I HEREBY GIVE YOU NOTICE THAT a meeting of the Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Prospect House, Hexham on Monday 12 April 2010 at 6.45 pm, when the following items will be discussed:-


1.  Declarations of interest - planning applications only. [See memorandum].

2.  To consider Planning Applications received [list enclosed].

3.  [at 7.00 pm approximately] Apologies for absence.

4.  Council will hear residents on any matters they may wish to raise in regard to Hexham.

5.  To agree the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on the 1 March 2010 enclosed.

6.  Matters arising, if any.

7.  Declarations of interest. [See memorandum].

8.  Accounts for Payment [list enclosed].

9.  To receive Planning Decisions [list enclosed].

10.  Committee reports [if any].

a.  To receive minutes of the Armed Forces Day Working Group meeting held on the 2 March 2010, enclosed.

b.  To receive minutes of the Burial Board Management Committee meeting held on the 22 March 2010, enclosed.

11.  Correspondence.

12.  Grant Aid applications 2010/11. See enclosed list of applications with details supplied by applicants.

13.  ‘Freedom of Hexham’. See proposal enclosed.

14.  Wentworth Bowls. Minute 4828d refers.

15.  Any urgent matters at the Chairman of the meetings discretion. [Matters to be raised under this item should be written out [if possible] and handed to the Chairman of the meeting or the Clerk of the Council before the meeting begins].

Derick Tiffin,

Clerk of the Council.

5 April 2010

Hexham Town Council

Council Office, St Andrews Cemetery

West Road, Hexham NE46 3RR Tel: 01434609575






4822.  PRESENT. Councillor T Robson the Town Mayor in the Chair together with Cllrs: G C Ferguson, J V R Hare, A Snowball, N J Holder, D Kennedy Mrs. I C Whale, Mrs. B E Smith, A R Travis, J B Jonas and M F C Donnelly.

4823.  DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST [PLANNING APPLICATIONS]. Cllrs. T Robson, J B Jonas, J V R Hare and A Snowball declared a personal interest in application 20100129 as they were known personally to the applicant.

4824.  PLANNING APPLICATIONS. It was AGREED there were no objections to the planning applications received in accordance with the list[s] circulated and attached hereto. With particular regard to the applications for the fixing of brackets [for display of banners] to various premises in Market Street, they were all fully supported by the Council.

4825.  APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. Mrs. C J Robinson, Mrs. J E Lloyd and P Dixon.

4826.  PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. Mr. P Clark asked that the problem of cars parking on pavements at Hencotes and at the Hospital be addressed. It was AGREED the NCC and Police be asked to take action on these matters.

4827.  MINUTES. It was AGREED the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on the 1 February 2010 having been circulated, be signed as a true record.


a.  HEXHAM HOUSE. Minute 4807 refers. No reply had yet been received from the NCC but the query had apparently been forwarded to the ‘appropriate officer’.

b.  ARMED FORCES DAY. Minute 4809a refers. Cllr. T Robson reported the ad hoc Working Group had RECOMMENDED any funding required should be taken from Contingency or Remembrance Day budget headings. This recommendation was AGREED however it was also noted the ad hoc working group expected the event would be self financing and it was therefore further AGREED any profit would be donated to the Help for Heroes charity.

c.  HONORARY BAILIFF AND STEWARD OF HEXHAM. Minute 4809b refers. It was AGREED the reception for this annual event should in future be preceded by the monthly Council meeting which should start at 6.00pm, the reception to follow at 8.15pm.

d.  WENTWORTH BOWLS. Minute 4820 refers. Receipt of a copy of a report to Northumberland County Council by Hexham Indoor Bowls Club was noted. It was AGREED Councillors be emailed a copy for information. Hard copies are also available on request from the Clerk. It was noted it may be possible to allow for indoor as well as ten pin bowling and this was currently being investigated by North Country Leisure. It was AGREED this subject be an Agenda item for the April meeting.

4829.  DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. There were no declarations of interest.

4830.  ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT. It was AGREED to authorise payments in accordance with the lists circulated and attached hereto.

4831.  PLANNING DECISIONS. It was AGREED to receive the decisions of Northumberland County Council on planning applications in accordance with the list circulated and attached hereto.


a.  BURIAL BOARD MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. Cllr J V R Hare, Chairman of the Burial Board Management Committee presented the Minutes of the Committee meeting held on the 25 January 2010. The recommendations made were AGREED.

b.  REMEMBRANCE DAY WORKING GROUP. Cllr J V R Hare on behalf of Michael Way, Chairman of the Remembrance Day Working Group, presented the Minutes of the Working Group meeting held on the 8 February 2010. The recommendations made were AGREED.

c.  CHRISTMAS LIGHTS DISPLAY WORKING GROUP. Cllr J V R Hare presented the Minutes of the Working Group meeting held on the 8 February 2010. It was noted Minute 65 should have read ‘Suspend’ and not ‘Disband’, and subject to this change the recommendations were AGREED.

4833.  NCC LIBRARY CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE. It was noted a Council representative was invited to attend the Library Committee meeting on 25 March 2010 at Prudhoe library however no Councillor present was able to attend.

4834.  SCHOOLS ATTENDANCE AT A COUNCIL MEETING. It was noted the invitation for pupils to attend a Council meeting had been accepted for the meeting to be held on 7 June 2010.

4835.  FAIRTRADE TOWN. Cllr N J Holder advised that Hexham’s Fairtrade status had been renewed for 2010. He also regrettably had had to resign as the Council representative on the Fair Trade Organizing Committee. It was noted nomination of a successor would be dealt with at the Annual Council meeting in May.

4836.  VICTIM SUPPORT. A request for a donation had been received. It was AGREED it should be considered alongside other applications when the Council considered Grant Aid applications.

4837.  ROAD CLOSURE. It was noted Tanners Row will be closed to all vehicular traffic on 22/3/10 to 23/3/10.

4838.  POLLING STATIONS. It had been suggested additional stations be sited in the West Ward. This will bring additional costs to the Council for each poll may cost £2000 to £5000 for every polling station provided. However this matter was not considered further as the Electoral Officer had subsequently decided to review the provision of all polling stations after the forthcoming General Election.

4839.  TYNEDALE CRICKET CLUB. It was AGREED the Council supported the application for grant aid currently being made by Tynedale Cricket Club to Northumberland County Council.

4840.  NEXT MEETING. The next meeting of the Council will be held on 12 April 2010.




Payee / Detail / Cheque amount / VAT / Net of VAT / Cheque number / Ref.
Safe & Secure 24 / Alarm monitoring [April] / 16.27 / 2.12 / 14.15 / Ddb / 5031
Kantara Ltd / Web site domain service / 58.75 / 8.75 / 50.00 / 105801 / 5060
Northumberland C Council / Rates 2010/11 / 1078.55 / 1078.55 / 105802 / 5030
The Sawd Partnership / 10 Eco coffins / 1586.25 / 236.25 / 1350.00 / 105803 / 5029
Viking Direct / Stationery / 77.47 / 11.54 / 65.93 / 105804 / 5047
David Dixon / Latex gloves / 6.12 / 0.91 / 5.21 / 105805 / 5028
Valerie Leverett Memorials / VLM grave saddles / 1139.75 / 169.75 / 970.00 / 105806 / 5029
Lloyd Ltd / Supply and fit new tracks to Kubota digger / 1121.45 / 167.03 / 954.42 / 105807 / 5027
Matthew Charlton / Paints and various / 26.87 / 4.00 / 22.87 / 105808 / 5028



Payee / Detail / Cheque amount / VAT / Net of VAT / Cheque number / Ref.
D Tiffin / Postages refund / 40.00 / 40.00 / 105818 / 5045
Staff wages / April / 8539.08 / 8539.08 / 105740/6 / 5049
NCC Local Govt. Pension Scheme / April / 2122.07 / 2122.07 / 105809 / 5050
HM Revenue & Customs / PAYE 1 / 2330.23 / 2330.23 / 105810 / 5049
Stokoe Rodger / Bookkeeping fee / 352.50 / 52.50 / 300.00 / 105811 / 5017
Institute of Cemetery Management / Membership fee / 85.00 / 85.00 / 105812 / 5051
Rickerby Ltd / 5ltr can + parts / 22.89 / 3.40 / 19.49 / 105813 / 5028
Costco Wholesale Ltd / Bird food / 11.30 / 11.30 / 105814 / 5028
David Dixon / Springbok rake x 3 / 71.76 / 10.69 / 61.07 / 105815 / 5026
W & M Thompson Ltd / Whinstone dust / 229.36 / 34.16 / 195.20 / 105817 / 5031


Payee / Detail / Cheque amount / VAT / Net of VAT / Cheque number / Ref.
Balance in hand / 2148.45 / 5043


Received / Details / Credited / Reference / Date / Reference
Cheque cancelled / Crawford Higgins – NCC fee / 244.66 / 105652 / 010210 / 5061
Various / Cemetery fee / 660.00 / Hdw2010/22 / 010310 / 4003
Various / Cemetery fee / 1650.00 / Hd2010/23 / 020310 / 4003
Various / Cemetery fee / 1045.00 / Hd2010/17 / 040310 / 4003
Various / Cemetery fee / 550.00 / Hd2010/25 / 050310 / 4003
Various / Cemetery fee / 770.00 / Hdw2010/26 / 120310 / 4003
Various / Cemetery fee / 660.00 / Hdw2010/27 / 120310 / 4003
Various / Cemetery fee / 550.00 / Hd2010/28 / 150310 / 4003
Various / Cemetery fee / 1650.00 / Hd2010/29 / 190310 / 4003
Various / Cemetery fee / 3410.00 / Hdw2010/30 / 190310 / 4003
Various / Cemetery fee / 715.00 / Hd2010/31 / 190310 / 4003
Various / Cemetery fee / 440.00 / Hd2010/32 / 260310 / 4003
Various / Cemetery fee / 770.00 / Hdw2010/33 / 300310 / 4003
Various / Cemetery fee / 660.00 / Hdw2010/34 / 300310 / 4003
T Robson / Refund phone account / 12.37 / Cr / 5032



Reference / Description / Decision
20090966 / Amending 20081062 to re site car washing facility at Dale Garage Haugh Lane Hexham / GRANTED
20090622LB / Canopy and play safe area at St Mary’s RC School Hencotes Hexham / WITHDRAWN
20090908LB / Create two separate dwellings Holy Island House Gilesgate Hexham / GRANTED
20091017 / Demolish 12 bungalows and construct 6 x 3 bed houses and 2 x 4 bed houses at 11-22 Holmdale Hexham / GRANTED
20090992 / Two storey side extension 3 Valebrook Hexham / GRANTED
20090994LB / Repaint exterior of 14 Hencotes Hexham / GRANTED
20090812 / Two storey side extension at Leazes Cottage Leazes Lane Hexham / GRANTED
20100129 / Construct weir for hydro turbine at Maiden Cross Allendale Road Hexham / GRANTED



[Please note due to intervention of Easter holidays, the applications in italics have already been returned, considered non controversial by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor].

Reference / Description / Applicants
20100070 / 8 banners on lamp posts and 3 pole signs at Wentworth Car Park Hexham / Hexham Community Partnership
20100120 / One internally illuminated pole sited display unit at Dale Garage Haugh Lane Hexham / Primesite Ltd 14 Windmill Street London
20100090 / Two storey side extension at 2 St Cuthbert’s Lane Hexham / M Winter 2 St Cuthbert’s Lane Hexham
20100159 / Internal illuminated fascia and one totem pole signs at Hi Q Tyne Mills Hexham / NE Tyre and Auto Care Longland Road Middlesbrough
20100176 / Single storey extension /balcony at rear at 5 Shaftoe Crescent Hexham / N Barnes 5 Shaftoe Crescent Hexham
20100187 / Single storey side/rear extension and replace conservatory at 30 Bondgate Close Hexham / J Cotterill Mt Pleasant Allendale
20100183LB / Internal alterations to allow self service machines and first floor interview room at HSBC Bank Fore Street Hexham / HSBC Bank plc 8 Canada Square London
10/00053 / Remove sprinkler tanks and replace with water tank in timber enclosure at Priory School, Dene Park Hexham / Northumberland County Council
20100038 / Change of use - convert and extend agricultural building, install septic tank for agricultural workers dwelling at Shaws Farm Hexham / D Carr Highwood Farm Hexham
20100104 / Change of use from shop to hot food takeaway with restaurant at 1 Newman’s Way Hexham / M Rahman 49A Haig Avenue Whitley Bay
20100158 / Cladding and refurbishment of tyre centre HiQ Services Tyne Mills Hexham / NE Tyre and Auto Care Longland Road Middlesbrough
20100199LB &20100179 / Amending 990599 for garage and outbuildings at Summerods Allendale Road Hexham / M James Summerods Allendale Road Hexham
20100224 / First floor extension with pitched roof at 9 Beech Avenue Hexham / J Finnon 9 Beech Avenue Hexham
20100149 / Internal alterations for office space, enlarge window on west elevation at Chad House Corbridge Ro-ad Hexham / K Scott Northumberland Tyne and Wear Foundation Trust Jubilee Road Gosforth
20100193 / Demolish and construct 3x bedroom single storey dwelling Dukewilley Cottage Allendale Road Hexham / Mr Knowles c/o ‘Wallnook’ Mt Pleasant Allendale
20100136LB / Install steel structure in basement vault new floor joists, replace sash windows at 14 Hallstile Bank Hexham / Dr P Griffiths 14 Hallstile Bank Hexham