Faculty Exchange Application

Santa Fe College maintains international cooperation agreements with universities in Brazil, China, Indonesia, and Ukraine. All of these help support faculty exchange programs that provide valuable professional development opportunities for our faculty to learn more about other countries, engage with foreign professionals in their field, and consider new ways to internationalize their curriculum. Santa Fe and its partner institutions anticipates supporting four, 1-2 week exchange programs during the Spring and Summer of each year. The faculty who are selected will serve as visiting academics at our partner universities, offer lectures on a variety of topics, develop new professional relationships, and visit historic landmarks. All full-time faculty members are eligible to apply. The application deadline is September 15. Please direct all questions and the completed application to Dr. Vilma Fuentes, (ext. 5030).
Name: Position:
Applying for the Faculty Exchange Program with (select one)
______Atma Jaya University in Jakarta, Indonesia
______Beijing Union University in Beijing, China
______Universidade Estadual Paulista “Julio De Mesquita Filho” (UNESP) in Sao Paolo, Brazil
______Technical College of Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University in Ternopil, Ukraine
Semester you wish to travel:
______Spring ______Summer A ______Summer B
Have you traveled with International Education funds before? If so, please list the locations where you traveled, the dates of your travel, and the main purpose of each trip.
Please attach the following to this application:
1.  A current CV
2.  A 2-3 page statement describing your interest in the exchange as well as how participation in it will contribute to your professional development and internationalization efforts at Santa Fe College. Please include an outline of anticipated activities with a description of how you will incorporate the experience into your teaching.
3.  A letter of support from the chair or director of your department stating that he or she supports your participation in this program and is willing to make any necessary provisions during your absence.
Please note: Your application will be evaluated on the specificity of your statement, the letter of support from your Chair, the relevance of your past experiences as outlined in your CV, and the anticipated impact of your travel on your teaching and curriculum.

Please return form to: Santa Fe College, Katie Aiken,

International Education Coordinator, B-217

3000 N.W. 83rd Street, Gainesville, FL 32606