Early Lap
Developmental Two’s Assessment
Child’s Name:______
Teacher Name:______
/ Score + / - / Date Assess / Comments21 Months / Creeps backward down stairs
Walks with one foot on walking board
24 Months / Jumps in place
Walks approximately on line
Jumps from bottom step
28 Months / Walks backwards
30 Months / Stands up from supine
36 Months / Hops on one foot-2 or more hops
Walks up and down stairs, alternating feet
Balance on one foot
/ Score + / - / Date Assess / Comments21 Months / Builds tower of 5-6 cubes
22 Months / Completes 3-piece formboard (circle, square, and triangle)
24 Months / Attempts to fold paper
Builds tower of 6-7 cubes
Imitates vertical stroke
Imitates circular stroke
Adapts to reversal of formboard in 4 trials
Turns pages of book singly
27 Months / Makes train of cubes
Imitates drawing vertical line, horizontal line, and circle
30 Months / Builds tower of 8 cubes
Holds pencil with thumb and forefinger instead of fist
Imitates cross
33 Months / Builds tower of 10 cubes
Imitates “bridge” of blocks
36 Months / Copies circle
Adapts to formboard reversal
Adds 2 parts to incomplete person
Cuts across paper with scissors from one side to the other
/ Score + / - / Date Assess / Comments21 Months / Builds tower of 5-6 cubes
Follows 3 directions
Names 2 objects
22 Months / Completes 3-piece formboard (circle, square, and triangle)
24 Months / Names 3 objects
Builds tower of 6-7 cubes
Refers to self by name
Comprehends and asks for “another”
Names pictures
Points to 4 body parts
Adapts to reversal of formboard in 4 trials
Hands objects similar to a familiar sample
Understands 2 prepositions
27 Months / Makes train of cubes
Imitates drawing vertical line, horizontal line, and circle
Repeats 2 digits
Understands size difference
30 Months / Shows or tells use of one or more familiar objects on request
Names or identifies objects by use
Builds tower of 8 cubes
Points to 7 pictures
Names 5 pictures on a picture card when asked, “What is this?”
Imitates cross
Gives full name
33 Months / Names or points to self in photograph
Responds correctly to “Show me on block (or finger)”
Builds tower of 10 cubes
Imitates “bridge” of cubes
36 Months / Copies circle
Adapts to formboard reversal
Adds 2 parts to incomplete person
Points to small details in pictures
Names 8 pictures correctly
Understands 3 prepositions
Joins in nursery rhymes and songs
Answers correctly “Are you a boy or a girl?”
/ Score + / - / Date Assess / Comments21 Months / Speaks 20 words
Names 2 objects
Follows 3 directions
Asks for food when hungry. May ask for toilet or drink also
Speaks in 2-word sentences
24 Months / Names 3 objects
Refers to self by name
Comprehends and asks for “another”
Names 3 pictures
Points to 5 pictures when asked to do so
Uses pronouns – I, you, me – not always correctly
Points to 4 body parts
Understands 2 prepositions
Speaks 50 or more words
30 Months / Uses plurals
Shows or tells use of one or more familiar objects on request
Names or identifies objects by use
Names 5 pictures
Points to 7 pictures
Gives full name when asked
33 Months / Follows 3-step directions
Responds correctly to “Show me one block (or finger)”
36 Months / Understands 3 prepositions
Joins in nursery rhymes and songs
Names 8 pictures correctly
/ Score + / - / Date Assess / Comments21 Months / Creeps backward down stairs
Steps upstairs with hand on rail
Replaces some objects where they belong
22 Months / Put shoes on part way
Unwraps candy
24 Months / Squats, holds self, or verbalizes toilet needs
Takes off clothes, with help on buttons
Pulls off and on pants or shorts
Spoon feeds without excessive spilling
30 Months / Dries own hands
Helps carry and put things away
33 Months / Dresses with supervision
Puts on coat unassisted
34 Months / Puts on shirt or dress unassisted
36 Months / Walks up and down stairs using alternating feet
Pours well from pitcher
Puts on shoes
Undresses completely without help
Unbuttons front buttons
44 Months / Seldom has accidents with bowel movements
Goes to toilet alone
60+ Months / Bathes self with some supervision
/ Score + / - / Date Assess / Comments24 Months / Begins to claim and defend ownership of personal things
Initiates own play activities
Enjoys role-playing; wraps up doll and puts to bed
28 Months / Inflexible and rigid in behavior
33 Months / Begins “associative play” activities
Names or points to self in photograph
36 Months / Plays simple group games (i.e. “Ring Around the Rosey”) with adult help (Cooperative play)
Joins in nursery rhymes and songs
Answers correctly to “Are you a boy or a girl?”
Verbal scolding replaces physical aggressiveness