GUESTS: See sign in sheet
COUNCIL PRESENT: Dan Millward, Mike Bovey, Paul Schlader (Glen Hibbs excused)
Mayor called meeting to order at 6:00 PM
Prayer: Mayor Schneider
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comments: Mayor Schneider recognized Betty Heater, the new Mayor-elect and congratulated her. He offered any help that he could give.
APPROVE AGENDA: Motion by Paul Schlader, seconded by Mike Bovey to approve the agenda. Roll call vote: Mike Bovey aye, Paul Schlader aye and Dan Millward aye.
APPROVE MINUTES: Motion by Mike Bovey seconded by Dan Millward to waive the reading and approve the minutes of 10-25-17. Roll call vote: Mike Bovey aye, Dan Millward aye, and Paul Schlader aye.
FOLLOW-UP HILL STREET PROJECT. Mayor Schneider explained to the Council that there are still grant funds left in the two separate sidewalk projects, $38,000 in the ramp project and $50,000 in the Safe Routes to School project. Knox Concrete will be replacing the broken curb at 6th and Hill. The City has also requested a quote from them to put in some ramps at Highway 12 and Hill Street. ITD informed us that the roughly $50,000 left in the sidewalk grant will have to be requested next year. Councilman Schlader said that he feels there should be ramps put in at the school.
- Knox Pay Request (Final)- $7,680.25. Motion by Paul Schlader, second by Dan Millward to approve this request. Roll call vote: Mike Bovey aye, Paul Schlader aye and Dan Millward aye.
- Riedesel Pay Request- $1,462.16. Mike Bovey motioned that this pay request be approved and Dan Millward seconded. Roll call vote: Mike Bovey aye, Paul Schlader aye and Dan Millward aye.
ADA RAMPS. These are what are covered with the ITD grant that still has about $38,000 left in it.
SPEED SIGNS. Mayor Schneider said that the City has been turned down for this grant for 2 years, mainly because of the lack of relevent statistics. Christine McNall has agreed to write a new grant requesting these funds. Paul Schlader made the motion to approve Christine go ahead with the grant and Dan Millward seconded. Roll call vote: Mike Bovey aye, Paul Schlader aye and Dan Millward aye.
MONTHLY AND INTERIM BILLS: Motion by Mike Bovey, second by Paul Schlader to approve monthly bills in the amount of $82,612.29, interim bills in the amount of $70,962.59 and payroll in the amount of $53,092.80. Roll call vote: Mike Bovey aye, Dan Millward aye, and Paul Schlader aye.
MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORTS: Motion by Dan Millward, seconded by Mike Bovey to accept the monthly financial report for October 2017. Roll call vote: Mike Bovey aye, Paul Schlader aye and Dan Millward aye.
KELLER ENGINEERS- WWTP. Stillman Norton from Keller Engineers updated the Council on what is being done and what will need to be done before the City can apply for a DEQ grant to make repairs at the wastewater facility. He is preparing a letter of interest application that will be sent to DEQ. Paul Schlader made the motion to pay Keller $850 for this application and Mike Bovey seconded. Roll call vote: Mike Bovey aye, Paul Schlader aye and Dan Millward aye. Stillman said that this DEQ grant is a 50% funding. Following the letter of interest, including a formal narrative, a formal grant request would be filed. This alone would cost between $50,000 and $60,000. Mayor Schneider felt that this should be discussed once the new administrator takes over in January.
Also, Stillman said that Keller is willing to write an LRHIP grant at no charge for crosswalks etc. He mentioned also that the City of Lewiston used a company called Morgan Industries for concrete work and that they do very good work.
ALLEY MAINTENACE- BETWEEN FIR AND CEDAR STREETS. Mayor Schneider reported that the alleyway by the car wash has developed problems again and floods. It was suggested that the alley be bladed and then apply bull rock and finally gravel. Dan Millward made that motion and Paul Schlader seconded. Roll call vote: Mike Bovey aye, Paul Schlader aye and Dan Millward aye.
- Deputy Bowman Certification. Marshal Gaston presented Deputy Bowman his plaque containing his POST Basic Certificate. He was congratulated by the Council.
- Request for Bullet-proof Vest. Motion by Dan Millward, second by Paul Schlader to approve the payment of $900.00 for a bullet-proof vest for Deputy Bowman. Roll call vote: Mike Bovey aye, Paul Schlader aye and Dan Millward aye.
COUNCILMAN MILLWARD- 2 BEAR RESCUE. Councilman Millward has checked into this helicopter rescue company and whether or not they would be willing to assist our EMS with backcountry rescue. Kamiah is in their impact area and they seem to be willing to be involved. The Council feels as though this would be worth looking more into.
Adjourned at 6:37 P.M.
Dale Schneider, Mayor Ken Law, Administrator