Message to the senior students who will graduate the Niiza Rikkyou high school
Eventually you are going to graduate this high school after your hard work and effort. On behalf of all the teachers and staffs, I would like to express to all of you my sincere congratulation. Also, together with the senior students I would like to express my gratitude to many people who have supported them until today.
In particular, I would like to give my congratulation and thanks to the parents who have supported our school education strongly.
Towards a bright future at this time, I want to convey my message.
This message was published two weeks ago on the school letter entitled "Sometimes, Watch the Sea," At that time the sea I imagined in my mind was a deep blue ocean. But now, what I have in my mind is the hatred sea with furious tsunami which became muddy stream and took the lives of many people. Now what I will state here might seem a distant reality and sweet romantic deception. I hesitated. But facing a terrible reality unfolding before now, I think it worth mentioning the following things. I decided to deliver this little message again.
Most of you will go to the university. What does it mean for you to learn in the university, or, to spend a time in the university? Is there any difference between going to the university and other way to go?. What is your blossom of youth in the university?
Some people may say that going to the university is for learning. Is that so? Learning is the lifelong process. Whichever way you may go, there is no end to learning. You should look up dictionaries for life. You should learn new knowledge for life. There is no end to know something. There is no knowledge which continues to be true forever.
The university is not the sole place for you to learn. In Japan, the college-going rate level may be very high. But if you think the global perspective, still limited people can afford going to university or college. If you speak up that going to the university is for learning, maybe I can say that behind this comment you stay with the arrogant sense that learning is something with privilege.
Other people may say that going to the university is for getting a lot of friends. Is that so? If you want to get friends, shortcuts may be getting a job immediately. No matter whatever kind of society you may belong to, you can find good friends. There is no assurance that you may find the best friends in the university. Such hubris should be discarded.
Other people may say that going to the university is for fun. There are those who speak up shamelessly that going to the university is to enjoy. No word so insufferable. Be serious! You should sincerely tackle with the real world you are facing.
What kind of time is the time you are going to spend in the university?
Why are you going to the university if it is not for learning nor getting friends nor fun?
Without fear of misunderstanding, I dare to tell you symbolically.
You will go to the university for obtaining the "freedom of watching the sea”
In another word, going to the university is to obtain the “freedom of halt” or freedom of straightly observing the real world.
When you were in Junior high school & high school days, you did not have the freedom to control your time. Absence or tardy arrival in school was controlled or managed under the name of school .It was also controlled by your parents. You were surely controlled and managed.
After graduating the university and getting a job in a company you may face the same situation. No company may allow your absence without permission. In a high school or in a company, those who manage your time are not yourself but others. It also applies to your family life after marriage. No difference when you have a lover. Your lover wants to manage your time.
Only when you spend your time in the blossom of youth in the university, you are blessed and entitled to manage your time by your own will.
Let’s assume you take the train to Ikebukuro. When you hear the sound of waves in your mind, you are allowed to get off the train on the way in order to go to sea You are not allowed to do so when you are in a high school, when you get a job, nor when you are married.
"Today I've watched the sea by myself."
I can not tell this in front of my wife and children. However, when I tell it to my friend in the university, I believe he will accept it without a word.
Even before the terrible reality, I dare to tell you. The sound of waive you will hear may not be ripples. It may be a furious sound of lead colored waive.
Sometimes you should look straight your solitude. Stand alone in front of the big sea! Ask the sea what your dream is! When you are in the blossom of youth, you can look straight your solitude. You can afford obtaining the freedom to do so. Take advantage of your luxury of going to the university and have your precious time of freedom! Grab in your hand dynamically the precious time you can manage by yourself! Do not waste your time by simply following the majority.
Whatever difficulties you may face, there is no other way than to look yourself.
However deep tears of grief you may be drowned in, there is no other way than simply to face it.
Stare at the sea!. Go out in the ocean!. Go out in the ocean even when it is in the storm!
Live honestly! Be a clumsy and sincere man! Be a stubborn and diligent man! Do not be afraid of poverty! You guys. Time has come for sail out. Do not indulge in your past memory! Go to your future! The countdown for farewell has begun. Do not forget today’s graduation at the time of great earthquake which cannot be forgettable forever!
Wearing a black mourning band on your chest, now it is the time to raise the white sails. Change yourself from those who are loved by somebody to those who love somebody! Love is not passive.
Together with all of your teachers I will ring the gong loudly for your embark towards the truth.
"The truth will set you free" (ΥΜΑΣ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΩΣΕΙ ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ Η) ·John 8:32
Let me add few more statements.
Still there are many places in the Japanese islands where the devastation never existed in the history is spreading. Situation is too tragic. Some people may say that I should avoid expressing congratulations. But I am confident that I should deliver a message for your future especially because we are facing this. Witnessing the devastation, I wonder this. What is the nature? What is coexistence with the nature? What is the progress of civilization? Witnessing the nuclear power plant accident, I wonder earnestly what is the progress of science, When the danger for a nuclear power plant has been called, what kind of action did I take? I have a feeling of regrets. Rescue teams from overseas are arriving to the affected areas one after another. Neighboring countries - China and Korea very quickly have dispatched their rescue team. U.S. forces has sent aircraft carriers off the coast of Sanriku, providing heliport base. Russian has offered supply of natural gas. Support also has come from the New Zealand who by itself still suffer difficulties. Reliefs have come from many countries around the world. I cannot help thinking over what is the earthlings. What is it that we live together on this earth.
I saw a mother standing still holding a baby rescued from the sea of mud. I saw on the TV a crying girl who calls for her missing mother. I also saw a father who said on the TV that facing death he was determined to live for his family. Right now we should look straight and ask ourselves what is the parent-child bond and what is the life.
Let’s think over the value here you can graduate the high school at this time. Let’s speak up for your friends in the disaster area who is right now confronting life itself and making every effort for survival. Let’s tell them that we are right now here together with them.
We would like to express sincere condolences to the many people affected and keeping this sorrow in our heart we want to swear a New Journey.
You Rikkyou young graduates fledging from our school - Be the vanguards for the revival of Japan!
Front of the entrance to the school building, we have provided a box for donations to quake-hit people. (Also I ask for your donations in the graduation prayer ceremony in the chapel to be scheduled for March 31 at 10am)
I'd like to ask for your support for the victims. It might be small help for them but more meaningfully it is for not to forget this day when we are determined to change our grief to our hope. We'd like to send it to the affected area by the name of all graduates.
March 15, 2011 with my tear for spring rain and plum blossom
Junior and Senior High School Rikkyou Niiza
Principal Kenji Watanabe