TOPIC: Competency Requirement

  1. The following courses and examinations are approved to meet the competencyrequirement for the Associate Degree asdefined in Board Rule 6201.12 for all studentsentering prior to Fall 2009:
  1. MathematicsCompetency

1)Completion ofoneofthefollowing courses (oritsequivalentatanothercollege) withagradeof“C”orbetter:

-MATH 113 and 114, 115, 116, 117 and 118, 119, 123AB, 146,147oranyhigher-level mathematics course with a prerequisite ofatleastmathematics 115oritsequivalent

-CO TECH 060

-ELECTRN 010, 012, 014

-STAT 001

  1. Readingand Written ExpressionCompetency

1)The competencyrequirement in reading and written expression for theAssociate Degreemay be met by completion of one of the followingcourses(oritsequivalentatanothercollege)withagradeof“C”orbetter:

-ENGLISH 28 – Intermediate Reading and Composition

-ENGLISH 61 – Intermediate Readingand Composition – Personal Experience

-ENGLISH 62 – Reading and Writing – Contemporary Issues

-ENGLISH 63 – Reading and Writing – The Arts

-ENGLISH 65 – IntermediateReading and Composition–Fiction

-ENGLISH 31 – Composition and Critical Reading

-ENGLISH101 – CollegeReadingand Composition 1

-ENGLISH 363 – ESL for Academic Purposes III

-JOURNALISM 101 – Collecting and Writing News

2)In meeting the Reading and Written Expression competency requirement,course work is the primarymeasure of competency.However,competencymay be met through credit-by-examination, as determined bythe individual college.

  1. The following courses and examinations are approved to meet the competencyrequirement for the Associate Degree for allstudentsenteringFall 2009 or laterasdefined in Board Rule 6201.12.
  1. MathematicsCompetency

The competencyrequirement in mathematics for the Associate Degree may bemet by completion of one of the following:

1)Completion ofoneofthefollowing courses (oritsequivalentatanothercollege) with a grade of“C” or better:

-MATH 120, 123C, 124A & B, 125, or 127 & 128 or any higher-level mathematics courses with a prerequisite of at least mathematics 125 or its equivalent.

2)A score of 3 or higher on one of the following AP Exams:

-Calculus AB

-Calculus BC


3)Completion ofthe collegeassessment examin mathematicsandachievement of a score determinedcomparable to satisfactory completionof intermediate algebra (Mathematics 123C, 124A &B, 125, or 127 &128).Studentswhoplace intoa mathematics courseabovethelevel of intermediatealgebraare deemed to have met the competencyrequirement.(Board Rule 6201.12, Title 5, CCR, 55063).

  1. Readingand Written ExpressionCompetency

The competencyrequirement in reading and written expression for the AssociateDegree may be met by completion of one of the following:

1)Completion ofENGLISH 101(orits equivalent atanother college) with agrade of “C” or better.

2)A score of 3 or higher on one of the following AP Exams:

-EnglishLanguageand Composition

-English Composition and Literature

3)In meeting the Reading and Written Expression competency requirement,course work is the primarymeasure of competency.However,competencymay be met through credit-by-examination, as determined bythe individual colleges.

Completion ofthe college assessment examinEnglishand achievement ofa score determinedcomparable to satisfactory completion of ENGLISH 101.Studentswhoplaceintoan ENGLISHcourseabovethelevelof ENGLISH101 are deemed to have met the competency requirement. (BoardRule6201.12, Title 5, CCR, 55063).

  1. Competency Requirements and General Education Area D

Assessment cannot be used to waive General Education requirements. Students who meet Mathematics and/or Reading and Written Expression competencies through assessment must still complete the LACCD Associate Degree Area D General Education course and unit requirements.

  1. Curriculum Alignment:

In order to ensure that local requirements are aligned with the California State University General Education Breadth (CSUGE Breadth) and Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) patterns, all courses meeting the following requirements will be honored as satisfying the competency requirements for the Associate Degree.

  1. Completion of a course that meets the California State University General Education Breadth (CSUGE Breadth) requirement in Area B4: Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning and/or the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC ) in Area 2A: Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning shall meet the Mathematics Competency.
  1. Completion of a course that meets the California State University General Education Breadth (CSUGE Breadth) requirement in Area A2: Written Communication and/or the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) in Area 1A: English Composition shall meet the reading and written expression competency.
  1. ProcessforRevisingThis Regulation

1)Anycollegeor Discipline Committeemaymake a request to the DistrictMath and English Councilstoconsiderincludingor excludingcoursesor examinationson the list ofapproved courses and examinations asstatedinsectionII(a)above.

2)TheCouncilthen forwards its recommendation to approve or disapprove the Discipline Committee recommendation to the DistrictCurriculumCommittee(DCC)for consideration.

3)If the recommendation to add a course or courses tothe list isapproved and thereisnoappeal,theChair of the DCC shall forward the change to the EducationalSupportServices Division for revisionsto thisregulation.

4)Eitherthe Math and English Councilsorthe DistrictDisciplineCommittee can appealthe DCC’s decision to the District Academic Senate. Ifthere is an appeal,the Senate will reviewthe appeal and make a final decision.

Original Issue Date: February 25, 1986

Initiated by: EducationalPrograms and Institutional Effectiveness

Dates of Changes: September 11, 1996; August 1, 2005; March 18, 2010; August 11, 2016; July 6, 2017

References: Board Rule 6201.12, Title 5, CCR, 55063

The Los Angeles Community College District does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admissions or access to, or treatment of or employment in, its programs or activities. Requests for alternate formats can be made by contacting the ADA Compliance Administrator, 770 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90017, (213) 891-2213 voice, (213)891-2408 TTY, (213) 891-2295 fax.

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