Revision process and reference library
for Glossary of Network Statement Working Group
VERSION / REVIEWERS / DATE / STATUS1 / RNE NS WG / Meeting, 27-28 March 2012 / Approved at WG meeting
At the meeting of the Network Statement Working Group in Madrid on 13-14 April 2010, it was agreed that an annual updating of the Glossary of Network Statement-Related Terms was necessary. After a ad-hoc period during which the RNE Joint Office took the lead, it is proposed to adopt the following revision cycle, consisting of the three phases described below.
Revision cycle
1. Document gathering, April-June every year
Members of the Network Statement Working Group send the titles of new publications / documents that are good sources of definitions to the person in charge of editing the Glossary at the RNE Joint Office. These may be new pieces of European legislation, technical documents or reports by official bodies (ERA, UN/ECE Transport etc). The responsibility for providing relevant sources of definitions to the RNE Joint Office lies within the Network Statement Working Group.
The JO also asks CER and EIM to send any documents they may find relevant.
2. Updating, June-July every year
The Glossary editor at the RNE Joint Office adds new definitions to the Glossary, or update old ones, on the basis of the information contained in these new publications.
New definitions in the IROGs / Statutes of RNE should also be added.
The chairpersons of the Sales & Timetabling WG, Operations & After Sales WG and the Sales Manager have their own WG-specific glossaries (for guidelines etc) and may send definition requests to the Glossary editor. The NS Glossary serves as a reference in order to ensure the consistency of definitions across all RNE Working Groups.
3. Reviewing, September-November every year
The third phase is more interactive:
- every year in mid-August, the revised Glossary is e-mailed to all Network Statement Working Group members and chairpersons of other WGs
- NS WG members take a look at the new / updated definitions (highlighted in colour to ensure that only new material gets reviewed) and send their comments to the JO by end of September at the latest
- after a clarification and fine-tuning period (1st half of October), a final version of the updated Glossary is agreed
- the Legal Matters Working Group checks the legal aspects of the new/updated definitions, if any, in late October/early November
- the JO finalises the Glossary by the end of November
- the new edition is sent to all members of the WG by 1 December, who can forward it to the translators of the national network statements; it is published on the RNE website and uploaded to ProjectPlace.
The updated version of the Glossary coincides with the annual publication of RNE Members’ Network Statements (December) and is available as a linguistic support tool for their translation.
Reference library
A list of the publications (sources) used in the Glossary is updated every year. It can be consulted by RNE Members on ProjectPlace. The publications themselves are collected digitally into a library for future reference. This library can be consulted by RNE Members on ProjectPlace
Both the library and list of sources may be useful for translators looking for reference documents and should be made freely available to them by the WG members.
Activities / Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug / Sept / Oct / Nov / DecNS WG gathers documents
Deadline: 30 June
JO editor adds / / updates defs
Deadline: 15 Aug.
NS WG reviews new/updated defs
Deadline: 30 Sept.
Deadline: 15 Oct.
LM WG reviews defs, JO finalises
Deadline: 30 Nov.
Publication of new edition
on 1 December