Monclova Township Board of Trustees April 20, 2015

Working Session 4:45 PM: For the purposes of obtaining signatures from the Board of Trustees for payment of the bills. Agenda items were reviewed; department head meeting with Fire Chief.

General Session: The regular meeting of the Monclova Township Board of Trustees commenced with the Pledge of Allegiance at approximately 5:30 PM.

Roll call of members: Trustee Chuck Hoecherl, present; Trustee Brian Craig, present; Trustee Barbara Lang, present; Fiscal Officer Gavin Pike, present.

Address the Board:

-Lt. Luettke, Lucas County Sheriff’s Department, discussed process for calling 9-1-1; noted prom season issues

-Monclova Firefighters’ Association representative Rick Gabel addressed the Board to discuss firefighter awards banquet. Hoecherl noted approval of $3,156 last year. Lang commented on service awards for longevity. Hoecherl moved, Craig seconded, to approve up to $3,505 reimbursable expenses not including alcohol. Mr. Pike called roll: Hoecherl, yes; Craig, yes; Lang, yes.


Hoecherl moved, Craig seconded, to approve Resolution 04202015-01 designing John Zeitler as Township Director on the Board of Directors of the Lucas County Land Bank for a three year term beginning May 22, 2015. Mr. Pike called roll: Hoecherl, yes; Craig, yes; Lang, yes. Lang suggested the four major township’s take turns with position in future.

Fiscal Officer’s Report:

Moved by Trustee Lang, seconded by Trustee Lang, to dispense with the reading of the April 6, 2015 minutes and approve as submitted by Fiscal Officer Pike. Mr. Pike called roll: Hoecherl, yes; Craig, yes; Lang, abstain.

Moved by Trustee Hoecherl, seconded by Trustee Lang, to approve payment of the bills as presented by Fiscal Officer Pike totaling $185,712.58. Mr. Pike called roll: Hoecherl, yes; Craig, yes; Lang, yes.

Old Business:

Community Center Site Assessment-Chair noted Working Session discussion seeking formal request for specific action. Administrator Grim and Maintenance Superintendent Bucher will work with Center.

TMACOG (5:50 PM) discussion. Hoecherl moved to appoint Barbara S. Lang as the second representative to Toledo Metropolitan Area Counsel of Governments. Roll Call: Hoecherl, yes; Craig, yes; Lang, yes.

New Business: None

Department Reports:

Zoning: Violations reviewed.

Fire~Rescue: Lang moved, Craig seconded, to authorize the purchase of one MSA Evolution 5600 Thermal Imaging Camera with vehicle kit at a total cost of $6,815 from Fire Safety Services per their quotation dated March 12, 2015. Chief noted a total of three of these type of devices will be owned by the township. Mr. Pike called roll: Hoecherl, yes; Craig, yes; Lang, yes.

Monclova Township Firefighter Tim Ellithorpe honored at Safety Counsel meeting for life-saving intervention while he was off duty. Board in agreement that attendee should submit reimbursement for dinner expense.

Road Maintenance: Superintendent gave update on park improvements. Noted future need for parking lot re-pavement at Community Park.

Township Administrator’s Report:

Board reviewed report. Administrator noted correction from previous memo regarding Bicycle FixIt Station, The item was donated by Team Toledo Triathlon Club. Lang asked for copy of draft policy and procedure manual.

Citizen Comment: None

Public Hearing:

Hoecherl moved, Craig seconded, to close the General Session and open the public hearing to continue the discussion for zoning resolution. Roll Call: Hoecherl, yes; Craig, yes; Lang, yes.

Section 11: Planned Unit Development-Discussion regarding open space in PUD. Hoecherl-Pond is open space in his opinion. Discussion on why Plan Commission recommended change to entire pond considered open space. Plan Commission also wanted perimeter to be considered as part of open space. Wagner commented on that area being used as buffer.

Chuck Barchick, past president of HOA, commentary; trustee discussion (6:15 PM). Board in agreement to keep current language. Section 11.7-three year timeframe was acceptable to trustees with the caveat that “work must be completed by..” Wagner commented on Waterside taking 17 years to complete. Legal counsel will suggest language for plat-by-plat process (6:26).

Section 12: Hoecherl inquired about Zoning Commission recommendation: 12.3(b) Site Plan-suggested one year with discretion to Zoning Administrator for extension. Board agreed.

Change “up to 20.”

12.4(c) Predominate exterior building material: Pre-fabricated textured panel add additional language in ‘discouraged:’ “Un-tinted, smooth, pre-fabricated panel.” Lang suggested adding definition of smooth face versus textured, versus tinted.

12.4 C paragraph 5 Allow high intensity colors, black, and metallic in trim areas. Discussion regarding discretion with Zoning Administrator. Legal counsel will suggest language to allow for Zoning Administrator discretion. Will re-visit. Craig suggested language (6:48 PM) to send to Zoning Commission for architectural issues. Board agreed.

Fire Chief-Section 12.2(b) insert add “Fire Chief” to language (6:50 PM)

Section 13: Landscaping Requirements-Lang suggested dumpster should be added to landscaping requirements; discussion. Hoecherl suggested encouraging dumpsters to not be perpendicular to roadway. Access concern.

13.3(c) 1- trees in parking lots discussion – 6,000 square feet restrictive. Need larger threshold of size; tiered. Wagner will work on language. Lang suggested concentrating on perimeter treatments.

Wagner discussed Zoning Commission recommendation for 13.3 A 2. Recommended language from Zoning Commission “No vegetation or any type of landscaping material that causes a sight distance issue shall be permitted in the right of way.” Board agreed.

13.3 (d) additional buffering requirements-abutting property – landscaping planting strip – doubled is recommendation for Plan Commission. Discussion regarding “triple the planning material.”

13.4 change to deciduous trees to 3”; similar to 13.3(c)1 language that Wagner will be working on.

Hoecherl 30x24 shrub is mature shrub - as a minimum that might be restrictive. Many plants cannot be bought at that. Wagner suggested minimum mature height. Wagner will work on language. Will add pear tree to list.

13.5(b) three year installation.

13.5 B Language will be removed.

Proposed Language: Replacement plants shall conform to the approved landscaping plan. Dead or failing to thrive trees, shrubs, ground cover and other plant materials shall be replaced within the next planting season. Landscaping shall be maintained and shall be kept free of noxious weeds. Board in agreement.

14.6 Recommended Language “It shall be unlawful to locate, erect, construct, reconstruct, enlarge, change, maintain or use any building or land in violation of any regulation in or any provisions of this resolution or any amendment or supplement thereto adopted by the Board of Trustees. Any person, firm or corporation violating any regulation thereto, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined the maximum penalty allowed under the Ohio Revised Code Section 519.99. Each and every day during which such illegal location, erection, construction, reconstruction, enlargement, change, maintenance or use continues, may be deemed a separate offence.” Board agreed.

Hoecherl continue public hearing May 4 at 6 PM.

Hoecherl asked for public comment; none.

Hoecherl moved, Lang seconded, to close hearing and return to General Session. Roll Call: Hoecherl, yes; Craig, yes; Lang, yes.


Moved by Hoecherl, seconded by Lang, to adjourn at approximately 7:30 PM. Roll: Hoecherl, yes; Craig, yes; Lang, yes.

ATTEST: ______BOARD OF TRUSTEES Accepted 05/04/2015

Gavin S. Pike, Fiscal Officer


Charles V. Hoecherl


Brian D. Craig


Barbara S. Lang

Roll calls taken in random order. Official minutes will display signatures. This meeting was electronically recorded. Audio is available at during that same calendar year. Also on file in the Office of the Fiscal Officer in accordance with the township’s Records Retention Schedule.