF. Some examples may include: building partnerships with families, recognizing interests and skills of each child, documenting children’s learning, reflective practice, parent & educator relationship skills, intentional teaching, problem solving (creativity, follow-through), application skills (initiative, perseverance, decisiveness), interpersonal skills (communication, influencing), leadership skills (team building, ability to energize), etc


What are your key development needs at this time and what action plans should be put in place to address these needs? Please consider the Service philosophy when assessing your development needs.

Tip: Think honestly about specific areas that must be addressed for you to be as effective as possible in current and future positions. Include specific ideas for action plans that will help you improve in these areas.

SECTION 2: Nominated Supervisorto Complete (Before Performance Discussion)


Nominated Supervisor to complete with specific comments on the employee’s achievements, strengths and areas for development. Please consider the EYLF, the NQS and the Servicephilosophy when assessing your employee’s performance.

Note: Please advise your employee verbally of their overall performance rating at the current point in time.

Proceed to next section if employee’s probationary performance was satisfactory.

SECTION 3: Educator and Nominated Supervisorto Complete (After Performance Discussion)


Please use this section to insert any additional information from the performance discussion that was not covered elsewhere e.g. career path options.

Action Plan based on the above evaluation

Training /Development to be undertaken / Start Date / End Date / Sign Off


Employee signature /


Nominated Supervisor signature / Date

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