Application Form

Capacity Building Seminar and Roundtable on LGBTI Asylum


Country of origin/residence
Organisation name
Website address
Your role in the organisation
Mobile phone

We are committed to ensuring outreach and accessibility for LGBTI communities in all their diversity. Therefore, it is very important for us to keep track of the profile of our participants. We would be very grateful if you support us in this by sharing information in the following section.

What gender do you identify with?

Do you identify with any of the following? Highlight those which are relevant to you,if you wish:

Having a disability

Having hearing impairment

Having visual impairment

From a minority ethnic background

Person of a religion or faith










Is there any other information on your identity you would like to share with us?

Part A.Questionnaire

Please provide answers to ALL the following questions:

  1. Please tell us about the work within your organization/group on asylum, and explain what your role is in this work. If you do not yet work on asylum, explain why and how you want to develop activities in this field(max 300 words).
  1. Please describe your understanding of working with LGBTI asylum seekers and outline one key experience you have had working with or for LGBTI migrants; include any information that could allow us to understand your approach to this work (max 300 words)
  1. Why would you like to participate in the seminar, and what would be your contribution? (max 150 words)
  1. We would like to hear from one of your fellow colleagues why your participation in the seminar is important for your organisation and group. Please include a paragraph (max 150 words), and the name and position of the person you chose for writing this reference.

Part B. Visa requirements

If you need a visa, pleasespecify:
Full name as it appears in your passport
Nationality as it appears in your passport
Date of birth
Place of birth
Passport no.
Date of issue of your passport
End of validity of your passport
Contact information of the Embassy you will be applying to for visa (including a fax number and full postal address)

Please email your completed form to andto before 10 September 2017 at 23:00 CET.