South-East India Province

MSFS Provincialate

Kunnathur Post

Pudukkottai (Dt) - 621 316

Tamilnadu, S. India

Ph: 0431 – 2680521



My Dear Confreres,

Fraternal greetings to each one of you in the name of the Lord!

“Say the Rosary everyday…

Pray, pray a lot and offer sacrifices for sinners…

I’m Our Lady of the Rosary.

Only I will be able to help you.

… In the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

-Our Lady of Fatima

The Word of God has power to touch the lives of ordinary people through solid piety and authentic devotion to the living Word. It deals with the living communities of faith, which have handed down the message to us, a message that keeps our community of faithalive. For many people who do not have the luxury, privilege, money, time or perhaps desire to delve into serious scripture studies, their only encounter with the Word of God might be through the liturgy or popular piety and devotion. And one beautiful way of encountering the Word of God is through the Rosary.

From the Annunciation to Pentecost, Mary appears as a woman completely open to the will of God. She is the Immaculate Conception, the one whom God made “full of grace” (Lk1:28) and unconditionally docile to His Word (Lk 1:38). A Virgin ever attentive to God’s Word, she lives completely attuned to that Word, and treasures in her heart the events of her Son, piercing them together as if in a single mosaic (Lk 2:19,51).

Every year, in the month of October, we, the Catholics, specially honour the Word of God through Mary by praying the Holy Rosary, which if used with confidence, we will be amazed at the results, says St. JosemariaEscriva. We also celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Rosary on 7thOctober. Known for several centuries by the alternate title of “Our Lady of Victory”, the feast day takes place in honour of a 16th century naval victory which secured Europe against Turkish invasion. Pope St. Pius V attributed the victory to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who was invoked on the day of the battle through a campaign to pray the Rosary throughout Europe.

In modern times, successive Popes have urged the faithful to pray the Rosary. Pope Leo XIII says, “The Rosary is the most excellent form of prayer and the most efficacious means of attaining eternal life. It is the remedy for all our evils, the root of all our blessings. There is no more excellent way of praying than praying the Rosary.” It is a form of contemplative prayer, mental and vocal prayer, which brings down God’s Blessing on the Church. It is a biblically inspired prayer centred on meditation on the salvific mysteries of Christ in union with Mary, who was so closely associated with her Son in His redeeming activity.

The Rosary is christocentric, setting forth the entire life of Jesus Christ, His passion, death, resurrection and glory. Meditation on this cycle of Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious and Luminous Mysteries makes the Rosary not only a breviary or summary of the Gospel and of Christian life but also a compendium of the Liturgical Year.The Rosary stands revealed as a dynamic teacher and nurture of Christian Faith, morality and spiritual perfection, fostering in various ways faith, hope, charity and other virtues.

Let me conclude with Pope Benedict’s moving words:“May Mary help us to welcome within ourselves the grace from these mysteries, so that through us, we can water society, beginning with our daily relationship, and purifying them from so many negative forces, thus opening them to the newness of God. The Rosary, when prayed in an authentic way, not mechanical and superficial but profoundly, brings, in fact, peace and reconciliation. It contains within itself the healing power of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, invoked with faith and love at the centre of each “Hail Mary”.

Holy Mary, “You who have allowed yourself to be transformed by God’s Grace”, Pray for us!

“The greatest method of praying is to pray the Rosary.”

– St. Francis de Sales


The province-arranged-annual retreat - 2015 was held at DMI Retreat Centre, Joe Beach, Chennai from 20thevening to 25th afternoon,September. Forty seven of our confreres attended this retreat. It was preached by Rev. Dr.Fr. Thomas Kalariparambil, Msfs. The theme of the retreat was: “Reimagining Consecrated Religious Life”. His talks were on:Religious Consecration: a taking leave of oneself, Consecrated to Christ Crucified, Consecrated into a Religious Communion, Revisiting the Vows, Called to be Mystics, Anointed to be Prophets, Commissioned to be Witnesses of Christ, Gospel Leadership and A New Dawn.

This year being the Year of Consecrated Life, he mostly focussed on the aspect of consecrated life in his talks. He, through his inspiring talks, led us into an atmosphere of prayer and encouraged us to be prayerful and silent in order to have the experience of God in a tangible way. He dealt with religious consecration especially in terms of the charism of our congregation. His approach to the Bible and the teachings of the Church was very creative and made us to reflect well. He cited examples and occurrences from his own life and that of others and anecdotes from different authors which inspired us.

Beginning from the mission command of Jesus and the missionary work of the disciples, he led us to be more closely consecrated to the Crucified Christ in our religious communion to be first of all mystics and thento be authentic leaders in the world. The atmosphere was very conducive for the retreat, and the five days were good and precious, and the confreres who attended the retreat indeed benefitted a lot form it. We thank the Provincial Administration for arranging the retreat for us.

Fr. A. NayagaSeelan


Those Attending the Special “Inner Healing Retreat” for Priests & Religious: at Divine Retreat Centre, Chalakudy, Kerala, from 01st evening to 06th afternoon, November, 2015, animated by Potta Team:

01. Anantha Raj P

02. Arul Francis A

03. Arul Sundaram L

04. Christu Raj A

05. Deivasakayaraj S

06. Dominic Savio G

07. Doss A

08. Jeyakumar A

09. Jeyaseelan A

10. John de Britto M

11. John Wilson Fernando S

12. JoneGragori I

13. Kootinal George

14. Maria John Franklin A

15. Maria NayagaJeyaseelan A

16. Maria Selvan A

17. Pilavendran S

18. Yesuraja V

The Address of the Retreat Centre is as follows:

Divine Retreat Centre

Muringoor P.O., Chalakudy

Trichur, Kerala - 680 309

Tel: 0480 6066010


“Itis better to be late than never.” So goes the adage. Two years went by, without a celebration for the silver jubilee of Fr. S. Joseph Henry’s ordination, due to various unavoidable circumstances. His holidays had to be postponed so was the silver jubilee celebration. This year, as everything was clear,he came home for his holidays from USA, andthe whole Province was eager to celebrate the silver jubilee of his ordination.

The grace of God works through different ways, as he himself reiterated it during the celebration, which was held on a small level in our Provincialate on 4th September. Around twenty five of our confreres from different communities and a few sisters from the neighbouring convents were present at the Eucharistic Celebration, thanking God for the person of Fr. S. Joseph Henry and praying for him. Just before and soon afterthe Holy Mass, there were prayer dances (BharadhaNaatiyam), thanks to Fr. A. Jeyaseelan and his troupe.

In the Introduction during the Holy Mass, his own formator, Fr. George Kootinal, gave credit to the Silver Jubilarian, as one who justifies what his name signifies - being a just man before God and men like St. Joseph. He also said that everything about Fr. Henry is simple and ordinary but everything has the touch of God. In the homily, Fr. Henry reflected on the Call of God, personalizing and asking the participants to personalize and live according to the great Call.

The Holy Mass was then followed by a felicitation programme, in which cake was cut and words of appreciation and encouragement were poured on the Silver Jubilarian. Rev. Fr. Anthony Dharmaraj, our Provincial Superior, on his turn, thanked him for his innumerable services and help rendered to most of our institutions and centres. He said that the day was indeed very special as thiswas the first Silver Jubilee that we celebrated after becoming a Province. Finally, the day came to a conclusion with a fellowship meal.

Fr. S. Prem Kumar


The ceremony of Perpetual Profession of eight Brothers was held at M.S.F.S. Study House, Shillong at 6.00 p.m. on Wednesday, 30th September, 2015. Among them, two brothers, namely, Bros. A. Jerome and M. John Fernandez belong to our South-East India Province, one belongs to Nagpur Province and the other five belong to North-East India Province. The Holy Eucharistic Celebration was presided over by Rev. Fr. George Panthanmackel, the Provincial Superior of North-East India Province and theVows were also received by him. The celebration was enriched by the message given by Rev. Fr. George Panthanmackel:One should forever live his life for the sake of the Lord, accompanied by our Founder, Fr. Mermier and Patron, St. Francis de Sales. A good number of priests, religious and lay people were present to witness this spiritual event. After the Holy Eucharist, there was a felicitation for the newly professed brothers, which was followed by a fellowship meal.

Bro. D. Nelson

Many Congrats and loving wishes to our dear Bros. A. Jerome and M. John Fernandez!


“Ours is a call… to seek and initiate ever new and creative ways to be effective missionaries for the sake of God’s kingdom in season and out of season.” (MSFS Const. Prologue)

A formal invitation was sent out to all our confreres to be part of the Founder’s Day celebrations arranged in our Provincialate on 30th September, 2015. In response to the invitation, a number of our confreres turned up and participated in the Holy Eucharist celebrated at 6.15 p.m. in honour of our beloved Founder. In order to make the celebration more meaningful, a very special invitation was given to the Congregation of the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod (SCC), the Women Congregation founded by our Beloved Founder himself to be part of our celebration and to pay homage to him together with us, their loving brothers.

It was really a very grand celebration as many of our Confreres, around fifty of our S.F.S. Minor Seminarians, about fifty five Sisters of SCC together with their Provincial Superior, Rev. Sr. Rosy Antony, and a number of Priests and Religious took part in the Holy Eucharist and the fellowship meal.

Thanks to Rev. Fr. Provincial and the Provincialate community, who, along with our S.F.S. Minor Seminary Students, did all the necessary arrangements to have a grace-filled celebration and Fr. A. Jayaseelan and his troupe for their dance performance before and after the Holy Eucharist.

Many thanks to Rev. Sr. Rosy Antony and her Sisters for making it a point to be present for the celebration, very beautifully decorating the Altar and the house, carefully looking into the minute details of the Liturgy and fantastically organizing the Choir.

Fr. D. Sheen


Fransalian Liturgical Calendar with daily readings and reflections is ready for the year 2016. The Biblical Diary titled,Joy of the Gospel, was initiated last year and it was well appreciated and accepted. Our sincere thanks and appreciation to Fr. Benny Koottanal, Msfs and his team at IIS, Bengaluru for this commendable work!


Our Lady of Mount Carmel church at Surampet, a substation of the Parish of Adanur, witnessed a joyful event of blessing and inauguration after a beautiful renovation. To mention a short history of the church, it was built more than 150 years ago. As the church stood in need of some renovation, it was renovated with the help rendered by the Province and with the contributions received from the locals and by the efforts of the Parish Priest. The renovated church was blessed and inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Anthony Dharmaraj, our Provincial Superior, on 12th September, 2015, in the presence of our Msfs Confreres belonging to St. Mary’s Apostolic Community, Villupuram, the parishioners and the well-wishers.

Fr. A. Christopher


Through the newsletter of the Superior General, the news about the New General Secretariat House in Hyderabad has reached you already. Our sincere congratulations to the Superior General and his team for this new step! Below is the postal address of the House:


H. No. 19-29, Plot 266

Street No. 15, Goutham Nagar

Malkajgiri, Hyderabad - 500 047

Telangana, India


The Seventh Ordinary Provincial Congress of Visakhapatnam Province,held from 23rd to 26th September, 2105, with the theme: MSFS of VIZAG Province: To be Witnesses as Praying and Fraternal Communities in the Mission of Faith Renewal,elected the following Confreres to the New Provincial Administration:

1. Fr.MandagiriJojaiah- Admonitor cum PCIC of Mission

2. Fr. J. Lourdu Ravi Kumar- PCIC of Social & Innovative Ministries

3. Fr. P. BalaSundar Rao- PCIC of Formation

4. Fr. G. Sandeep Reddy- PCIC of Education

5. Fr. B. Anil Bosco- Provincial Bursar

We extend our hearty congratulations and prayerful wishes to Rev. Fr.PentareddyChinnapa Reddy, the Provincial Superior and the new Provincial Administration of Visakhapatnam Province.


As we are well aware, our beloved confrere, late Rev. Fr. Gabriel Amirthanayagam, Msfs, was a resident Professor of Philosophy at Suvidya College for several years. He served the institute in various capacities and his contribution as a formator, teacher and all the more as a humane person are immense. Suvidya College is what it is today because he too had a lion’s share in shaping the course of the largest Philosophate in India. Besides, he also regularly taught at JDV Pune, St. John’s Regional Seminary, Hyderabad, St. Peter’s Pontifical Seminary, Bengaluru and a number of other institutes. Though it is almost five years since he left us physically, yet he has left a vast trace of legacy to recall, recount and emulate.

As a nominal sign of gratitude to late Fr. Gabriel, Suvidya College is organizing a symposium in his honour. The nature and the purpose of the symposium are three-fold: firstly, to remember the very person of late Fr. Gabriel as seen through the eyes of his close and familiar associates; secondly, to recall and reiterate his intellectual contribution both in philosophy as well as in theology, and his contribution for creating an intellectual culture in the campus; thirdly, to recapture the legacy he left behind as a true religious and especially, as a true MSFS.

The Governing Body of Suvidya College has unanimously encouraged this initiative and henceforth, Gabriel Memorial Lectures will become a regular annual phenomenon of Suvidya College. All the scientific papers that are going to be presented during this symposium will be brought out in the form of a scholarly journal. The organizing committee as well as the Suvidya community extends to all the Msfs Confreres a warm welcome for this symposium.

As Fr. Gabriel was a member of our SE India Province, with much joy and pride, I encourage and exhort all of you, my dear confreres, especially those within the Province, to personally attend this symposium, benefit out of it and make it a memorable event.

Please find below some important details:

Date of the Symposium: Tuesday, 08th December, 2015
Arrival & Inauguration of the Symposium: 9.00 a.m. by Rev. Fr. Abraham Vettuvelil, our Superior General
Conclusion of the Symposium & Departure: 5.30 p.m.
Venue:Suvidya College


Fr. P. Maria Pushpamis appointed the Superior of our Msfs House in St. Thomas Mount, Chennai.

Fr. K. Ignacimuthuis appointed in Madurai for the exercise of his legal ministry.


Rev. Fr.Baptist D’souzaofPune Province,aged53,expired on 19th August, 2015.

Rev. Fr.Gerard Van Hoorenof Franco-Swiss Province,aged 89,expired on 11th October, 2015.

Rev. Fr.A. Antony Savary Raj of our South-East India Province,aged 32,expired on 13th October, 2015.

May I request those who have not fulfilled the suffrages to do the same at the earliest. (Const. No.118; General Directory No.98)

May their souls rest in peace!



19th:Laying of Foundation-Stone for the New Extension of Friendly Home


20th - 22nd:MSFS Heritage Week, Visakhapatnam

24th:Institute Day, Suvidya College, Bengaluru

25th - 30th:Visitation of Mr.Jean Pierre, EMAP, France


01st:Canonical Visitation to Kelambakkam

02nd:Canonical Visitation to St. Thomas Mount

03rd:Canonical Visitation to Elapakkam

04th:Canonical Visitation to Perungozhi

07th - 10th:Suvidya College, Bengaluru (Superior General’s Visitation)

12th:Canonical Visitation to Provincialate Community

18th - 22nd:Belgaum (PIF-PEA Meets General Curia)

23rd:Governing Body Meeting, Suvidya College, Bengaluru

24th:Provincial Council (PC) Meeting atAlangayam

25th:Joint Meeting of PC andVaniyambadiApostolic Community

26th:Joint Meeting of PCand Chennai and Villupuram Apostolic


27th:Joint Meeting of PC and PudukkottaiApostolic Community

28th:Joint Meeting of PC and VirudhunagarApostolic Community


04th - 05th:Canonical Visitation to Virudhunagar

08th:Inauguration of Dr.Fr. Gabriel Memorial Lectures, Suvidya College,


Yours Fraternally in Christ,

Rev. Fr. Anthony Dharmaraj, Msfs

Provincial Superior


“Nothing indeed can humble us so much before the mercy of God as the multitude of His benefits and nothing can humble us so deeply before His justice as the multitude of our misdeeds”. (IDL, Part-III, Ch.5)