
The Ph.D. program in Instructional Psychology & Technology prepares students to assume positions of leadership in instructional design and evaluation. Graduates may take positions as faculty at other colleges and universities, direct other instructional designers in private or public institutions, or work as an individual consultant. The program requires 3 hours of prerequisite credit, 15-26 hours of Tool credit, 16 hours of Core credit, 2 hours of Seminar credit, a minimum of 12 hours of Internship credit, 6 hours of Project credit, 18 hours of Dissertation credit, and 18 hours of Specialization credit as approved by the student's advisory committee for a total of at least 90 hours. Students may specialize in Instructional Design, Research and Evaluation, or Second Language Acquisition.

1)Entrance requirements:

Acceptable undergraduate GPA; Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Score--verbal, quantitative, analytical; three letters of recommendation; and letter of intent. Note: The GRE must be taken two months in advance in order for the scores to reach the University by the admission deadlines. Students specializing in Second Language Acquisition must have advanced proficiency (as defined by the graduate committee of the language department in question) in their language of focus.

2)Entry Times

Fall Semester and Summer Term entry.

3)Application Deadlines:

The application for admission deadline is February 1st for both U.S. and international students.

Residency Requirements

The instructional Psychology & Technology doctoral program is designed for full time study. All Ph.D. students will be required to complete at least 9 credit hours each Fall and Winter semester to remain enrolled in the program. According to university policy, this means that doctoral students will work no more than 20 hours per week while enrolled in the program.

Full-time BYU employees wishing to pursue a doctoral degree in Instructional Psychology & Technology must first be admitted to the master’s program and successfully complete it. If they then choose to apply for doctoral study, they will need to secure partial or full professional development leave from the university and conform to the departmental policies related to the Ph.D. program.

Prerequisite Requirements

A high level of writing proficiency is required throughout the Ph.D. program. A technical writing course or demonstrated competence is required as a prerequisite. One of the following courses is recommended:

No.Course TitleCredit Hrs. _____

EDLF 617 Professional and Scholarly Writing in Education 3 OR

English 316 Technical Writing 3

Foreign Language and Skill Requirement

There are two options for completing this requirement:

a. Language Acquisition specialization: an equivalent of at least 14 hours of statistics and computer science, and at least intermediate proficiency (demonstrated by test or by coursework completed through the 202 level) in a second foreign language. (This means that students must have two languages in addition to English in order to complete this specialization.)

b.All other specializations: an equivalent of at least 15 hours in statistics and computer science.

The following skill courses or their equivalent are recommended:

No.Course TitleCredit Hrs. _____

IP&T 551Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning 3

IP&T 651Quantitative Reasoning3


Stat 510Intro Stat Grads3

Stat 511Stat Meth. Research 13

Stat 512Stat Meth. Research 23


Psych 501Data Analysis in Psychological Research 15

Psych 502Data Analysis in Psychological Research 25


IP&T 515Microcomputers in Schools1 - 3

CS 103Elementary Computer Applications2

CS 142Introduction to Computer Programming3

CS 404Ethics & Computers in Society2

IP&T 560Microcomputer Materials Production3

Additional courses, as approved by advisory committee to meet the requirements specified above.

Foreign language, skill or prerequisite courses may be taken before or after admission to the Ph.D. program. However, if the courses are taken after admission to the program, they should be completed during the first year.

Core Requirements

All Ph.D. students, regardless of area of specialization, should receive broad training in Instructional Psychology & Technology. Breadth of training allows students to approach problems from several perspectives and increases their overall employability. In order to obtain this broad preparation it is strongly recommended that all students take the following core courses:

No.Course TitleCredit Hrs. _____

IP&T 620Learning Theory OR3

Psych 560Learning Theory3

IP&T 564Instructional Design3

IP&T 652Assessing Learning Outcomes4

IP&T 661Evaluation in Education3

IP&T 672Empirical Inquiry in Education OR3

Ling 600Research Data Analysis OR3

Psych 600RSeminar in Research Methods3

Substitutions may be made for any of the courses listed above upon written justification and approval of the advisory committee.

Department Seminar

The Department holds a seminar each week during the Fall & Winter Semesters on Wednesday at 12:00noon – 1:00 p.m. in 359 MCKB. All students and faculty in the Department are expected to attend this seminar. Students may receive 0.5 hrs. of credit for participating in 80% of the seminar sessions during a given semester by enrolling in IP&T 690R. Two hours of seminar credit (four semesters) are required for Ph.D. students.


The internship is a practicum under the supervision of a faculty member. The student performs work on a professional level for a client who may or may not be within the university community. The internship may or may not involve remuneration.

Students may register for 1 to 3 hours of IP&T 680R every semester they are enrolled in the program, resulting in a minimum of 12 semester hours of credit. Students should plan on working at least three hours per week for every hour of credit. Students may not register for more than 3 credit hours of internship per semester although they may work more than 10 hours per week on an internship. This requirement insures that students are involved in practicum experience throughout their stay in the program and not just during the first few semesters. A document describing the internship requirements in more detail is available from the department secretary.

Comprehensive Examination Projects

Students must pass a written comprehensive examination in order to be advanced to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree. Traditionally, this examination has been a paper and pencil essay exam administered over several days. Such exams may be appropriate for measuring the knowledge a student has gained in the program, but they are very poor in measuring the problem solving skills of development, research, evaluation and measurement which are central to the Instructional Psychology & Technology program. In order to obtain a more valid measure of knowledge and problem solving skills, the comprehensive exam requirement for the Ph.D. in Instructional Psychology & Technology is met by successfully completing two Comprehensive Exam Projects (one in Development; one in Research if dissertation is evaluation or measurement based, or one in Evaluation or Measurement if dissertation is research based).

These projects are essentially take-home exams which each require approximately one semester to complete. The projects are to be conducted in consultation with and under the supervision of a faculty sponsor. Each student is responsible for obtaining a written description from the department secretary concerning each project, its requirements, and procedures for completion and submission.

At the completion of each project, the student must prepare and submit a report of the project to the faculty sponsor following the guidelines listed in the project description documents available from the department secretary. After the completed report is evaluated and given a suggested grade by the faculty sponsor, it is submitted to two additional IP&T faculty members for their independent evaluation. The results of these two evaluations are submitted to the GraduateSchool and averaged with the sponsor's suggested grade to determine the final grade. Receiving passing marks on these evaluations meets the comprehensive exam requirement.

The following course numbers are associated with the projects described above:


MeasurementIP&T 657R3IP&T 652

EvaluationIP&T 667R3IP&T 661

ResearchIP&T 677R3IP&T 672, Psych 500

or Ling 600

DevelopmentIP&T 687R3IP&T 564

Specialization Credit

There are three fields of specialization for Ph.D. students: Instructional Design, Instructional Research and Evaluation, or Second Language Acquisition. Every student is required to take a minimum of 18 hours of graduate credit in the area of specialization.

Specialization Areas

Instructional Design

Students specializing inInstructional Design may select courses from any of the options listed below under specialization courses. However, it is recommended that they emphasize IP&T courses in Development and Production.

Research and Evaluation

Students specializing inResearch and Evaluation may select courses from any of the options listed below under specialization courses. However, it is recommended that they emphasize IP&T courses in Research, Evaluation and Measurement.

Second Language Acquisition

This specialization is a program offered jointly with one of the language departments in the College of Humanities. Students specializing in Second Language Acquisition must meet the following requirements:

a. Take 18 hours of graduate Linguistics and Language courses. Ling 540, Language Acquisition and Ling 660, Language Testing are required for six of these hours. The remaining 12 hours may be selected from those listed under Second Language Acquisition below.

b. Conduct one of the Projects in the area of Second Language Acquisition.

c.Select an advisory committee with at least one member of the committee from the Instructional Psychology & Technology Department and one from the department where the language of specialization is housed.

Specialization Courses

A.Instructional Psychology & Technology Courses

1.Development and Production Courses

IP&T 655 Instructional Print Design and Production

IP&T 665Instructional Visual/Video

IP&T 682Project & Instruct. Resource Management

IP&T 664Advanced Instructional Design

IP&T 760Advanced CAI Programming

2.Research Courses

IP&T 673Research Synthesis and Conceptualization

IP&T 674RInquiry Methods

Naturalistic Inquiry in Education

Quasi-Experimental Studies

Cost-Benefit Analysis in Education


TheoryBuilding & Modeling in Education

3.Evaluation and Measurement

IP&T 653Measurement Theory

IP&T 663Evaluation of Educational Programs and Curricula


IP&T 657R, 667R,Projects

677R, or 687R

IP&T 680RInternships

IP&T 693R Directed Individual Study

B. Other Departments (Undergraduate courses may apply toward prerequisite requirements, but they may not apply towards specialization credit.) Recommended courses include, but are not limited to the following:


Psych 520Advanced Developmental Psychology

Psych 531Organizational Psychology

Psych 535Behavior Modification Techniques

Psych 550Theory & Research in Social Psychology

Psych 560Learning Theory

Psych 565Motivational Psychology

Psych 575Cognitive Processes

Psych 584Cognitive Neuroscience

Psych 655Attitude Measurement & Change

Psych 678RSeminar in Mathematical Psychology

2.Second Language Acquisition

Ling 521Phonology of Modern English

Ling 535Semantics

Ling 550Sociolinguistics

Ling 630Topics in Syntax

Ling 641Interlanguage Analysis

Ling 677Advanced Methodology

Ling 678 Advanced Materials Development

Language(i.e., Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, or Spanish) 670R: Tutorial Internship in Language

Language(i.e., Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, or Spanish) 680R: Special Studies in Language

Language(i.e., Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, or Spanish) 690R: Seminar in Language


Stat 334Methods of Survey Sampling

Stat 435Analysis of Categorical and other Nonparametric Data

Stat 531Experimental Design

Stat 534Sampling

Stat 536Modern Regression Methods

Stat 611Multivariate Statistical Methods


Comms 345Producing and Performing for Television

Hist 490Historical Research & Writing

Anth 442Ethnographic Skills

Phil 305Predicate Logic

Special Seminars

Four or more students with interest in a special, narrow topic of Instructional Psychology & Technology may request that a faculty member sponsor a seminar in that special area. These seminars are associated with assigned IP&T credit. This credit may be used toward the fulfillment of the specialization requirement.

Declared Minors

Students are free to take relevant coursework in any other department on campus as approved by their advisory committee. If a student wishes to declare a minor in another discipline, that student should contact the department concerned for information on requirements for a minor.

Dissertation and Oral Examination

A minimum of 18 hours of dissertation credit, IP&T 799R, is required for graduation. A student may not enroll for dissertation credit until all Projects and Comprehensive Exams are completed.

Once a student has decided on a dissertation topic and identified a chairman and advisory committee, the student must prepare a dissertation prospectus. The prospectus must be approved by the student's advisory committee, the department chairman and the Dean before the study may be conducted.

After the written dissertation has been approved by the student's advisory committee in a preliminary oral exam, the student should make arrangements through the department secretary (a minimum of two weeks in advance) for the final Oral Examination.

A document describing the Dissertation requirements in more detail may be obtained from the department secretary.

Department Enrollment and Progress Policies

To encourage, facilitate and monitor student progress in the program, the faculty has approved the following policies.

According to the Office of Graduate Studies, students should submit a program of study by the third week of their second semester or term. A study list must be submitted before students will be allowed to register for the third semester or term.

Students may not register for internship, project or dissertation credit without approval from their committee chair or sponsor.

Students should not register for dissertation credit until they complete their projects.

Students should not register for more than 4 hours of dissertation credit without an approved prospectus.

Students who do not register for at least 6 credit hours/year will be automatically dropped from the program.

Once students are dropped from the program, they will have to apply to be considered for readmission in February and compete with new students for admission.

Readmission for students who have not completed any course work, projects, etc., for two years will be very unlikely.

The time limit for completing graduate degrees is strictly enforced (five years for master’s degrees and eight years for doctoral degrees).

October 31, 2018