Solo Warm-Up

1. “Alphabet Aerobics” — Blackalicious

(Now it's time for our wrap up

Let's give it everything we've got

Ready? Begin)

Artificial amateurs, aren't at all amazing

Analytically, I assault, animate things

Broken barriers bounded by the bomb beat

Buildings are broken, basically I'm bombarding

Casually create catastrophes, casualties

Cancelling cats got their canopies collapsing

Detonate a dime of dank daily doin' dough

Demonstrations, Don Dada on the down low

Eatin other editors with each and every energetic

Epileptic episode, elevated etiquette

Furious fat fabulous fantastic

Flurries of funk felt feeding the fanatics

Gift got great global goods gone glorious

Gettin' godly in his game with the goriest

Hit 'em high, hella height, historical

Hey holocaust hints hear 'em holler at your homeboy

Imitators idolize, I intimidate

In a instant, I'll rise in a irate state

Juiced on my jams like jheri curls jockin joints

Justly, it's just me, writin my journals

Kindly I'm kindling all kinds of ink on

Karate kick type brits in my kingdom

Let me live a long life, lyrically lessons is

Learned lame louses just lose to my livery

My mind makes marvelous moves, masses

Marvel and move, many mock what I've mastered

[Nephews] nap knowin' I'm nice naturally

Knack, never lack, make noise nationally

Operation, opposition, off, not optional

Out of sight, out of mind, wide beaming opticals

Perfected poem, powerful punchlines

Pummelling petty powder puffs in my prime

Quite quaint quotes keep quiet it's Quannum

Quarrelers ain't got a quarter of what we got uh

Really raw raps, risin' up rapidly

Riding the rushing radioactivity

Super scientifical sound search sought

Silencing stupefied saps that are soft

Tales ten times talented, too tough

Take that, challengers, get a tune up

Universal, unique untouched

Unadulterated, the raw uncut

Verb vice lord victorious valid

Violate vibes that are vain make 'em vanished

Wow, well well, what a wise wordsmith just

Weaving up words weeded up on my workshift

Xerox, my X-ray-diation holes extra large

X-height letters, and xylophone tones

Yellow back, yak mouth, young ones yaws

Yesterday's lawn yardsale, I yawn

Zig zag zombies, zoomin to the zenith

Zero in zen thoughts, overzealous rhyme ZEA-LOTS!...

(Good... can you say it faster?)

2. “Sports Alphabet” — Blackalicious

Now, it's time for our wrap up

Let's give it everything we've got



Alley-alley-alley-alley-oop on amateurs

Air above all and any actors that’s average

Big barbarian basically beasting

Biters get blown up being brave, beatings

Casually, I chef cash cheddar, fools get

Casualties and caught off guard with chin music

Dirty when I drop dimes damaging the dang earth

Devastate the defense detonate danger

Entertainer entertaining everyone and every mass

Enemies is envious ain’t even peep the elbow pass

Fire en fuego flick of the wrist foes in

Fear of the fury left flattened and frozen

Gloves off for the glass jaw by the goons

G.O.A.T of all G.O.A.T.S gone giddy gettin’ through

Human joystick, heating up, heat check BLAM

Hit ‘em hard, hella hyped, hero going H.A.M

I’m isolated on islands it’s over, it’s over

Ice in your veins getting colder

Juke jock jerk to those who aren’t worthy

Jamming through my journey in a jet black jersey

King Kong of K.O.s kid kiss the ring

Knuckle up now with the knuckle buck king

Lemme live a long life leading with my laces out

Right now losers look up cause it’s lights out

My moves marvelous, money shot, massive

Main event, moon-shot, MVP, master

Nails in the coffin knots in their knees, triumph

Nutmeg through their knees nothing but nylon

Opposition oft on the ropes in the octagon

One-two, punched out, lights going off and on

Pillow picked passes of prolific poetry

Power plays, pickpocketing petty phonies

Quest for the cup, it’s quantum y’all, quote me

Quiet all quitters feeling qualms when we’re quarreling

Raw ringside riots relish and remain

Rallying, rough rated rhymes make it rain

Swishin’ on simple soft suckers spitting swag

Slice dice shimmy nothing-but-net, splash

Turnt up, taking out timid minds. Twister

Leave ‘em turnt out, they are truck stick victims

Unstoppable ups, stay uninvolved

Unanimous, universal, year of the underdog

Vicious and vital, victories calling

Volley y’all out victorious velocity

Bob and weave well, wide receiving words woven

Moonwalk when I whip, get the world open

X-celling, X-treme, X-tra X-plosive

X-hilarating X-out competition so quick

Yolo pass rhymes, y’all young bucks fall

Yoga stretch rhymes yelling yiggy yes y’alls

Zero zero zero on the clock, game’s over

Zoomin to the zenith, zero out, in my zone, ZONING!!

Ha ha ha ha


Can you say it faster?

3. “Alphabet Aerobics” — Blackalicious (less highlighted)

(Now it's time for our wrap up

Let's give it everything we've got

Ready? Begin)

Artificial amateurs, aren't at all amazing

Analytically, I assault, animate things

Broken barriers bounded by the bomb beat

Buildings are broken, basically I'm bombarding

Casually create catastrophes, casualties

Cancelling cats got their canopies collapsing

Detonate a dime of dank daily doin' dough

Demonstrations, Don Dada on the down low

Eatin other editors with each and every energetic

Epileptic episode, elevated etiquette

Furious fat fabulous fantastic

Flurries of funk felt feeding the fanatics

Gift got great global goods gone glorious

Gettin' godly in his game with the goriest

Hit 'em high, hella height, historical

Hey holocaust hints hear 'em holler at your homeboy

Imitators idolize, I intimidate

In a instant, I'll rise in a irate state

Juiced on my jams like jheri curls jockin joints

Justly, it's just me, writin my journals

Kindly I'm kindling all kinds of ink on

Karate kick type brits in my kingdom

Let me live a long life, lyrically lessons is

Learned lame louses just lose to my livery

My mind makes marvelous moves, masses

Marvel and move, many mock what I've mastered

[Nephews] nap knowin' I'm nice naturally

Knack, never lack, make noise nationally

Operation, opposition, off, not optional

Out of sight, out of mind, wide beaming opticals

Perfected poem, powerful punchlines

Pummelling petty powder puffs in my prime

Quite quaint quotes keep quiet it's Quannum

Quarrelers ain't got a quarter of what we got uh

Really raw raps, risin' up rapidly

Riding the rushing radioactivity

Super scientifical sound search sought

Silencing stupefied saps that are soft

Tales ten times talented, too tough

Take that, challengers, get a tune up

Universal, unique untouched

Unadulterated, the raw uncut

Verb vice lord victorious valid

Violate vibes that are vain make 'em vanished

Wow, well well, what a wise wordsmith just

Weaving up words weeded up on my workshift

Xerox, my X-ray-diation holes extra large

X-height letters, and xylophone tones

Yellow back, yak mouth, young ones yaws

Yesterday's lawn yardsale, I yawn

Zig zag zombies, zoomin to the zenith

Zero in zen thoughts, overzealous rhyme ZEA-LOTS!...

(Good... can you say it faster?)

4. “Sports Alphabet” — Blackalicious (less highlighting)

Now, it's time for our wrap up

Let's give it everything we've got



Alley-alley-alley-alley-oop on amateurs

Air above all and any actors that’s average

Big barbarian basically beasting

Biters get blown up being brave, beatings

Casually, I chef cash cheddar, fools get

Casualties and caught off guard with chin music

Dirty when I drop dimes damaging the dang earth

Devastate the defense detonate danger

Entertainer entertaining everyone and every mass

Enemies is envious ain’t even peep the elbow pass

Fire en fuego flick of the wrist foes in

Fear of the fury left flattened and frozen

Gloves off for the glass jaw by the goons

G.O.A.T of all G.O.A.T.S gone giddy gettin’ through

Human joystick, heating up, heat check BLAM

Hit ‘em hard, hella hyped, hero going H.A.M

I’m isolated on islands it’s over, it’s over

Ice in your veins getting colder

Juke jock jerk to those who aren’t worthy

Jamming through my journey in a jet black jersey

King Kong of K.O.s kid kiss the ring

Knuckle up now with the knuckle buck king

Lemme live a long life leading with my laces out

Right now losers look up cause it’s lights out

My moves marvelous, money shot, massive

Main event, moon-shot, MVP, master

Nails in the coffin knots in their knees, triumph

Nutmeg through their knees nothing but nylon

Opposition oft on the ropes in the octagon

One-two, punched out, lights going off and on

Pillow picked passes of prolific poetry

Power plays, pickpocketing petty phonies

Quest for the cup, it’s quantum y’all, quote me

Quiet all quitters feeling qualms when we’re quarreling

Raw ringside riots relish and remain

Rallying, rough rated rhymes make it rain

Swishin’ on simple soft suckers spitting swag

Slice dice shimmy nothing-but-net, splash

Turnt up, taking out timid minds. Twister

Leave ‘em turnt out, they are truck stick victims

Unstoppable ups, stay uninvolved

Unanimous, universal, year of the underdog

Vicious and vital, victories calling

Volley y’all out victorious velocity

Bob and weave well, wide receiving words woven

Moonwalk when I whip, get the world open

X-celling, X-treme, X-tra X-plosive

X-hilarating X-out competition so quick

Yolo pass rhymes, y’all young bucks fall

Yoga stretch rhymes yelling yiggy yes y’alls

Zero zero zero on the clock, game’s over

Zoomin to the zenith, zero out, in my zone, ZONING!!

Ha ha ha ha


Can you say it faster?