IVInternational Festival of Robotics, Programming and Innovation technologies
“RoboLand 2018”
Annex to the Regulation on the
“RoboLand 2018” IV International
Festival of Robotics, Programming and
Level 3. Category: for intermediates (no restrictions on experience)
Contests are held in pairs (a duel) in different parts of the symmetrical arena. The objective is for a self-contained robot to complete the course while capturing and transporting the skittles found to the start zone in the shortest possible time.
The trajectory of the courseshall be available for review prior to the attempt, after placing robots in quarantine.
1. Requirements for Robots
1.1. Dimensions (width x length) of a robot shall not exceed 250x250x250mm, during the contest, the structure of a robot may change autonomously (without operator intervention).
1.2. Weight of a robot shall be unlimited.
1.3. The body of a robot shall not in any way damage the arena surface, otherwiseit may constitute elimination of a team and further disqualification.
1.4. The contestshall be held only for self-contained robots.
1.5. There shall be no restrictions on programming language.
2. Requirements for the Arena
2.1. The arena dimensions shall be 1.2x2.4m. In the center (2-5cm above the arena surface) and on the edges of the arena,there shall be an outstandingboard which prevents the movement of an opponent’s robot on the other half of the arena.
2.2. Thearenashallbe composed of white or black sections (puzzles) of 30x30cm with black or white patterns.
2.3.The trajectory made up of puzzles shallbe a closed line, except for the Start zone and sections of the approach to acommonskittle.
2.4.While constructing of the arena from puzzles,it shall be kept to symmetry of the two parts, relative to the position of the central common skittle placement.
3. The Rules of the Contest
3.1. A team shall begin thecontestafter the judge's signal. By this time,a robot must be completely located in the "Base Camp" start zone. After the judge’s command,teams’ operatorsshall simultaneously launch their robots.Robot adjustmentshall beallowed before the start of the contest for 0.5 minutes at the judge's permission.
3.2. Time allotted for the whole course completion and transportation of skittles to the start zone shall be two minutes.
3.3. Transportation of skittles to the start zonemay be in any order with the exception of the Common skittle, it shall bein the "Base camp" the last.
3.4. Pointsshallbeawardedforskittles shifted from their locations.
3.5. An attempt shall be considered accomplished:
3.5.1. Afterarobotcompletesthecoursefromthestartzoneandback, deliversalltheskittlestothestartzoneandafterthecorrespondingjudge’scommand.
3.5.2. Afterthetimeallottedto complete the courseis over (2 minutes).
3.5.3. Afteranattemptisstoppedbyateammemberwithaloud "STOP" command, whilearobotisinthestartzone.
3.5.4. Anattemptshallbeconsideredaccomplishedand a team shall be a loser if: Arobotleavesthearenaor/andthecourse. Thejudgestopsanattempt,ifitisimpossibleforarobottocontinuethecontestand / or ifitlosestheability to movefor 5 seconds (to be stipulatedbythejudge). Arobottriestoovercomeoneoftheboards of the arena.
3.6. Uponthecompletionofthecourse, arobotshallstopitselfin the start zone.
3.7. Location of puzzles shall be variedfor each following attempt (with the subsequent complication of trajectory and increasing the number of skittles to 5, including the Common skittle).
3.8. Thetimeofanattempt, as well as the score,shallbefixedinthescoresheet by the judge.
3.9. The judges' decisionsshall not be discussed, the objections shall not be expressed.
3.10. The appeal shall besent to the Organizing Committee before the end of this type of contest. In the absence of representatives of the Organizing Committee, the appeal shall be sent to the judge of the contest.
4. Points
4.1. The judge shall disclosepuzzles and skittles layoutprior to the start of each round of duels.
4.2. Accounting of points:
№ / Criterion / Points / Description1. / Any skittle is delivered and stored in the start zone "Base Camp." / 30 / A skittle is completely in the start zone in the upright position (on the arena surface), without touching other sections with any of its parts.
2. / A skittle is pushed out or / 10 / A skittle is out of the start zone in the upright position without touching the trajectory line with any of its part including in the robot capturing position.
A skittle is overturned / 10 / A skittle is out of the start zone, not in theupright position, NOTonthe opposing team’s half of the arena.
A skittle may touch the start cell or the trajectory line.
3 / A common skittle is pushed out / 10 / A skittle is out of the start zone, on a team’s half of the arena.
A skittle may touch the start cell or the trajectory line.
After contact with the opponent’s half of the arena, a team who has a skittle on their half shall be awarded with points.
4 / TheCommon skittle is delivered not the last / -10 / A robot touches the Common skittlebefore pushing out, overturning, or delivery of the other skittles. After that, the points for pushing out and overturningshall not be awarded.
4.3. Scores and time of an attempt are announced after a duel.
5. Deciding the Winner
5.1. Duelsgrid shallbe formed by the draw oflots. The format may be the following (depending on the declared number of contestants):
5.1.1. "Circular." Each team shall compete with each one (when a minimum number of teams is registered).
5.1.2. "Groups." The winner, who advances to the next round of duels, shall be determined in a subgroup.
5.1.3. "Play-off". The winner of a duelshall get the right to compete with the winner of another duel.
5.1.4. Otherformats.
5.2. The format of the contestshall bestipulated by the judge and declared prior to all the duels.
5.3. The winner of aduelshall be announced according to the number of points.
5.4. When equal scores, the winner shall be considered the team with shortest time.
5.5. When equal time and scores, there may be an additional duel (for the final and semi-final) or both of the teams advance to the next stage of the contest.
- Flexibility of the rules may take place when the number of contestants changes, which may have little effect on the content of the order, but its basic concepts should be followed.
- Contest organizers can make changes or exceptions to the order before the event, after which they are constant throughout the event.
- Participants shall be informed about changes or cancellation of the contestorder in advance (no later than 15 minutes) prior to the contest.
- Adjusted rules shall remain unchanged during the contest.
1.Teams and competitors are personally responsible for the operability and safety of the robots, as well as they are responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan for any accidents caused by the actions of team members or their robots.
2. The organizers are not liable in the case of an accident or an emergency caused by the actions of team members or their equipment.
- robolymp.ru