curriculum vitae
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Personal information
Name / DOBREV, Milen Dobrinov
Address / 11 Burov str., 7000 Rousse, Bulgaria
Telephone / 00359 82 821999
Fax / 00359 82 825873
E-mail / ;
Nationality / Bulgarian
Civil Status: / Married
Date of birth / 04.11.1975
Work experience
• Dates (from – to) / April 2005 – to date
• Name and address of employer / Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 3a Tzar Ferdinand blvd., 7000 Rousse, Bulgaria
• Type of business or sector / Business services
• Occupation or position held / Executive director
• Main activities and responsibilities / Overall operative management of the Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Management of national and international projects, carried by the RCCI.
• Dates (from – to) / February 2002 – March 2005
• Name and address of employer / Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 3a Tzar Ferdinand blvd., 7000 Rousse, Bulgaria
• Type of business or sector / Business services
• Occupation or position held / Manager of the Business Information department
• Main activities and responsibilities / - Management of the Business Information Department at the RCCI;
- Supervising and coordinating the overall information activities and business services for the companies from the region
- Coordinating/managing chamber projects, carried out by the RCCI on a local level, and by the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on a national/international level.
- Managing the organization of all chamber events
• Dates (from – to) / January 2001 - February 2002
• Name and address of employer / Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 3a Tzar Ferdinand blvd., 7000 Rousse, Bulgaria
• Type of business or sector / Business services
• Occupation or position held / Internet marketing Expert
• Main activities and responsibilities / / - Promoting companies from the region, establishing contacts between Bulgarian and foreign companies via the Internet;
- Consulting and assisting the local companies in using all means and opportunities of the Internet in their marketing activities;
- Informational maintenance and design of the RCCI's web-site, as well as the electronic version of the chamber's bulletin.
- E-Business development, introducing new Internet technologies, Internet services and business information providing;
• Dates (from – to) / March 2000 – December 2000
• Name and address of employer / Military unit (during the compulsory military service)
• Type of business or sector / Military service
• Occupation or position held / Assistant at the Information and Secret Department
• Main activities and responsibilities / Information supervising and processing (including confidential and top-secret information), working out plans of the activities (monthly, annual), etc.
• Dates (from – to) / September 1997 – March 2000
• Name and address of employer / Ukrainian-Bulgarian company Unity ltd., 44 Borisova str., 7000 Rousse, Bulgaria
• Type of business or sector / International trade and distribution, transport services
• Occupation or position held / Marketing consultant (on a part-time basis)
• Main activities and responsibilities / Responsible for conducting researches over the Ukrainian and Bulgarian market, promoting the company and establishing contacts with Bulgarian and foreign partners, export trade development of the company
Education and training
• Dates (from – to) / November 2003 – December 2003
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training / Eurochambres - The Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry, The Chamber House, Avenue des Arts, 19 A/D, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered / Carrying out of an Acquis Communitaire Audit among the companies (training in the European Legislation for the Business – directives, regulations, laws, etc.), under the Eurochambres’ project “CAPE”
• Title of qualification awarded / Auditor in the field of Acquis Communitaire
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate) / Professional training
• Dates (from – to) / June 2002 – July 2002
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training / Bildungszentrum am Mueggelsee – Berlin, Gemany
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered / - European marketing
- Marketing and promotion
- European support programmes
- Foreign business relations
- Practical training at a selected German company
• Title of qualification awarded / Zertifikat (certificate in the topics covered)
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate) / Professional training (theoretical and practical)
• Dates (from – to) / September 1994 - July 1999
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training / Rousse University “Angel Kanchev”, Bulgaria, Business and Management faculty
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered / European Studies (by the joint programme with the Humberside University - Great Britain). The programme included: EC Law, EC politics, EC economics, social sciences, management, marketing, public relations and communications, etc.
• Title of qualification awarded / / Master in European Studies
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate) / University education
• Dates (from – to) / August 1990 - July 1994
• Name and type of organisation providing education and training / Economic school – Rousse, Bulgaria
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered / Market Economy with intensive study of foreign (English) language – micro and macroeconomics, marketing, management, statistics, informatics, accounting.
• Title of qualification awarded / Diploma in market economy
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate) / High school education
Personal skills
and competences
Acquired in the course of life and career but not necessarily covered by formal certificates and diplomas.
Mother tongue / Bulgarian
Other languages
• Reading skills / Excellent
• Writing skills / Excellent
• Verbal skills / Excellent
• Reading skills / Very Good
• Writing skills / Very good
• Verbal skills / Good
• Reading skills / Good
• Writing skills / Basic
• Verbal skills / Good
Social skills
and competences / Ability to adapt and work with other people or teams; Good abilities for socialization, even in multicultural environment;
Many of these abilities and skills were acquired during the university education (Theoretical and practical training in many subjects in the field of interpersonal communication and teamwork; Participation in different student programmes), as well as during the work experience (Participation in many projects, including international – see Appendix I, participation in multinational workteams).
Organisational skills
and competences / Strong coordination skills, developed mainly during the work at the Rousse chamber of commerce and industry, especially in coordinating or participating in several chamber projects [See appendix I]
Well developed organizational skills – I had the main responsibilities for the organization of all chamber events (business forums, meetings with the businesses, trainings, seminars, etc.)
Technical skills
and competences
With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc. / Computer skills (Acquired during the years at the university and the professional experience):
- Word processor (MS Word, Open Office Writer, Star Office Writer, Wordperfect)
- Spreadsheet (MS Excel, Open Office Calc, Star Office Calc)
- Presentations (MS Powerpoint, Open Office Impress, Star Office Impress)
- Agenda (MS Outlook)
- Graphic Tools (Photoshop, Corel Draw)
- Web Editors (MS Frontpage, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Macromedia Flash)
- Reporting / Databases (Business Objects, MS-Access)
- Desktop publishing (Page Maker, MS Publisher)
Work with computer hardware and peripheral computer devices (Acquired during the years at the university and the professional experience)
[ Describe these competences and indicate where they were acquired. ]
Artistic skills
and competences
Music, writing, design, etc. / / - graphic design – during the years at the university I was partially occupied in computer design and desktop publishing;
- web design – several web projects published ( the overall concept and project development/supervision of the website of the Rousse chamber of commerce and industry –
- photography (mainly natural photography) – as a hobby
- technical drawing and interior design – as a hobby
Other skills
and competences
Competences not mentioned above. / Public relations and marketing skills – acquired at the university and applied at the professional experience
Driving licence(s) / Yes
Additional information / Publications:
• Trade Secrets: The Export Answer Book for Small and Medium-sized Exporters - Bulgarian adapted vesion (publication of the Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the basis of the original publication and the know-how of ITC UNCTAD/WTO - Geneva). Co-author (2002)
• Success Stories in the field of export – additional handbook to the “Trade Secrets: The Export Answer Book for Small and Medium-sized Exporters”. Co-author (2003)
• Adoption of the European Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) as a tool for implementing the regional policy in Bulgaria (2004)
Annexes / Annex I – Projects experience
Annex II – Key qualifications and additional trainings
Date: 16 November 2018Signature:…………………………………..
Appendix I
(Starting from the most recent)
Bulgaria: USSMERR (University Science and SMEs in Ruse Region)
The main objective of this proposal is to raise the awareness among the local community about the scientific potential on local level and opportunities to implement it in real industrial projects, based on the co-operation between university departments and SMEs.
Position: PR and information expert
(Sixth framework programme of the European Commission, 2005)
Bulgaria: Job Agents
The project aims at introducing a new practice and methodology in the field of personnel recruitment, based on the know-how from Great Britain (the so-called “Job Brokerage”). Under this project a centre for testing and development of young specialists is established, which will serve as a useful tool for the companies in appointing qualified personnel.
Position: Coordinator and member of the testing committee.
(Department for International Development – DFID, United Kingdom, 2003-2004)
Bulgaria: Pathways
The project aims at supporting SMEs from Bulgaria (mainly from Rousse region), specialised in the field of tourism and services. The project activities are directed in management training and consulting, distance learning on the basis of practical case studies, presented in the Internet, as well as in different education materials.
Position: RCCI Coordinator
(PHARE, Ministery of Regional Development and Public Works, 2003-2004)
Poland (multinational): European Lifelong Learning Advisor (ELLA)
This long-term project aims at establishing of a lifelong learning advising practice (developed in the western European countries) in the east-European countries like Poland, Bulgaria, Lithuania, and Hungary. The project includes a deep analysis of the current situation in the countries and developing a strategies for establishing such system in all target countries. The partnership consortium includes partners from 7 European countries – Germany, Sweden, Austria, Poland, Bulgaria, Lithuania, and Hungary.
(Leonardo da Vinci II Programme, 2003-2007)
Bulgaria: Trade Secrets: The Export Answer Book for Small and Medium-sized Exporters.
A survey of 300 SMEs and various organizations involved in exporting to identify the Bulgarian companies’ 100 most commonly asked questions and to provide their answers. Also, to identify the most commonly utilized resources to assist the companies when attempting to answer these questions. All the above will result in a publication titled: Trade Secrets: The export Answer Book for Small and Medium-sized Exporters.
The project is to create an adapted version of the publication, completed by ITC UNCTAD/WTO on the basis of a know-how, provided by the same organization.
Position: Consultant and co-author; responsible for the adaptation of topics, concerning the export marketing, the role of the Internet in the export business, the transport and documentation, as well as for the overall formatting of the electronic version of the product.
Bulgaria: Trade Secrets (Phase II): Success stories in the field of export
The project aimed at issuing a handbook, containing description about successful case studies from the export of Bulgarian companies. The handbook is officially published as the second part of the Trade secrets handbook
Position: Consultant and co-author of one of the case studies; responsible for the adaptation of case studies, as well as for the overall formatting of the electronic version of the product.
(2001, 2002)
Bulgaria: SME export marketing through Internet
A project in partnership between Jakob Modeer, MYCCI – Bulgarian office, and the Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The project aimed at improving the opportunities for local SMEs to market their products and services through the Internet.
As an Internet marketing and ICT expert, Milen Dobrev is responsible for practical implementation and follow-up of a direct marketing campaign as well as assistance in preparation of a company presentation.
(Open Society – Rousse, Bulgaria; ongoing)
Bulgaria: Internet and Information Centre development
Internet Marketing expert, responsible for:
1) Representing the Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the regional business opportunities; acquiring, evaluating, analyzing, annotating, and disseminating the daily information incoming from local companies and partners of the RCCI through setting up and maintaining an information system and network.
2) Researching and studying the RCCI members’ and local businesses’ needs; to disseminate trade leads through the Internet aiming to find new markets and partners.
(Open Society – Rousse, Bulgaria; 2000-2001)
Bulgaria: Stimulating the activities of the apparel companies through the system of Apparel Commerce G.m.b.H. - Germany
The project aimed at establishing direct business relations between the apparel producers from central and Eastern European countries (Bulgaria) and companies from the Western European countries as well as overall assessment of each apparel company and its potentials to fulfill the contracts with the western European partners.
ICT expert, responsible for assisting the local businesses (within the framework of the RCCI Internet center activities) to carry out an e-business after their assessment at the Apparel Commerce system.
(Apparel Commerce Deutschland G.m.b.H., 2001)
Appendix II
(Starting from the most recent)
- September, 2004 – Training in cluster development, held in Vienna and Linz, Austria. Exchange of experience and studying the Austrian experience in cluster building and its application in the socio-economic conditions in Bulgaria
- January, 2004 – Workshop and work meeting under the ELLA project (a multinational partnership project in lifelong learning advising), held in Warsaw, Poland. Learning of the best work practices and project team building.
- December, 2003 – Participation in the A.B.C.'s Workshop on Cluster Building held in Sofia, Bulgaria. Training in cluster development and management, exchange of experience, etc.
- November 2002 - Participation in the A.B.C.'s Workshop in E-Business, held in Bucharest, Romania. Training in E-Business strategies development; acting in the conditions of the “New Economy”.
- October - November 2002 – Professional training at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Lueneburg/Wolfsburg, Germany in Foreign business relations, Marketing and promotion, E-business, Regional development, Support programmes for the SMEs, etc.; Exchange of experience in the field of the chamber activities and chamber cooperation projects. Overall duration – 1 month;
- April 2002 - Participation in the A.B.C.'s Workshop in Lobbying before European institutions, held in Sofia, Bulgaria. Training in different practices and lobbying techniques for lobbying.
- 29.10 - 02.11.2001Participation in the A.B.C.'s Workshop for chambers' managerial cadres on the "Industrial and Enterprise Policy of the European Union", organised within the framework of the liaison project ABC - DIHK (Association of the Balkan Chambers - Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce), Athens and Levadia - Greece
- May, 1999Pre-graduation training at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Sofia, Protocol department, Southeastern Europe department
- May, June 1993Professoinal training at the Economic bank - Rousse branch
- May, June 1992Professoinal training at the Economic bank - Rousse branch
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