STUDY TERMS FOR EXAM #3 BIO-102-001 Spring 2010(Gleeson)

This is a list of terms I will assume you understand, by “understand” I mean understand what they are in terms of the lecture material (e.g., that methane is a greenhouse gas thought to be present in early atmosphere as well as now, NOT what its chemical formula is, etc. since that was not discussed).This list may be helpful in gauging the level of detail I am expecting you master. I’ve found that much of the material is embodied in a list of terms, since the terms exist in order to refer to the underlying concepts. This approach can help you focus in on the material that you don’t already know – the key to improving your performance most with the least effort. Note that Bionews terms are NOT included on this list (but will be on the exam).

BIODIVERSITY - Current Diversity

Kingdom, Prokaryote, Eukaryote, Protist, Plant, Fungi, Animals

Advanced, primitive

Nucleus, organelle, flagella, DNA, gene

Respiration, photosynthesis, autotroph, chemoautotroph, photoautotroph

Heterotroph, anerobic, aerobic, bacteria, cyanobacteria

Nitrogen fixation, decomposer, pathogen, Archaea, chlorophyll

Mitochondria, chloroplast, meiosis, mitosis, endosymbiosis

Algae, seaweed, holdfast, life cycle, haploid, diploid, gamete, zygote

Locus, allele, recombination, outcrossing, chromosome

Moss, fern, tree fern, coal age, gymnosperm, conifer, cycad, angiosperm

Yeast, mushroom, mycorrhizae, symbiont, lichen

Whale, sequoia, aspen, honey mushroom

Body plan, invertebrate, marine, herbivore, carnivore, parasite

Coral, reef, zooxanthellae, Arthropod, trilobite, octopus,

compound eye, lens, inverted retina, convergent evolution, blind spot

vertebrate, sociality


Reef building coral, endosymbiotic, clonal, calcium carbonate, barrier reef, atoll

Mangrove, converge, air roots, rocky intertidal, zonation, salt marsh, estuary

Hydrologic cycle, weathering, sodium chloride, ocean current, Dead Sea

Ecology, organism, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere

Levels of organization, biome, life zone

Biodiversity (genetic, species, functional, habitat diversities)

Range, population growth, exponential, carrying capacity, agonistic, density dependent/independent, viability, invasive, yield, harvest, metapopulation, source, sink

Sociality, conspecific, dominance hierarchy, eusociality, caste

Niche, ecological space, niche dimension/axis/overlap, MacArthur’s warblers, competition, coexist

Predation, parasitism, mutualism, commensalism,

Mycorrhizae, nitrogen fixer, carbohydrate, nectar, pollen, free market economy

Food web, trophic structure

Herbivory, carnivory, omnivory, detritivory, photosynthesis

Producer, consumer, decomposer, nutrients

Primary, secondary, tertiary

Dynamic equilibrium, aquatic, terrestrial

Essential elements, N, P, K Mg, Ca. chlorophyll

Reservoir, recycle, organic matter, OM, detritus, soil, DOM, sediment

Phosphorus cycle, Nitrogen cycle, denitrification

Carbon cycle, water cycle

Energy pyramid, ecological efficiency, food quality, toxin

Primary productivity, GPP, NPP, respiration, kcal


Prosimian, primate, monkey, ape, chimpanzee, orangutan, gibbon, gorilla,

Linnaeus, genera, Homo, Jane Goodall

Hominan, bipedal locomotion, precision grip, dimorphism

Cetacea, camel, horse, adaptive opportunity/innovation

Australopithecus, Homo erectus, Homo floresiensis, dwarfism, Homo neanderthalensis

Homo sapiens, hunter-gatherer, omnivory, pastoralism, slash & burn, agriculture

Ecological footprint, urban sprawl, rangeland, fisheries, deforestation, weathered soil, erosion

Mining, acidity, heavy metals, fossil fuels

Overharvesting, renewable, bushmeat, maximum sustainable yield, mean trophic level

Short rotation forestry, fragmentation, invasive species, loosestrife, fire ant

Pollutions, bioaccumulate, biomagnify, DDT

Eutrophication, algal bloom, anaerobic, methane, Nitrous oxide

Antarctic sheet, Kilamanjaro, American Beech