Family name:Zajazi

First name:Kelmend

Date of birth:6 April 1970

Citizenship:Macedonian (ethnic identity: Albanian)

Marital status:Married


2003 - PresentPostgraduate Studies- Public Policy and Management, University of Pittsburgh,

GraduateCenter for Public Policy and Management in Macedonia

Master in Public Policy and Management (to be obtained by June 2005)

1989-1997 Faculty of Medicine, University of Prishtina,

Medical Doctor, General Practitioner

1984-1988 High School of “Zef Lush Marku”, Gymnasium

Working experience

Feb.2003-presentAssociation Development Specialist,

Development Alternatives Inc.

Local Government Reform Project, USAID Macedonia

Major activities involved in:

- Asses the needs, develop institutional development strategies and implement TA & training programs for the Association of Mayorsof the municipalities in Macedonia (ZELS), the Association of Municipal Financial Officials (AFO) and the Association of Public Enterprises (MAKKOM);

- Develop the capacity of ZELS Policy Committees to develop policy positions and advocate for the implementation of the Government Operational Plan on Decentralization;

- Manage the grant support to ZELS and AFO.

Octob.'01-Feb.'03Program Assistant,

ECHO, European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office

Duties included:assessing the needs in different sectors of responsibility [food distribution, structural reforms (de-institutionalization process) in the health and social sector, water and sanitation networks, income generating projects and others], formulation of appraisal report upon reviewing the project proposals submitted by ECHO partners, closely monitoring and reportingto Brussels on the project implementation status;evaluating projects after com-pletion;co-ordination with ECHO partners, with Government officials and various local organisations; advise the office on ECHOs strategy and responses to specific situations; taking part in preparation of financial decisions; conception and drafting of reports on political and operational situation; maintaining the ECHO Database and the filing system.

Sept.'98-Oct.'01Program Officer, Democracy Network Program

Institute for Sustainable Communities

Major job responsibilities:

Planning, developing and managing the NGO Development component DemNet in Macedonia (designing Evaluation Criteria and Application Packages, reviewing and evaluating project proposals, awarding grants and effecting grant agreements, monitoring work of grantees, evaluating the grant program). Planning and conducting Organizational needs assessments for DemNet partner NGOs to develop their Institutional Building Strategies. Delivering technical assistance/consultation on Project Management and Organizational Strengthening and on increasing public participation in decision making processes. Planning, organizing and facilitating Networking meetings (for a group of 54 NGOs). Assisting in writing editing and producing ISC’s Newsletter. Coordinating the NGO Sector Assessment in Macedonia;

Apr. – Aug. ‘98General Practitioner, at a private practice inSkopje

Apr.‘97–Apr.'98 FinishedResidency upon graduation from MedicalSchool,

Faculty of Medicine, University St Kiril and Metodij, Skopje

Training received

1-16 November '01"International Fellowship Program"on NGO Governance - Board Development, held in Washington D.C., delivered by Boardsource (former NCNB) The program included: Training on "Critical Components of Effective Governance", attendance on the "Leadership Forum", training on "Self Assessment for Governing Boards", etc. (see:
September 2001"Open Space Technology - Be prepared! To be surprised", training of trainers workshop held in Utrecht, Netherlands, organized by “Engage! Interact”
August 2001“Playing with fire”, theatre workshop on conflict resolution held in Skopje, delivered by Goran Golovko, Split, Croatia

June 2001 “Alternative Models for Engaging Citizens in Local Initiatives”, Borovec, Bulg, delivered by Peter Stokes, Foundation for Civil Society in Birmingham, UK

May 2001“Interpersonal skills”, workshop held in Skopje, delivered by Grady McGonagill, Boston, USA
February 2001“Team Building”, Skopje, McGonagill & Associates, Boston, USA

November 2000“Organizational Assessment Process”, training of trainers workshop held in Skopje, delivered by Goran Buldiovski, EuropeanYouthCenter - Budapest

July 2000“Management of NGOs”, International Visitor Program of the United States Department of State in Washington DC, Los Angeles, Seattle, Bozeman and Atlanta, USA.
March 2000“Conducting Participatory Organizational Needs Assessment”, workshop in Sofia, Bulgaria delivered by Management Systems International, WashingtonD.C.
July 1999“Train-the-Trainers: Adventures in Learning”, 3 days workshop in Ohrid, delivered by Katrina Geurkink, “Out of the box Consulting Group”, Vermont,USA.

September 1998“Fundraising and sustainability planning”- workshop in Sofia, Bulgaria, delivered by 2 trainers from the Institute for Public Studies of The John Hopkins University, USA

Training delivered (highlights)

July 2004“AFO Board Restructuring; Preventing Conflict of Interest”, workshop for the Association of Finance Officers in Macedonia, co-facilitated with Alan Beals,

June 2004“Basic Board Responsibilities; Board Recruitment Process”, workshop designed for CIRA (former ISC) staff in Skopje

May 2004“Principles of Good Governance - The Basic Board Role and Responsibilities” training for the board members of 2 MCIC partners in Kosovo (WAWY, and KDC).

April 2003"Monitoring and Evaluation" staff development training for the Norwegian Church Aid personnel in Kosovo

April 2002"Governing and Managing an NGO" training for 25 NGO representatives, organized and funded by OSI (SOROS) Macedonia

March 2002Training on "The role of NGOs in the Civil Society" and "Project Cycle Management", organized by OSI Macedonia

July 2001Organized a three days training for DemNet NGO Partners on “Role of Civil Society in the current conflict in Macedonia” in partnership with Peter Stokes, Foundation for Civil Society, UK.

June 2001Three days networking meeting “What can Macedonian NGOs do for Peace and Partnership between different ethnic groups in Macedonia?” in Ohrid, Macedonia - using the “Open Space Technology”.

May 2001Organized and facilitated The Networking Meeting of 50 NGOs on “Code of Conduct and Self-regulation of CSOs in Macedonia”, Ohrid, ISC Macedonia in partnership with Catherine Shea, ICNL, WashingtonDC.

March 2001“Defining the mission of the organization, NGO Management and Fundraising”, workshop in Ohrid within the Roma NGO Capacity Building of the Roma Program of Open Society Institute (OSI), Macedonia

December 2000“Building the institutional capacity of the Roma NGOs”, workshop in Mavrovo, Roma Program of OSI, Macedonia

October 2000“Project Design Workshop”, training introducing the project cycle management and logic framework approach to 50 NGOs of Democratic Network Program (prepared training manual, delivered training and evaluated the training event)

September 2000“Organizational Assessment”, training session for the DNP partners that participate in the Community Action Planning in DNP

1998-2000Participation and co-facilitation in all of the workshops delivered by ISC’s training team through the course of DemNet on the following topics: OD/IS (Organizational Development /Institutional Strengthening), Managing NGOs, Public Policy and Coalition Building, Media Relations, Fundraising, Partnership between NGOs, Local Government and businesses and seminars on Local Environmental Action Planning.

Key qualifications

-Provided TA and Training in Project Cycle Management, Program Development, Monitoring and Evaluation, Institutional Development, Non-profit Governance to more than 200 local and international organizations.

-Experience in managing and overseeing complex development and relief programs: structural reforms (de-institutionalization process) in the health and social sector, water and sanitation networks, income generating projects, food distribution, etc;

-Implementation of Local Government Reforms / Decentralization of government competencies;

-Conducted Needs Assessment, Organizational Assessment and Program Evaluation short term missions.


January 2002"A Handbook of NGO Governance", October 2004, The Central and Eastern Working Group on Nonprofit Governance (co-author)

January 2002"The prospects of NGO Governance in Macedonia", an article for MCIC Bulletin - issue # 12

September 2001"What is Code of Conduct for NGOs", an article for the ISC Newsletter "Power to the People", summer 2001

August 2000"Open Space Technology", an article for the ISC Newsletter "Power to the People", October, 1999.

Membership of professional bodies

Since March 2004Member of the governing body of Civic Society Platform of Macedonia

Since May 2002Member of the International European Working Group on Non-profit Governance

Since April 2002Member of the Advisory Committee for the Civic Society Programof the Open Society Institute (SOROS Foundation) of Macedonia

Other relevant experiences:

January 2004Developed a Policy Issue Paper on: “Financial viability of Public Communal Enterprises (PCE) in Macedonia”, and presented it to PCE and donor community

21 November 2003Keynote speaker in the plenary session "Will Decentralization mean grater Local Democracy?" within the Third Forum of the Civic Society in Macedonia

September 2003Conducted an Organizational Needs Assessment forthe Association of Public Enterprises (MAKKOM) using the Integrated Organizational Model.

January 2003Conducted a Needs Assessment mission for 3 MCIC partners in Kosovo (WAWY, KDC and KWI) within the MCIC Transition Program in Kosovo; produced reports and recommended capacity building strategy for year 2003.

30 October 2002Keynote presentation during the plenary session "Ethical standards and the responsibility in the Civic Society", within the Second NGO Fair in Macedonia

Since April 2002 Member of the Advisory Board for the Civic Society Programof the Open Society Institute (SOROS Foundation) of Macedonia

June 2002ECHO Regional Seminar on "Linking Relief with Development and The Lessons Learned from ECHO in the Balkans" held in Sveti Stefan, Montenegro

Since May 2002Member of the European Working Group on Nonprofit Governance, established by Boardsource, to develop governance principles applicable for CEE civic societies

April 2001Member of the Evaluation Panel reviewing applications for the Micro-project Grant Program of The European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights – European Commission, managed by MCIC.

January 2001Participated in the Evaluation Panel to review and recommend applications for the “Organizational Financing” Grant Program of MacedonianCenter for International Cooperation (MCIC).

December 2000“Future Development of Civil Society in Montenegro”, roundtable of Donors and NGOs, held in Podgorica, Montenegro.

October 2000“Working In Accordance With Macedonian Laws”,Legal Status & Employment Obligations for Macedonian NGOs, organized by Deloitte & Touche, held in Skopje

May 2000“Community-Based Education for Sustainability in the Globalized World”, International Conference held in Plock, Poland.

February 2000”Shared NGO experiences and future development”, International Conference in Tirana, Albania organized by ORT.

October 1999“Democracy Network Program Directors Meeting”, in Budapest, Hungary, organized by Freedom House and USAID, WashingtonDC.

1998-2000Planning and organizing Networking Meetings.

(Organized 3 networking meetings for 27 DNP 2 partner NGOs. Have applied the Open Space Technology, covering the following topics: “Building Coalitions among DemNet NGOs”, “Exchanging experiences and insights from the implementation of DemNet II”, and “Strengthening NGO sector in Macedonia- Experiences, Possibilities and Strategies”).

Language Skills
Language / reading / speaking / Writing
English / 5 / 5 / 5
Macedonian / 5 / 5 / 5
Serb-Croatian / 5 / 5 / 5
Bulgarian / 3 / 4 / 3
Turk / 3 / 3 / 2
Albanian / Mother tongue

Additional skills

- Computer skills Windows, MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook), Page Maker / Quark XPress, as well as basic knowledge about FrontPage, Arc View and Microsoft Access.

- Driving licenseCategory B


William Althaus, Chief of Party, DAI, LGRP/USAID, (tel: 02 3113 188; )

Donato Chiarini, Head of the EC Delegation in Macedonia(tel: 02 122 032)

Dr. William N. Dunn, Director, MacedoniaGraduateCenter for Public Policy and Management, and Professor ofPublic Management and Policy, Professor;(tel: +389 2 306-3560; )

Aldo Biondi, ECHO Skopje - former Head of Office (++02119666; )

Terry Armstrong, former ISC Country Director, currently Head of Mission of Peace Corps in Albania( USA Phone: 925-449-8949 Fax: 925-606-1443)

Nafi Saracini, Advisor for Civil Society, EC Delegation Skopje (tel: ++ 389 70270313; )


ECHO implementing partners are UN Agencies, Org. of the Red Cross Movement and International NGOs including: UNHCR, UNICEF, WHO, IFRC, ICRC, HI, AAH, CRIC, etc.