Dear Members of the Executive Committee of the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition (RHSC),

Reproductive health programs empower women and men, reduce pregnancy-related health risks, and create positive impacts on the environment and economic development in addition to many other benefits. In its 24 January 2015 issue, The Economist – referencing the work of the Copenhagen Consensus Center – reported that ensuring access to contraceptives is one of the best investments in development, rendering $120 in benefits for every dollar spent.

However, countries and their citizens are only able to reap these substantial benefits when there is access to the needed supplies. Unfortunately, many women and men around the world arrive at health clinics only to find empty shelves. Stockouts limit choice, put women and their families at risk, and disempower health workers and supply chain operators.[INSERT ORGANIZATION NAME]pledges to stand alongside the RHSC and play an active role in resolving stockouts as a participant in the campaign, Take Stock.

[INSERT NAME OF DONOR ORGANIZATION/NGO/GOVERNMENT/CORPORATION AND DESCRIPTION RELEVANT TO REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SUPPLIES AND FAMILY PLANNING SERVICES, e.g. Acme Medical Products is the world’s leading manufacturer of contraceptive implants and injectable contraception. Since 1995, our firm has led the way in the development of new reproductive health technologies and in making these technologies available at low cost throughout the developing world. We were the first international pharmaceutical firm to obtain WHO Prequalification status and we continue to work with national governments around the world to ensure access to our products].

[INSERT ORGANIZATION NAME]has been an active member of the RHSC since [INSERT YEAR]. We fully support the Coalition’s campaign, Take Stock, and its ambitious effort to mobilize our community to speak with one voice about resolving stockouts. To demonstrate our support to Take Stock, we at [INSERT ORGANIZATION NAME] are proud to commit ourselves to the following:

  • [INSERT CONTRIBUTION e.g. Adopting the two FP2020 indicators of the Coalition’s harmonized suite of indicators and submitting data to FP2020 by 2016 ]
  • [INSERT CONTRIBUTION e.g. Adopting the four primary indicators of the Coalition’s harmonized suite of indicators and submitting data to FP2020 by 2016 ]
  • [INSERT CONTRIBUTION e.g.Making all data relating to stockouts of reproductive health commodities publicly available by 2016]
  • [INSERT CONTRIBUTION e.g. Between now and 2017, train XX enumerators to collect and analyze data on stockouts of reproductive health commodities at the SDP level on an annual basis]
  • [INSERT CONTRIBUTION e.g. Between now and 2017, reduce the stockout rate of reproductive health supplies from XX% to XX%]
  • [INSERT CONTRIBUTION e.g. Register XX quality-assured contraceptives in XX FP2020 countries.]
  • [INSERT CONTRIBUTION e.g. Convince XX organizations to sign Take Stock commitment letters.]
  • [INSERT CONTRIBUTION e.g. Use data from the Coalition’s harmonized suite of indicators to advocate for policy change in X countries.]

The successful achievement of our commitment will have a significant impact on the lives and well being of women and families in the developing world.

We applaud the Coalition for its campaign, Take Stock, and its effort to rally the reproductive health community to resolve stockouts. We look forward to working with our Coalition partners to make reproductive health supplies available to those in need across the globe.
