WELCOME to San Pedro High School Math Department’s
Geometry B, Period __ Rm E108, I am MR. HOLYFIELD
Spring 2013
The major emphasis of this course is to assist students in achieving mastery of the skills of Geometry. These skills may then be used to study higher mathematics. This course meets the requirements of four-year colleges and universities and is designed in accordance with the California State Standards. Topics covered throughout the semester include: Right Triangles, Circles, Constructions and Loci, Areas of Plane Figures, Areas and Volumes of Solids, Coordinate Geometry, and Transformations from the Bass Geometry text.
Instructional activities will consist of lectures and demonstrations in class, review of previous assignments and homework, and teacher-assisted practice in the form of classwork. Homework will be assigned daily and is of the utmost importance in developing, mastering, and maintaining the concepts being taught in this course. A JOURNAL, which should include grade reports, notes, homework, quizzes, and assessments, is required in this class and will be graded regularly.
Your Grade is based on an organized Journal, Homework (warm-up/notes/examples/participation/HW), Quizzes, Tests, and Misc. A complete, conscientious effort in doing your work will raise your grade just as lack of work will lower it. A=90, B=80, C=70, D=60, F=0-59. No late work unless after an excused absence. You are encouraged to regularly track your grade at jupitergrades.com.
In addition, we will, to the best of our combined abilities, create a unique culture in each class that seeks to achieve San Pedro’s Expected Schoolwide Learning Results in an effort to prepare each of you to be Academic Achievers, Effective Communicators, and Quality Producers who are Responsible, Healthy, Self-Directed Adults. It is vitally important that students, parents and teachers work together. A concentrated effort will assure each of us a successful educational experience in this class.
Class Conventions begin with RESPECT: yourself, others, property, and keeping the roomclean. Also:
-Be in your seat BEFORE the tardy bell BEGINS to ring. Start working without delay or prompting.
-Bring all necessary supplies every day. (Exception: days that begin with S)
-Bring only what you need to work (keep electronics, food, drink (H2O Ok), and grooming outside).
-Observe all other school rules.
-If awarded STANDARDS, they always look like this: you write the Name Block, the title is STANDARDS, number them w/o skipping lines, and write: “LAST, FIRST LOVES GEO A P1.”
-CHEATING Consequences: As a Naval Academy graduate, I take cheating very seriously. Don’t Cheat! If you do, we do this: Tell Office/Parents/Coach, 250 Standards, 2 hours detention, 5 Paragraph essay typed, 0 on assignment, maintain butter attitude, 500 PU if PA, etc., depending on the incident.
I look forward to a successful educational experience this semester. Please contact me if I can be of assistance.
J. Holyfield
Mr. J. Holyfield, SPHS, (310)519-6500
I have read and understand the above.(Please do not cut here)
FIRST LASTStudent’s Signature Parent’s Signature
Check out the Semester QUICK-START Guide on the back
SemesterQUICK-START Guide(first 40 pts!)
- QUIZ 1 (10 pts)(Take out one piece of paper and a pencil with eraser.)
oCopy the 2-line tall A to M, N to Z, and 0 to 9 first IN CAPS EXACTLY AS YOU SEE THEM, making sure to leave lines blank according to the QUIZ 1 sample. Plan to use only ONE piece of paper – if you make a mistake, erase!
The purpose of QUIZ 1 is to teach you the accepted way that you will have to write your NAME (as well as course, period, date and title on your work) in this class. Every detail has a purpose and is ON purpose.
Your reader is not just you or I. Your reader is a third party.
Very careful efforts to instill discipline at all levels have been brought into this course and your best response will be required to achieve that discipline, to include being prepared to relearn how to present your work in a precisely prescribed, carefully organized, neatly written way.
QUIZ 1 is a beauty contest, it’s your first 10 pts, and it tells me a lot about you.
oNext, write your first Name Block. Use the Name Block Details Guide. Then write QUIZ 1.
oThen, do your Name Block the second time and the first 1-line tall A to 9
oFinally, giving it your best efforts yet, do a third Name Block and another 1-line tall A to 9.
-Parent Letter
oFill out period, Student NameALL IN CAPITAL LETTERS (any time you write your name in this class, use CAPS), and Student Signature, and return it tomorrow with your parent’s/guardian’s signature (please don‘t cut off at bottom - it will go in your Journal).
-Journal (20 pts now, 10 pts mid-semester, 10 pts at final)
oYou will need a 3-ring, 1-inch binder for only this class.
For your Journal, you will need (1)to make a Title Page and Table of Contents (see examples provided)2plastic sheet protectors which will hold the Title Page and Table of Contents (back to back) in the first and the Parent Letter and Quick-Start Guide in the second, and (3)4 dividers (with tabs labeled GRADES, HW, QUIZZES, TESTS(CAPS!)).
-Book Issue
oBook: (1) Cover it per example! (2) Write HOLYFIELD |LAST, FIRST |S13inside front cover
-QUIZ 2 (10 pts)
oHere you learn the format for how to present your work – copy and do the problems, and
(1)Leave first line blank, (2)Circle Problem Numbers (placed to the right of the margin line), (3)Work Down, (4)Box Answers, (5)Leave lines blank between problems, (6)number problems in columns going down, (7)use both sides, (8)stay inside red side and bottom margins, all per the example.
-Also, and FIRST of all
oBring your own pencils, eraser, sharpener (with catch) and loose-leaf College Ruled paper.
oMaintain the 3-ring holes in your paper so you can put assignments back into your Journal.
oAvoid wadding up paper in class: it (1) makes too much noise, (2) disrupts class, (3) is wasteful (save a tree!), (4) is larger as a wad than if recycled flat (so I’ll ask you every time to make it flat again), (5) you could erase, (6) you could recycle, (7) it seems to give you a sudden urgent need to get up to go throw it away, and finally (8) you’ll all have to hear me lecture again about all these 8 reasons.