Collecting water from fog and dew offers an unexploredwater source in many regions across the globe where other options are not available. Recent projects have shown thata single large fog collector of 40 square metres can collect over 200 litres of drinking water per night. The potential is huge. In the East African country of Eritrea alone, experts estimate that over 400,000 people stand to benefit from such water. However, only just over 20 projects for collecting water from fog and dew are currently known, these being mainly in Latin America and Africa.

To assist the development of projects for collectingwater from fog and dew, the Munich Re Foundation is awarding one or more grants forthe provision of new or the enhancement of existingfog collection projects.

The sum of €25,000 will be available in 2011 and in 2012, amounting to a total of €50,000.Payments will be made in accordance with progress (milestones) towards completion ofthe project.Co-funding of 50% would be preferred.

Projects that apply for a grant should be completed by the end of the grant period (2012),when the projects should become self-sustaining.

How to apply?

  • Applicants are required to complete the form as outlined below and e-mail it to:
  • Applications must be submitted at the latest by 17:00 Central European Time on25 March 2011.
  • The proposals will be screened and selected by the Munich Re Foundation’s Board of Trustees. Grantees will be informed by the end of May 2011.
  • If you have any questions about the application process, please contact

Applicants and future grantees are required to supply the following project documentation:

  • Completed grant application form (below).
  • Quarterly progress reports (2–4 pages, including photos)
  • Final report (max. tenpages) within three months ofproject completion in December 2012.

Contact details
Name of organisation
Brief description of the organisation
Contact person / Ms. Mr.
First name
Project type
New project Extension of an existing fog collection project
Please provide a detailed description of the project including its design, the location, local conditions, etc. (Photos, maps or drawings to be included as additional files if necessary.)
Please provide a detailed outline of the budget, including your own and third-party contributions.
Please describe the timeline of the project, including pre-study, site selection,construction, and implementation phase. What lifespan is the installation expected to have?
Project structure and responsibilities
Who will be in charge of construction, distribution of the water, maintenance and overall project management? Please provide a detailed description of the organisations in charge.
Current water situation, project beneficiaries and water use
Whatis the current water situation in the project region?
Who will bethe beneficiaries and how many people will benefit from the project?
What is the water production expected to be per day?
What will the water be used for?
Will the water be distributed free of charge (and on what criteria) or will it be sold?
Project implementation
To what extent will you transfer knowledge and technical skills (for building and maintenance) to the community?
How willyou ensure ownership by the communities?
To what extent willyou source the material locally? How willthe design be adapted to local conditions?
How willyou ensure the economic viability of the project so that sufficient resources are available throughout the project lifetime?
How willyou gain the recognition and support ofthe government and local authorities?
To what extent haveyou compared the costs of your project with other options for providingclean water?
Project sustainability
How willyou ensure the sustainability of the project and minimiseitslong-term impact on the climate and the environment?
How willyou take into account long-term climate-change effects?
Please citeother projects as proof of the experience of the partiesinvolved.