• Hello, everyone and welcome to the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Spring 2014Induction. My name is Dr. Stephen Housenick, advisor of the Beta Iota Rho chapter of Phi Theta Kappa. To begin this evening’s ceremony, I would like to introduce our chapter president, Ms. Tara Warnig, who will discuss our chapter officers. Tara.


  • Good evening. I am Tara Warnig, president of the Beta Iota Rho chapter of Phi Theta Kappa here at Luzerne County Community College. I share the honor of chapter officer along with my vice presidents:


  • Merissa Sims (leadership)
  • Vicki Washik(scholarship)
  • Fred Bodman (fellowship)
  • andStephanie Swartz (recording secretary).


  • Also, along with Dr. Housenick, we have Ms. Mary Sullivan as our chapter co-advisor; she is also our college’s director of student activities and athletics.
  • Next, it is my pleasure to introduce to our college president and ardent Phi Theta Kappa supporter, Mr. Thomas Leary. President Leary.


  • President Leary makes a brief statement.


  • Thank you, President Leary.
  • Next, our chapter officers will discuss the Four Hallmarks of Phi Theta Kappa and their specific implantation by individual chapters.

SPEAKERS (Vicki, Merissa, Steph, Tara):

  • The officers speak:
  • Scholarship: promotes intellectual activities primarily devoted to study, research and implementation of the Honors Study Topic, and incorporates Phi Theta Kappa’s primary mission of recognizing academic excellence.
  • Leadership: promotes leadership development by providing resources to prepare members to assume positions of responsibility within Phi Theta Kappa, on their campuses and in their communities, and in the broader civic arena.
  • Fellowship: promotes scholarly camaraderie by engaging scholars and servant leaders from widely diverse circumstances in the Phi Theta Kappa Experience.
  • Service: promotes civic engagement, mainly through participation in an International Service Program, a partnership with an established agency that allows chapters and members to make a difference by focusing on a shared objective.


  • Thank you, officers.
  • Next we are proud to have a past chapter president return to say a few words. Leah & Katie.


  • Thank you, Leah & Katie.
  • Next, our officers will discuss the C4 college completion initiative they participated in.

SPEAKERSon C4 (Vicki, Steph, Merissa, Tara):

  • The officers discuss the C4 initiative via PPT.


  • (Mary S.)
  • Thank you, everyone.
  • And now it is time for the new member inductions.
  • President Leary, Chapter Officers,guests, and fellow Phi Theta Kappa members, I am pleased to present to you these candidates for membership in our Honor Society.
  • These students have fulfilled all requirements for membership and have been selected because they have chosen Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Fellowship as their hallmarks.
  • Therefore, I recommend them for acceptance into the Beta Iota Rho Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society of the Two-Year Colleges.
  • (Dr. H):
  • You are about to be inducted into a scholarly fellowship that embraces the two-year colleges not only of Pennsylvania, but of the nation and the world as well. This fellowship is Phi Theta Kappa and your chapter is Beta Iota Rho. After induction you will find among the members an atmosphere of scholarship, fellowship, leadership, & service to which you must give of yourself in order that the organization may be meaningful to you. Now our officers will explain the symbols of PTK.
  • (Merissa picks up the candle off the table.) I have in my hand a torch, symbolic of knowledge. This is the servant of wisdom which dwells with prudence and leads in the way of righteousness in the midst of the paths of judgment.
  • (Steph) I have the white rose typifying purity and beauty of life, with its white buds signifying intellectual associations. You will be given a white rose as a symbol of our newly formed intellectual friendship.
  • (Vicki) This is the emblem of Phi Theta Kappa. It consists of a golden slab, keyed at the top and bottom. The golden field, like the escutcheon of our coat of arms, refers to the golden opportunities that abound on every hand for Society folk to evidence their culture and perform good works. Since gold is the most noble of metals, it shall have a further significance to our Society, for it shall represent that nobility attained by those who achieve intellectual leadership. Across the slab you will observe a black band. It represents the three ideals which bind us together, and the cultural self-control which is the necessary foundation for true wisdom, aspiration and purity. Shining through the black enamel background are the three Greek letters which are the initials of the Greek words meaning wisdom, aspiration and purity.
  • (Merissa) Behind the band is a wreath, on the one side composed of oak leaves and on the other laurel. The oak leaves stand for stability and strength of character, as symbolized by the sturdy oak. The graceful, curling leaves of the laurel signify achievement and success, all attributes for membership in our Society.
  • (Steph) Above the band is the representation of the head of Athena, a symbol of learning; in the base, appear the Greek letters meaning light, the light of knowledge and learning, the common ideal for members of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. This badge stands as a symbol for the high idealism of our organization and membership in our select group.
  • (Tara) You have studied the Constitution of this organization, the purpose of which is to foster a spirit of devotion to study and to scholarly ideals among its members and whose principles are embodied in the Greek letters which stand for phronimon (frō-nee-mon), thumos (thoo-mōss), katharotes(kath-ah-rō-tees)-- wisdom, aspiration, and purity.
  • NAMES:
  • (Advisors) Now that the standards and ideals of this organization have been fully revealed to you, you shall now be called forth individually to accept tokens of those standards.
  • Will all inductees please stand.
  • As your name is called, please
  • enter the stage on your left
  • sign the Chapter Record Book
  • take a candle
  • a rose
  • and ascroll.
  • (read namesoff index cards)
  • Inductees, please stand and when your candle is lit, please assist the person next to you.
  • Mary and Teddi, will you please light the first candles.
  • This act and the candles themselves represent the fellowship of Phi Theta Kappa and your inspiration to your friends, family, classmates, and community.
  • You are now examples of wisdom, perseverance, sacrifice, camaraderie, and service shining in the darkness of ignorance and selfishness.
  • And now Tara and her fellow officers will lead you in the Pledge.
  • (Tara)
  • Now that you have signed our Chapter Record Book, gathered the tangible expressions of our ideals, and completed your first act of solidarity, you come to take the Official Phi Theta Kappa Pledge, which admits you into complete fellowship.
  • (All Officers) Repeat after me: I __(state your name)___ do solemnly promise on the 10thday of April 2014 to uphold the standards of Phi Theta Kappa, and to keep this object and aim in mind, and I do solemnly pledge allegiance to my fellow members and promise to aid them in all worthy endeavors.


  • Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the new members of Phi Theta Kappa, for the spring of 2014.
  • Please join me in applauding their outstanding achievement!
  • Thank you.
  • Phi Theta Kappans, you may now lower your candle and take your seat.
  • It is my pleasure to welcome you into the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and the lively fellowship of scholars it affords.
  • I salute you for your accomplishment.
  • BUT now I must also charge you
  • to explore always for truth and
  • to dedicate yourselves to the cultivation of the well-reasoned life
  • a prelude to service and honor.
  • Be the candle in the darkness…..and share your light:
  • You are the role models
  • You are the instruments of change
  • You are leaders of tomorrow
  • Thank-yous
  • President Leary (taking time out of his busy schedule & continued enthusiasm & support)
  • Mary Sullivan
  • Teddi Janasov
  • Kathy Goeringer (printing of program & business cards)
  • ECC people: Sheldon Owens, Joe Nester, Mark James
  • Congratulations, again, for your tremendous achievement and continued success.


  • Let us inaugurate the “Fellowship” hallmark by reconvening at the end of the hall for some light refreshments, light cake, and light conversation.