Applying forEmergency travel documents
Emergency Travel Certificates are issued to South Africans who have to travel urgently for reasons of
- death
- sickness or
- other emergency or urgent matter
The emergency travel certificate is valid for a maximum period of 9 months but only for a single trip.
the following documents to be submitted to apply for an Emergency Travel Certificate:
1.A duly completed applicationForm BI-73
2.Your original identity document and a copy thereof
3.If under 18 years, the prescribed consent by parents must be furnished. See requirements under Tourist passports for persons under 16
4.Written motivation for the issuing of the Emergency Travel Certificate, along with any proof of the urgency of the trip (e.g. confirmation of funeral arrangements, doctor’s letter confirming sickness, etc)
5.A schedule of your travel arrangements
6.Proof of your South African citizenship in the form your South African identity book, birth certificate or old passport and a copy thereof
7.Two colourphotographsthat comply with the Passport and ID Photograph Specifications
8.Payment of the prescribed fee of 5300 tenge e.g. copy of the bank transfer slip.
Payment of the above-mentioned application fee may be made through a bank transfer to the following account:
Beneficiary name: South African Embassy in Kazakhstan
Bank Name: JSC SB “RBS (Kazakhstan)” Astana Branch
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan 010000
6/1, Kabanbai batyr av.
TRN 600400527301
BIN: 040150020673
Iban Number : KZ81922KZT0002225697
Currency: KZT
Kbe: 21
NB: Please indicate the name of applicant and send us copy of receipt by email or fax (7172) 925329. Only applicants who submit their applications in person at our office may alternatively pay the application fee in cash; such applicants must however, ensure that they have the exact amounts, as no change is available from our office.
Бенефициар: Посольство ЮАР в Казахстане
Наименование банка: АО ДБ “RBS (Kazakhstan)” филиал Астана
Адрес: 010000, г.Астана, пр. Кабанбай батыра 6/1
РНН: 600400527301
БИН: 040150020673
Номер счета: KZ81922KZT0002225697
Валюта: тенге
Кбе: 21
010000 010000, Астана
6/1 Kabanbaibatyravenue Пр.Кабанбайбатыра 6/1
Business centre “Kaskad” Бизнес-центр “Каскад”
17th floor Этаж 17
Astana, Kazakhstan